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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. I'll look over your material. To clarify, I'd like the best/most current work so that I know the mixer's current ability. hmm... does it have to be finished ? or a WIP could work ? I'd prefer finished so I can see arrangement skill, but a WIP would be alright. Can you try to provide me with an MP3 download? The stream on that site sucks (32K), and to download I have to register; the registration asks for home address. I'm not interested in giving that information out.
  2. No, that's not where it belongs. There is no 'Remixers' forum. That's a Remixing forum, about technical aspects of remixing. As for audition material; I don't care if it's remix or original. I just want to gauge the mixer's talent.
  3. The mixer will be allowed to choose any song from the soundtrack (level themes preferred) and choose from any of the first nine ranks to have their song represent. Ex. DarkeSword - Steppin' Out ~ Theme of L'il Traveller ~ (remix of Ice Cream Island theme) something like that. Two exceptions: Ending theme will be Theme of Hero of Lore Last Boss theme will be Theme of Final Star All this will come out during the track selection phase, which starts Friday.
  4. I'll look over your material. To clarify, I'd like the best/most current work so that I know the mixer's current ability.
  6. Mixers will choose the tracks and the rank they wish to represent with their song; I would prefer, however, if they chose level musics, as opposed to map musics. This will all be determined once the Track Selection phase starts next week. Right now I'm just looking for mixers interested in remixing for the project.
  7. That track will be in high demand among remixers, I guarantee. It's one of the best tracks in the game.
  8. He scared everyone off with the audition thing. Well sorry if I did, but I want this project to be of a high caliber. Allowing anyone who's interested to mix isn't going to give me that level of quality; I want the music to be VERY good across the board, so a mixer audition process is essential to making that happen. I'm also still in the process of contacting mixers directly that I would like on this project. If anyone is wondering about a timeline, I'd like to begin track selection sometime late next week (thursday or friday). First WIPs will be due on Halloween, so there is a lot of time to get even a first WIP done.
  10. Kirby's Adventure Remix Project http://kirby.ocremix.org/ - Website, still in progress. Seed the TORRENT! KirbyMixer - 22/57 - Water Drop DONE Darangen - 51/52 - Son of Wind DONE Adhesive_Boy - 41/42 - L'il Traveller DONE analoq - 31/32 - Star Herald DONE Rellik - 55/37/22 - Swift Hunter DONE Suzumebachi - 28/29 - Dream Hunter DONE chthonic - 18/19 - Dream Warrior DONE Trenthian - 1/2 - Star General DONE DarkeSword - 33 - Great Ace DONE DarkeSword - 15 - Final Star DONE Gray, Blad, Hemo- 56 - Hero of Lore DONE Music for RotS is done. We are released. Locking thread for history. ____ Mixing Phase Begun! Kirby's Adventure was (and still is) on of my favorite games, and its soundtrack is nothing short of genius. There are many excellent, high energy pieces with strong melodies and infectious rhythms; this is one of the soundtracks that got me into video game music in general. Here is the soundtrack, in NSF format: Kirby's Adventure [NSF] I'm currently in the process of gathering mixers for a Kirby's Adventure remix project. So far, Rellik, Adhesive Boy, GrayLightning, Suzumebachi, and I are all going to contribute our talents. Protricity has also graciously offered to lend his talents further down the line if this project needs more mixers. I'm looking for about 7 to 8 remixers who are interested in providing a remix. Before anyone writes off this music as being 'too happy,' please listen to the soundtrack. It may be happy, but it's very strong musically. The project will have a limited scope; it will not attempt to remix the entire soundtrack. I do this to make the project manageable; there are many songs in Kirby's Adventure (on the order of 50), and I think that attempting a full soundtrack arrangement project would be a bit overwhelming. The premise is as follows: Kirby's Adventure was one of the games for NES that had built-in cartridge save. Whenever a certain percentage of the game was beaten, the file select screen would display a certain rank or title for you. 11) Hero of Lore 100% 10) Final Star 90% 9) Great Ace 80% 8) Star General 70% 7) Dream Warrior 60% 6) Dream Hunter 50% 5) Star Herald 40% 4) Swift Hunter 30% 3) Li'l Traveller 20% 2) Son of Wind 10% 1) Water Drop 1%-9% For this remix project, I'd like to make 'character themes' for each of these ranks. The theme of Son of Wind would be adventurous, the theme of Water Drop might be calmer; Star Herald could be more heroic, Dream Hunter could be darker, sneakier. You get the idea. At the moment, I'm just looking for some talented people interested in remixing for the project. Be forewarned, however; this is not an open project. Remixers will be chosen through audtion only. If you are interested in mixing for this project, please send me a sample of your current work (in either MP3 or OGG format) to shariqansari @ gmail.com (remove spaces), or post it here in this thread. Thank you for your time.
  11. Well Gecko contacted me and he wanted to know WHATS UP since this has been in the panel for like...6 years. He said that he intended this to be a 'NEW MIX' submission; not a replacement, but that the end decision was ours. PERSONALLY I think replacement is the better option; I just listened to both mixes, and the similarities are just too strong to warrant a new post. EDIT FOR ANYONE READING THIS DECISION While this mix is not different enough to be posted, its still really good. So I recommend tracking it down.
  12. I found the whole thing to be a bit tedious and boring. It didn't feel like this was really going anywhere, except from song to song. Not much of a remix either; it's a cover, as you have indicated with your website's directory structure (...com/covers/mp3s/metroid1.mp3). Seriously though; much too similar to the original. Improv, jam out, do something besides playing what my Nintendo plays. NO
  13. Larry summed it up, basically. Dry and repetitive; I also wanna add that the flute is mechanical as heck man. Sounds aren't that interesting either, especially the one lead sound that's carring the melody. It sounds very generic; something fatter (OR PHATTER, YO!) could have been more beneficial. Not a bad concept but needs a LOT of work in the variation department. NO
  14. Sounds dry and unprocessed. All of the instruments vy for my attention. Very Fruity-esque. OH NO, you used that voice sample. GUH. Totally out of place. Clipping later on. The whole thing just really lacks any kind of energy. I really don't feel any kind of excitement in this piece. Everything bleeds together; there's no coherence. NO
  15. I'm throwing in my opinion for shits and giggles. Don't bother me about this on AIM though. Drums - the changes and variation are subtle, but they are there. There's a fair bit of retriggering going on. Most people prefer something more tricked out; I don't see it as a huge issue, having more subtle drumwork like that. However, drums alone do not make a mix; the other elements are severely lacking. Sounds are unbalanced, and the reverb is weird as hell. The whole thing is TOO loud. Work on mastering. Resubmittable, but still needs a fair bit of work. NO
  16. To clarify my vote; the only issue I have with this song is the really bad note that happens in both iterations of Chrono's Theme in the 3rd minute of the song. If those TWO notes (which are both the SAME bad note) were fixed, I would easily yes it. I think its something that's so simple to remedy, that's why my vote was NO. Otherwise, it's an easy yes for me. There are some instances of interesting choices in the strings, but I don't think they detract from the overall quality of the song so strongly. I also disagree with Binnie's claim of SERIOUS NOTATION ISSUES. They're not serious at all. I would like to see this eventually posted.
  17. It's got a good sound, but there's not much really going on. Intro takes a bit long to get into, and then when the melody finally comes in, the lead is pretty weak, considering its sitting there unsupported by anything aside from the gated rhythm in the back. Basic four on the floor too. Not in the least bit interesting. NO
  18. Definitely some nice guitar playing, but the whole thing is too loud; so much that it clips at times, especially in the opening. Everything seems to be tracked/recorded way too loud here. Piano sounds very detached from the rest of the mix too; as if it were added as an afterthought. There are nice ideas here, but I think the execution needs work. I strongly urge you to work on production issues and resubmit. NO
  19. The beat is simplistic and the sounds are thin. Does NOT sound much like an 'electric guitar.' This song also lacks bass. The arrangement is repetitive, with little variation. Quite amateurish. Sorry dude, but NO.
  20. No dude, this was IMC15. You won IMC15, not 13. StarBlast won 13. Like a fax machine, remember? Okay so, I really enjoy this piece. It's a bit standard as far as techno goes, but it arranges the source material nicely, and the sounds are solid enough. Not particularly groundbreaking, and a bit short, but I liked it. For good measure, here's my review from IMC15, which I judged in. YES
  21. First, don't steal software. Okay, now that that's out of the way, here's the lowdown. This is pretty much a MIDI rip. You did some processing, and there's a decent drum breakdown, but the melody, countermelody, and bass are exactly what they were in the original. Bass is also TOO loud, and that ending is cheap. Your instrumentation is not interesting enough to get away with such minimal arrangement. Here's a tip: don't use MIDIs. Do things by ear; write your own countermelodies and basslines. That's what we'd like to hear: some originality. NO
  22. Piano is SO nice. Should have just kept it a solo piano piece! When the percussion comes in it sounds really off. There's something iffy going on with the timing. Things get a bit messy around 2:20. Too much going on! I think they're strings? They're a bit indiscernable. They meld too much with the piano. The flute is a bit mechanical too. End is kind of iffy too. It sort of just tapers off without any kind of vamp or conclusion. You seem to have talent; you just need to bring your ideas together in a more cohesive way. You said you used Adobe Audition? Try a sequencer like CakeWalk, where you can time things better. It may be more beneficial than a wave mixer. NO, but I urge you to work on this and resubmit. Perhaps nix everything except the piano and seashore sounds.
  23. Oohh this is really mellow starting out. Very nice guitar sound. I like the pulse. Great progression. WHOA. Ugly note in Chrono's theme in the third minute. It's just totally off key. Everything sounded great until then. BLEH decisions decisions. I'm going to give this an EXTREMELY borderline NO and see how everyone else votes. Should we conttact the mixer for a fixed version? I really like this song, but those bad notes have got to go.
  24. It's a bit dry and unseparated sounding. Everything sounds like its gone through the same FX channel; the master one...with no reverb at all. All of your instruments sound very unnatural and mechanical. When you produce 'orchestral' music, you have to make it sound believable. Pay attention to individual velocities of the instruments. As I've said before, don't treat the sample like the instrument it represents; treat it as an instrument in and of itself. A flute and a flute sample are DIFFERENT; they have different qualities, different ranges. Know your samples. Not a bad arrangement, but it's lacking the execution side. NO
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