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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. Those hats are overpowering everything else. The slow strings are pretty bad for melodic work. Bassline is pretty boring. You need better sounds bro. FL default stuff in this case isn't cutting it. This whole piece lacks energy and is pretty repetitive throughout. I'd have more fun listening to the original NSF. Check out the Remixing forum and post WIPs on the WIP&C board to get some feedback and suggestions on your stuff. You'll learn a lot. NO
  2. Eek! When all those synths come in, it sounds really messy. The sounds themselves are nice, but they're all too similar; they need some distinction, at least. As for the arrangement, it's way too straightforward for what we're looking for here at OCR. This follows the original pretty closely. Needs more interpretation and originality than just your typical genre-adapation. Try for more diversity in your sounds, cleaner percussion, and an overhauled arrangement with focus on changing up the musical ideas. This is a rave mix, but it doesn't make me what to break out my glowsticks or photon lights at all man. NO
  3. This song sounds really empty the whole time. Not much in the way of meshing and harmonic support. Percussion is also pretty weak, and doesn't really interact much with what's going on. There are a lot of dead spots in this song where nothing but percussion is there for a few beats; needs fills! Not much energy. Needs more. NO
  4. Way too loud man. Like Larry said, scale back the high end. I do like the soundscape and overall gritty texture, but it needs to be better mastered. Arrangement is okay, but it does get kind of monotonus like Larry said. That ending section sounds like you're getting into something cool, like a tricky breakdown, but it just ends in a stupid, delayed fade out. Weak! NO, but not a lost cause.
  5. Oh come on man. The texture, sounds, melodic lines, and countermelodic lines are the same. You just changed some samples, added drums, and sped it up. Not enough arrangement. NO
  6. Yeah, gotta give larry a big ? on the realism comments. It's dnb-esque electronica. What exactly is supposed to sound "real?" This is a very creative arrangement. I like the development throughout. Lots of tricky percussive stuff, and the guitar that comes in halfway through brings a nice quality to the overall texture. Good job taking a little-substance original and making something substantial out of it. Good sound, creative arrangement. YES
  7. PRC Results are in, and Gray, Bladiator, and Hemophiliac won with their collaboration, Dreams of Valor. That's another mix done. Time to get crackin, people.
  8. Yes! But... ...where's soundfont player?
  9. That's right. PRC has ended, and there are songs up for voting. I'd like everyone to please head over to the PRC thread and vote in the contest, because they will decide the mix to be included as the theme of Hero of Lore.
  10. It's a fairly straightforward cover of the source music. This whole things sounds sparse and unexpressive. Drums + guitar is pretty empty. Needs a stronger bassline and a lot more interpretation. Definitely suffers from medlyitis. NO
  11. A bit muffly. Other than that, oh man, what a great texture. I love that old school japanese melodic synth/rock sound going on here. I love that section at 2:02; I feel like I'm watching the last episode of some outerspace space anime from the early 90s and the one hero with blue spikey hair flies into a swarm of alien invaders BY HIMSELF and totally blows tons of alien capital ships up. Great arrangement, great texture. Nice work. I was too hasty in my initial evaluation. Upon further reviewal, I can see that much of this song follows the original much too closely. A lot of what I like about this song is actually strengths of the source material, not the remix itself. Not a bad listen, but much to close to the original, and like I did say, a bit muffly. NO
  12. Whoa orch hits. Tone it down there buddy. It's my belief that an orchestra hit is something which should only be used once in every 500 songs written. And when I say once, I mean only use it once in that 500th song. This song is somewhere in the 200s. You get my drift, yes? As for the rest of the song, the harp lead thingy is too resonant and there's too much reverb on this whole piece. There's nothing here but melody, loud drums, and orch hits. NO
  13. There is an overwhelmingly human touch to this song; it's dynamic, expressive, and intimate. Highs are high, and lows are low; it's not what we typically get, but I love it. Midranges might resonate a bit too much for some; I think it's fine. The arrangement is pretty straightforward, but I think the human touches and small intpretations make this piece work. YES
  14. Yikes. Slayer strikes again! Drums are too loud, melody is too soft, everything is too messy, sounds are not defined enough. Pretty repetitive. If you're going to do a punk mix, at least try to make slayer sound like a real guitar. Better yet, use a real guitar. NO
  15. I think it's pretty good. It's got a nice texture and some good 'additive' ideas, like Larry said. That solo around 2:00 is really nice. However, I think that overall it's a bit too close to the original. Some more expansion and stuff like the solo would be good. Try playing around with instrumentation more too. NO, but please try to work on this more and resubmit.
  16. The first half of this mix sounds so sparse and dry, especially when the amen loop comes in. Bassline is so boring in those triplet sections. DUNDUNDUNDUNDUNDUNDUNDundundundundun....... Yeah. What happened to the groovylicious fungus funktion DJ Orange sound I love so much? Did you LOSE YOUR WAY in the MAZE?! The sounds are really cheesy, and seem to do a lot of unison rhythm stuff that doesn't balance out with other elements like percussion. Arrangement is varied, but the progression of ideas feels haphazard. Needs work. NO
  17. No energy here. Simplistic drums and little in the way of development. The sounds are uninteresting and don't seem to build a good texture. Needs more oomph, more development, more ENERGY. NO
  18. This is pretty damn creative. Frentic of course, but really tricky and hi-pulse. Yeah, it has SPC sounds, but it also has other synthwork going on, and the percussion sections are really great. Nice arrangement too; varied and dynamic. Good stuff. Cheesy sax fits the texture of the piece. I like. YES
  19. That's quite a library of sounds you have. Anyway, the sounds are good but the arrangement is pretty boring. Nothing really happens. It's a lot of instruments playing the melody in unison over sustained chords. I'll admit there are some nice bits, but overall, I think you need work work more on concurrently running ideas like countermelody and harmonic support, rather than relying on pretty samples to convey emotion. Needs more. NO
  20. Sounded a bit similar to the original when I first heard it, but I went back and I listened to the original again, and I can see the variation. Lots of nice percussive work here; subtle and dynamic. It really accentuates the piece. Piano is nice, even though its not there much. This is really chill. I wish the flute wasn't as shrill when it hit the high notes, but it's not horrible. Nice texture. Ambient nature sounds are used tastefully. YES
  21. Yo bhai-sahib. This is a pretty good mix. I like the overall texture of the piece; nice strings and piano and stuff. However, that low flute sound just swells way too loud and resonates way too much. Percussion could also use a little variation. Also, the ending is poop. At least FADE OUT instead of just trailing it off like that. I could see myself YESing this, but I think that there are some things that should be looked at before I do. NO (resub)
  22. Yeah buddy. I didn't like the fakey violin in the beginning, but man oh man, the rest of the mix makes up for it. Very dynamic and expressive. Everything locks together quite nicely in this piece. Nice harmonic ideas. Production more than gets the job done. Beautiful. YES
  23. Hmmm...too similar to the original in the beginning. Also, that background synth choir pad thingy playing the arpeggiating line is way too loud and verby; it makes the whole thing sound messy. There's a really crowded sound here. There's no balance here. Everything is just in your face the whole time. NO
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