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Everything posted by sephfire

  1. Thanks for the name change, mods. Haven't colored it yet. May not have time. But Psychonauts must be represented.
  2. It's been a year since we last checked on our favorite glutton ... We've all seen Kirby take on many cute little forms as he consumes his opposition. But what might he look like if he expanded his diet to movies, television, celebrities and just about anyone else you can think of? In last year's SA thread, we saw him take on dozens of fun new looks. One of my contributions to the original thread: And now a new starter image: Have fun, OCR.
  3. True. I don't feel like digging out the magazine now, but a recent issue of Game Developer listed the number of original IPs published in the last 4 years. Nintendo had very few compared to the rest. Fewer than EA, even. I want to say Ubisoft had the most, but they might have come in second to someone else. I'll have to find the magazine.
  4. How distinguished of a theater are we talking here? If it's anything more than community/high school/hobbyist theater, you don't want to be doing any video game monologues. If you're just trying to join a small, casual production for fun, go nuts. Most actors can't afford to have fun with their auditions like that.
  5. Should I be re-uploading all my songs again or can I just wait until VGMix 3? Will VGMix 3 recover our profile data from the old days?
  6. No review this week, it seems. I suppose we can allow our beloved Yahtzee a week off for holiday festivities.
  7. Good work, team. I never thought OCR would actually manage to put a Christmas album together. What would be really awesome is if we could keep this going and expand it every year. The album that keeps on giving.
  8. Obviously some have seen it already, but here's a link to this week's review. Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock I am a 3-armed freak.
  9. I've been playing Alliance on Stormreaver and Horde on Thunderhorn. It's been hard to play much with all the great console games last month threw at me.
  10. Another fine review to be had. Chuckles for everyone! Assassin's Creed
  11. I beat you to it, but that tune is too cool to be remixed only once. Godspeed. http://www.sephfire.com/music/purity.mp3
  12. If you're handed a lousy license project, then there's nothing you can do. It's not the kind of game designers dream of when they enter the industry. I feel sorry for the poor guys who end up having to work on licensed, strictly-deadlined schlock their whole careers.
  13. I can assure you that no game designer starts a project with the intent of crafting a cheap, sub-par product. Those people love games too much to knowingly create drivel. I'm pretty sure Eidos was expecting Kane & Lynch to be their "big money" hit this season, hence the big marketing push. Unfortunately, the game wasn't ready for the deadline and disappointed everyone involved. Unlike Valve, not every company can afford to push a big hit release back indefinitely until it reaches perfection. It'd be great if they did, but they are trying to run a business, after all. I can't blame them. But pulling all their ad money from Gamespot over a brutally honest review isn't a classy move by any standard.
  14. If I can find a good tune, I may make another. It's becoming an annual thing for me now.
  15. Definitely better than the trailer led me to believe. Side note, what's with the recent fascination in Hollywood with making animated animals crap onscreen? Open Season, the upcoming Alvin & Chipmunks movie ... It's as if there was some idiot making the rounds out there convincing each studio that what their movie really needs is a well-placed chipmunk dropping. It's not really a big deal, but it bugs me that newer animated films are resorting to that sort of thing. I miss the good old Disney days. Thank god for Pixar.
  16. Finally beat Dragonforce on expert. Arms hurt. Once you get past that brutal intro, the rest of the song doesn't feel so impossible.
  17. Almost forgot. New one this week! F.E.A.R. Perseus Mandate
  18. Really? The trailer looked awful. Perhaps I'll have to give it a chance after all.
  19. Mario Galaxy only claimed the number one spot for about ten days before more reviews came in and bumped it down to the number two spot. Not sure what happened after that. http://kotaku.com/gaming/super-mario-galaxy/ocarina-of-time-deposes-imposter-reclaims-throne-atop-a-mountain-of-skulls-325730.php
  20. I still think, if anything, we need to send his family a collection of all of Reu's music that we can find. In my own case, my family doesn't actively keep up with my music and wouldn't even really know where to look to find it. If Reu's family is the same, it could really mean a lot to them to get a CD with all of his work in one place. Receiving a disc with Reuben's work would mean far more to them than anything of our own creation anyway.
  21. Yeah, EA's return policy is pretty great. I'm looking forward to a replacement guitar and set of drum pads soon. I've noticed I drum better with headphones on when I can actually hear the drum track, but it still seems to just miss some notes now and then whether I hit them or not. Once Harmonix releases the patch for online Band World Tour play, we are so forming an OCR supergroup.
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