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Everything posted by Sir_NutS

  1. Oh wow. I'm surprised that this comic is still running, and that it manages to get this much support. Almost 170k, impressive. Good luck!
  2. I would put MM6 as the easiest but the list is pretty much accurate.
  3. For me it depends on the champ. I usually run 21-9 with Vi, because I wanna carry all the games. With j4 I can either run 21-9 or 9-21, depends on the team I got. If I got a bunch of squishies i go 9-21 and hope my team is decent enough. With Sejuani I always run 9-21 because She's not about the damage anyways, she's all about getting in their face and cause havoc while not dying.
  4. I tried a couple of games as skarner and was terrible at him. I'd rather pick Nautilus or Vi over him anyways. Grats on the games Zircon. Always fun to get your favorite role.
  5. What do you mean "assuming" and "actual name"? Are you implying our team name is silly or something? that's offensive. Our team name is BADASS. Case in point: http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ma65gomUw01qj5leto1_1280.png
  6. Actually there is: http://megaman.wikia.com/wiki/Tango
  7. Americans like the NutS. Followed by Italians and Ecuadorians.
  8. I played Zac, and kinda had a little bit of fun with him, but I found he lacked a bit of impact in his abilities. His arm stretching thing is pretty underwhelming, as well as the body explosion thing (I'm talking about how it feels to me, not about how good they are numbers-wise) and the way he gets tiny when he takes damage just adds to the feeling of not being awesome. I prefer champions where you can feel awesome using their abilities and aside from his slingshot (and his ulti, a bit) I felt he wasn't much fun. Gameplay wise I had success with him because his slingshot is ridiculous. Ganks are a no-brainer really. With Vi, J4 and Sej I have to plan very carefully how I'm going to approach the enemy for a gank because he'll have a second or two to react when I come out of fog of war, and even then I can always miss my q or j4's flag+q combo. With Zac the enemy has less than a second to react and you can gank from so far away and it's so easy to evade wards that it takes almost no skill. If you ping your teammate and he's not a total noob you WILL get a kill no matter what, and at the very least a flash burn. Also due to his passive you can turret dive and get away with it easily. His sustain and clear speeds are really, really good too. His ulti is very good on teamfights, overall he's a very, very good pick. Some tips I can give, but that apply to any jungle, is to watch what items the enemy top/mid start with. If you see they bought a ward and still haven't placed it after you get your double buff, its a piece of cake to gank. Just sit on a brush (preferably slightly behind them) and slingshot away. If you see they bought a ward and placed it, try to go around it and slingshot from the fog of war. It's very very easy to get a good position with Zac. I really recommend zac for people who want to learn to jungle because it's SO easy, and it's a very very good champ as well.
  9. Interesting read. http://penny-arcade.com/report/article/microsofts-marc-whitten-on-removing-drm-the-future-of-online-passes-and-tha
  10. Just wrecked faces with Vi a few minutes ago on ranked. Fun times. Regarding the Sej nerf, it isn't too drastic. She'll be fine.
  11. I'm surprised and pleased with the picks from you guys so far. Almost everything has been from Mega Man 4 onwards, which will be a good change of pace from the usual.
  12. Apologists often want to bring the steam argument and it's utterly ridiculous since they're two completely different things. Not only steam stuff isn't physical, but you can play your games offline indefinitely, with no check-in at all other than when you download and install it the first time. Second, it is true that for years PC gaming has been the home of the most heinous DRM policies ever, but why would anyone want to buy a console that essentially takes the absolutely worst part of PC Gaming without offering the other benefits? You're essentially selling an overpriced PC with even more restricted policies and no added benefits.
  13. Absolutely. She's my favorite character in the entire game and my favorite female videogame character design EVER. She's just too cool. The moment I started punching people in the face with HUGE bionic arms I fell in love. For me she's one of those characters that I don't mind losing with because either way I have tons of fun.
  14. The knock-up on her Q is a HUGE help. I feel that this change alone made her much more viable. After I tried Sej in Beta she automatically replaced chogath on my favorite junglers trio (Vi, J4, Sej). The changes to her W and E made it much easier to keep people slowed. It's just great now, and really fun.
  15. If Microsoft hadn't backed off from this, I bet this boycott would've been pretty successful. There's a reason why they did it, and it's because they knew they were going to lose a lot of sales over it. A boycott after the release would've been a bit harder to pull off, but given this precedent it's certainly possible.
  16. They certainly were this time around.
  17. Honestly I doubt they will turn back from this after the console is launched. Could they possibly bring it back for the next xbox? yeah. I think they've learned something here. If they turn back from this later, gamers can very well say "well we bought the console but we aren't buying any games for it if you bring back these policies", which is just as bad.
  18. That doesn't mean that a company can't make mistakes and bad guesses about what the customer actually wants. Nintendo chose cartridges over disc-based games, and they lost to the playstation. Sony chose to introduce the ps3 at an absolutely ridiculous price point because they thought the consumer would buy anything. Microsoft thinks they can get away with stupid policies on the XBone without repercussions.
  19. The problem never was people refusing to move away from physical copies. The problem here was choice. If I buy a physical copy I should be able to play it offline and do whatever the hell i want with it. The other problem was restriction and ownership. If I buy a game on steam, I can play it offline now, and will be able to play it offline 20 years in the future. If you buy a game online on the xbone, there was absolutely no guarantee that you would be able to play that game in the future. Indeed they knew what was in their best interests. What they didn't think was that the customer's interests would be more important.
  20. He's a PR guy. he's there to lie and spin, that's his job! just as is reggie's and other people like that in the industry. It's just that he had a REALLY tough job this time around trying to spin the impossible.
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