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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. http://www.ocremix.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=14868 That it? Looks like Binnie and Malcos judged this one two years ago. Artist is the same. Can either of you two confirm that it's the same one? Binnie's description seems to fit pretty solidly. Either way, I vote NO, for the reasons Binnie stated in the vote for the last one.
  2. The left handed parts feel too simple; I felt the the arrangement could have sounded fuller, and more expansive. I don't think the simplicity work here; it's a kind of thin, empty sound. Add to that timing issues that seem to be intended as expressiveness, but come off as clumsy, and I think that this song still needs a lot of work. Keep at it. NO
  3. I should probably post my wip. http://shariqansari.com/sandcafe.mp3
  4. It's weird, it's tricky, and it's cutting edge. Not for everyone, but definitely good for OCR. Everything that needs to be said has already been said, including YES.
  5. I think there's too much reverb on this song, specifically on the guitars. The whole thing would just sounds a lot cleaner without it. The soundscape is kind of messy. There's also a lot of repetition going on here; first its the main melody, then an interpretation of that melody that gets repeated over and over again. Arrangement is lacking. I'm not feeling this one; sounds like too much sound shoved into one place. NO
  6. Yeah, ridiculously simple, with gimmicky arpeggiation and terribly generic sounds. No development either. NO
  7. I think this song is strong on a lot of fronts. Like Wingless says, its really a change of density that's going on, rather than overt sparseness. There are a few instances that come up muddy, but I think that the overall arrangement is pretty clear. Nice combination, nice interpretation, nice work. YES
  8. Essentially the same song with distorted guitar doesn't cut it as far as OCR goes. Nice guitar though. Needs more arrangement, and that cymbal needs to be toned down/mixed better. The song sounds kind of muffly. Not a bad listen, but needs more arrangement and better production. NO
  9. Great to see more MMZ2 mixes here. Awesome tricky stuff. YAY
  10. Here's a shot of my most organized project file, the source file for Through the Dark: I usually group patterns by the sections that they cover (A section, B section).
  11. Will probably have to hit up some other place like the VGMix or something to get a better encode of this song (personally I don't think it's that bad at all), but yeah, this song great. Some really solid performances here; check out 1:38 with the crazy fast syncopation; lesser men would flub that line into a mishmash jumble of something-or-other, but not here; it's an excellently executed rhythmic line that locks together throughout the ensemble. ROCK. There's a little medleyitis, like Jesse mentioned, but the transitions work well enough. Nice varying texture thoughout, great production too. The entire ensemble is great. Can't say nothin but YES (ohno doublenegative?).
  12. No, don't bother. Also, this project isn't Hedgehog Heaven, so don't use that as an example of what we're doing here. Ok, sorry. Didn't mean to offend the project. Anyway, ok, final ruling: dump. No 'offense' taken. I'm just saying that this is a different project with a different approach. Trenthian contacted me yesterday; he has a version of his mix finished for the April 1st deadline. Beatdrop, because of computer and health issues (get well soon, bro), will be finishing his remix this weekend, as opposed to today. I wanted to avoid extending the deadline even more, but it seems that a day or two isn't bad.
  13. No, don't bother. Also, this project isn't Hedgehog Heaven, so don't use that as an example of what we're doing here.
  14. Linearity, pretty cool stuff. I'll take you into consideration along with Vilecat. To everyone else, I've been talking to other arists that I know personally about this too, so please don't be disappointed if I go with them. I have not made a decision yet though.
  15. Poor production, bad sounds, zero arrangement. Come on man, it's Icecap. You gotta do something new with it. This sounds so GM; in fact, it really sounds like a lot of the parts are pulled from a MIDI file. Not saying it's a RIP, since stuff is shifted around, but seriously, there's no originality here at all. NO
  16. Batch submit 63 mixes? Did this guy even read the submission guidelines?
  17. http://www.kirbykirbykirby.com/ The official Kirby site. Also, RotS = Revenge of the Sith.
  18. Pads are bleeding together. NOT GOOD! Needs more definition, at least. Kick is too loud, the percussion is repetitive. This is a really boring arrangement too. It's not much more than pyramiding lines together; unforunately the whole stack of sounds comes out sounding as thick as molasses, and muddy to boot. Instruments need more contrast for separation. It's all a mish-mash right now. I love warm pads, but they need to be utilized a lot better than this to be effective. NO
  19. Too much reverb on the percussion, particularly the kick. Don't make it sound like it's being played at a rave; make it sound like it would sound nice if you played it at a rave. Sounds don't really mesh well, the balance is really off. Some weird note choices here and there too. This kind of song doesn't really work if you use a lot of chromatic lines and/or blue notes. Stay diatonic. Needs more clarity, better mastering, and better composition choices. Not bad, but NO all the same.
  20. I'm not asking for CD cover mockups. I'm asking for samples of work you guys have already done so I can discuss what the album cover will look like after I choose an artist. So don't make RotS logos or anything. Just show me a sample of your work, maybe a drawing of Kirby (which will not necessarily be used for the album cover). So far the only impressive stuff I see is Vilecat's, but I'm still waiting on more people before I decide.
  21. Oh man oh man oh man. Awesome. Ice Brain is like the best track in the whole game; this remix TOTALLY does it justice too. Really tight beat + synth integration. Ridiculously groovy (omgbias). It follows the general progression of the original, but all of the parts are sufficiently tricked out for maximum enjoyment and variation. Can't say anything but YES
  22. Hmm...I don't see anything really impressive yet. Vilecat, school works are fine. It will have to fill out a jewel case for a CD; front, back, and sides.
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