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Everything posted by sephfire

  1. Indeed. Apologies were made. Let's move on.
  2. It's a tough situation. I'm afraid you may get that response anywhere you go, although some places might be friendlier about it than others. You're going to be hard-pressed to find someone who will feel like devoting so much time to someone else's idea. Just look at our own ReQuests forum. Look at how many requests get posted there and then see how many actually end up getting remixes. Now consider that a good-looking animation takes way longer to make than a good remix. You see what I mean.
  3. A metroid's parasitic feeding habits combined with Kirby's appetite? This how the world ends.
  4. I don't think he could possibly have come up with a better analyzation of Umbrella Corp. Awesome.
  5. MY first thought for Flash communities would be Newgrounds.com, but I've never been to their forums, so I'm not sure how helpful they are.
  6. Your best bet would be to hit up a Flash community and post a link to the song you have in mind. We do have some talented artists here, but most of us are musicians, gamers and game music enthusiasts. I'm an animator, but I'm neck-deep in grad school right now and I've got more than enough animation work to keep me busy. If you don't feel up to the task of learning Flash yourself, might I suggest storyboarding your idea or providing concept art? It would give others a clearer vision of your idea and possibly inspire some animators with ideas of their own. I am flattered by your choice of remix, though.
  7. Yeah, GH3 definitely feels like they ramped up the note count and difficulty higher than necessary, but the expanded note window Sombrero mentioned helps to make up for it. I don't mind the extra difficulty much, but I can imagine it must piss other people right off. I'd say Jordan and Fire & Flames are about equal difficulty. Through the Fire and the Flames is very hard for the entire song. Jordan is excrutiatingly hard for 45 seconds. I think working hard to excel at one will definitely help you out on the other one, though.
  8. I've gotten to where I can beat it regularly now. I usually get around 85% or so. Once you get past that evil intro, the rest of the song is a bit easier. I don't believe 100% is possible for any mortal. Five stars? Sure. But 100% is very unlikely.
  9. Yahtzee's videos will show up on the Escapist soon after the event. They confirmed that, but I imagine someone is bound to film the actual presentation. I'm sure the Mega64 vids will pop up right after too.
  10. He posted at Something Awful saying it was just a way to break up the grind for his own sake. I think the weekly reviews were starting to drive him nuts. I'm guessing he'll do this sort of thing from time to time. For some side news, Yahtzee will be at the Game Developer Choice Awards with new videos. So will the Mega64 guys. Fun will be had, no doubt.
  11. Every so often, I will sit down and watch an episode of the Angry Video Game Nerd, and every time I remember two important things: 1). The Video Game Nerd isn't all that funny. 2). There were just as many god-awful games in the old days as there are now.
  12. http://www.1up.com/do/blogEntry?bId=8587828&publicUserId=4561231 For anyone still interested in the Gamespot/Gerstmann issue or game reviews in general, you'll probably want to give this a look-see. 1UP's Same Kennedy wrote a lengthy blog examining the whole incident and the possible consequences it could have for game journalism as a whole. It's really something.
  13. New review. Stick around after the credits for Intro Cinematic Theatre. The Witcher
  14. That came out of nowhere. He's not an actor I would have expected to meet such an early end. Poor guy ...
  15. Great work, man. It's been so long since you finished this mix that I'd almost forgotten about it entirely.
  16. I'd love to see that in higher resolution. It looks fantastic.
  17. I don't care if it breaks tables. Something Awful has given us a masterpiece.
  18. I'm a drummer too, but there are still some songs on expert that still really work me over from time to time. Iron Maiden's "Run to the Hills" is brutal. The snare roll solo in Aerosmith's "Train Kept Rollin" is kinda rough too. Unless you are just a way better drummer than I am, you should still find a fun challenge in there.
  19. By the way, this thread is also running at Something Awful and they've come up with some pretty great stuff. Check it out.
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