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Everything posted by sephfire

  1. I think Nintendo's heart is in the right place, and I would understand if they kept using such irritating online systems to maintain their consoles' image as family-friendly gaming devices. But unless they figure out some way to make their safe online experience usable, I fear that they will really alienate the die-hard fan base they've been building for decades.
  2. The Wii has almost no hard drive space and gimped online service. This news is disappointing, but it's not like it should come as a huge surprise.
  3. Losing DLC is the real tragedy here. The real multiplayer fun for Rock Band is local. Always has been. It seems strange to me that Harmonix/EA would actually choose to gimp the Wii version's online capabilities, especially given how the Wii seems to be outselling everything. That's a huge audience to lose. I know Harmonix/EA probably could make it happen if they wanted to sink the money into it. If Nintendo's online system wasn't so pathetic, I don't think this problem would have come up. I feel really sorry for you Wii-exclusive folk. You really don't want to miss the DLC for Rock Band. There are more downloadable songs than tracks on the disc. There's a Boston 6-pack tomorrow.
  4. Someone please tell me if my music is any good for Audiosurfing. This is one of those times when Mac ownership turns around and bites you.
  5. Let me start off by saying that these are OLD. VERY old. But in case some of you have missed out on them, you really need to check them out. Gametrailers.com has been creating video retrospective series for various game franchises, and they are really top-notch. Even for games I never played, I've loved watching franchises evolve throughout these video series. They've got a few minor, single-installment retrospectives for Mario Kart, Jak & Daxter, Prince of Persia, Dungeons & Dragons and Silent Hill, but the really great retrospectives are the larger, multiple-installment series: Legend of Zelda, Metroid and Final Fantasy. Check 'em out: Gametrailers.com Retrospectives Also check out the first installment of their new Star Wars video games retrospective. Star Wars Retrospective Part 1
  6. I like the remix as a whole. But I particularly LOVE the instrumentals. I have no idea what genre of music the instrumentals represent, but I love it. I'd really like to have both versions, honestly.
  7. Ceili and I are still hooked too. Alliance characters on Stormreaver and Horde on Thunderhorn.
  8. If you were born in early March, you are already halfway to being an accomplished OC ReMixer! Happy birthday, piano man. I'm cranking up some "Dangerless Road" in your honor.
  9. Every time I collaborate with you or get to look through your reason files, it pushes me to a new level in my musical capabilities. A very happy birthday to you, sir.
  10. Added myself to ClanOCR and put a bunch of you on the friend list. If you want to play and I haven't added you yet, lemme know. Odds are, I will get stomped by anyone who opposes me, but I'll be darned if I'm going to miss the chance to play Smash Bros online. Name: Sphfr Code: 1762-2394-6950
  11. I'm guessing a lot of the SSE hate is driven by impatience to unlock Sonic and others. It's not very often you hear people complaining about a game being too long. It's got its flaw, but that's the only reason I can see for all the animosity toward it.
  12. I'd say this is your best work yet, but I've already heard what you're doing next, so I can't really it say it, can I? All the same, awesome job on this. The percussion and FX are spot-on Gregson-Williams.
  13. I'm very impressed with the SSE mode. For the first time, it feels like Smash Bros actually has a unique campaign mode that stands on its own. And the little story they've cooked up is touching in its own way.
  14. Aww, I got two whole threads. I love you guys too.
  15. You need to post that particularly insane email conversation again. It was a great laugh the first time you posted it here. For me, it's this remix right here. I don't think I'll ever be as proud of a piece of my own music as I am with this. I guess the achievement belongs to pixietricks and GrayLightning for taking my mix to the next level. I know it's small as achievements go, but I always love getting to collaborate with some of the people here, particularly the ones who dwarf my own skill.
  16. I stumbled across a jpeg with "sephfire" as the file name, and I thought: "that's awesome." Looking back, I wish I hadn't picked something that appears so fanboyish, but it's pretty much my established handle here now.
  17. I plan to do Sanctuary as well, someday, but I haven't got the time or resources to do what I have in mind right now.
  18. Devil May Cry 4 Even for Yahtzee, this is pretty darn good.
  19. I thought the same. I'm like 4 days from turning 24. And these two youngsters have been my musical superiors for years already. Damn kids with your music ...
  20. May your birthday loot pile runneth over. Preferably with video games.
  21. No problem. I would be ALL OVER a game like DrumMania if it were released in the states. I've heard about some third parties making more realistic drum peripherals for Rock Band and I anxiously await the release of these products. Here's on prototype I saw. I hear the pads are quieter. I'd still love to see a hi-hat pad in there, but all the same: YES PLEASE.
  22. So the existence of a similar, superior simulation of drums that exists only in another country negates anything good that can be said about Rock Band's drums? Please. From what I've seen of DrumMania, it's clearly the better simulation of a real drum set, but that doesn't mean Rock Band's drums aren't also a solid translation from the real thing. And I don't see what about the placement of the snare and hats matters. No one ever said playing Rock Band drums is the exact same as playing real drums. It's not. But many of the rhythmic skills fundamental to succeeding in Rock Band translate very easily to real drums. If you sit a Rock Band enthusiast down at a real kit, he won't feel right at home. But give him a few minutes and he'll be able to bang out some basic beats faster than he would have without the Rock Band experience. If you have additional reasons for the drum hate, I'm interested in hearing them.
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