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    Sir_NutS reacted to Chimpazilla in *NO* Phantasy Star 4 'Red Dam of Motavia'   
    I think Deia is struggling with autocorrect.  But I suppose she's right that the counterproductive was a good start, and I also like the contentedly at 1:11.  I'm not sure I agree about the Abby of the faster movements, though.  
    Interesting idea to open with the theme coming in on a radio, then transitioning into the mix!  I like it.  Once the mix gets started though, it sounds quite repetitive.  I feel like you are trying to vary the writing from the source, but the writing ends up sounding noodley and random even while sounding repetitive and too conservative to the source tune.  If you changed up the drum groove at some point that would help a lot.  You could add/replace new instruments or sounds as you go along too, switch up the lead or backing elements, throw in drum fills or little solos, to add interest to the arrangement.
    The mixing needs to be cleaned up too.  I can't hear that you've done any sidechaining with your kick to the bass and/or pads, so the track lacks groove as a result, and that also causes the soundscape to be overcompressed on each kick hit (since everything hits full force each time).  I suggest eqing each instrument so there isn't so much overlapping of frequencies, and also cut lows out of your reverbs.  If you haven't already, I suggest you visit our workshop forums for further advice!
    NO (resubmit)
  2. Like
    Sir_NutS reacted to DragonAvenger in *NO* Phantasy Star 4 'Red Dam of Motavia'   
    Leaving it as is for posterity, but
  3. Like
    Sir_NutS reacted to Chernabogue in Welcome to our NEW JUDGES!   
    Still relevant.
  4. Like
    Sir_NutS got a reaction from Jorito in *NO* Aleste 2 "Flying High"   
    DA and Chimpazilla highlighted the issues here.  The added vowel is very distracting and ruins the effect.  I think the vocals work really well outside of that.  I would have liked the snare to have a bit more presence and splash to it, sounds slightly opaque as it is.  The sound design on some of the leads like at 1:03 is overly simple.  Yes, in Italo you don't have the most complex sound design of electronic music genres but I'm sure you could do much better than what sounds like a simple saw with some unison.  The lead at 2:013 works much better because it has better articulation and is less static.
    The backing instruments suffer from the same issues, and could use more personality.  The arrangement is good, and your genre idea is AWESOME.  I really like this and will probably steal this style for a future remix :P.  
    I really like this idea, and I think it's much closer to the bar than the other judges.  Please work on it and resubmit.

    NO (Resubmit)
  5. Like
    Sir_NutS got a reaction from Eino Keskitalo in *NO* Shovel Knight 'Diskotanssi der Doden'   
    It's pretty hard to vote on this one.  I love this stuff, I breathe 80s electronica.  Sadly as much as I like this one there are several issues that hold it back from posting as it is now.  First, my main problem are the vocoded vocals.  They are indecipherable and as much as I try I can't tell what they are saying for most of the duration of the song.  Now, in my own songs I use vocoded vocals that are processed in a way that people can't tell what's being said, but this is used more as a rhythmic element, as another type of synth, that accentuates the arrangement.  When you have lead vocals, that go throughout the mix, it's better to tilt in favor of a more human vocalization.  I like the tones of the vocoder and you guys did try to keep it interesting by not using a static tone, but in my opinion it would be better to either have less carrier signal in your vocals, or work on it so they are clearer.  I think that you could still use the carrier-heavy versions, but more sparrringly.  
    Second, I think the vocoded vocals don't quite sit well in the mix.  I think the beat could hit slightly harder.  These two aren't dealbreakers but something that could be worked on.
    When it comes to the arrangement it's hit and miss.  The first half is awesome, groovy, interpretative but true to the spirit of this era. But towards the end, it gets lost, with sections that feel longer than they should, and also weird entonations. For example, 3:16 - 4:06 feels very innecessary.  There are cool melodies in there, but this section breaks the flow of the track and all the awesome groove just grinds to a halt.  In my opinion, the culprit here is the compo limitations under which this track was created.  I've always pointed out in these kind of compos, that it's better to do a great remix than a remix that abides by the rules, specially if you plan to submit it to OCR.  Sometimes trying to marry two sources together doesn't quite work, and here you can hear the parts where it doesn't very clearly.  
    You've got a good idea here, but I suggest reworking the vocals so the vocoded parts are a highlight and not commonplace across the mix, and cutting out the sections that don't quite blend together with the groove you're going for.  If you need to focus 90% of the track in just one of the themes so it feels right, then do so, as the compo rules don't apply anymore.   I love this idea, specially the first half is groovy as hell, but I can't pass it with the current issues.  Jorito, if you need more/detailed pointers feel free to contact me.
    NO(Please Resubmit)
  6. Like
    Sir_NutS reacted to djpretzel in Workshop Skills Listing   
    Thanks to feedback from @Daniel Caton (thanks) & OCR staff, we've made some substantial improvements to the workshop skills pages, e.g.:
    http://ocremix.org/workshop/skill/studio-one http://ocremix.org/workshop/skill/vocals-female http://ocremix.org/workshop/skill/french-horn Changes are as follows:
    Switched to bootstrap tables Switched to font-awesome icons "join date" is now "joined" and is just the year "last visited" is now "visited" "real name" moved under user name user name larger "real name" column replaced with "skills / tools" column, including DAW & instrumental Secondary sort added on visited (sorts by collab status first, then visited date, DESC) Made additional instrument links clickable Made DAW links clickable icons The last four items are bold since I think they represent the biggest improvement - now, when looking at members who have specified one skill, you can see the other skills they have specified as well, and you can click on those skills to jump around a bit. Plus fancypants DAW icons. And the sorting based on last visited (most recent first) gives you a good idea of who's more likely to be around/available.
    Feedback appreciated, although this was kind of a "burst" of energy for these specific pages, knowing full well I might not get back to updating them for awhile given more pressing concerns
  7. Like
    Sir_NutS got a reaction from Chickenwarlord in OCR HAS RUINED MY MUSIC   
    Larry is to blame.
  8. Like
    Sir_NutS got a reaction from Jorito in OCR HAS RUINED MY MUSIC   
    Larry is to blame.
  9. Like
    Sir_NutS reacted to Bleck in Street Fighter V   
    on the one hand, I get that
    on the other hand, who the hell is buying Street Fighter just to play Arcade Mode in fucking 2016
  10. Like
    Sir_NutS got a reaction from Garpocalypse in Street Fighter V   
    My fightpad (same as Darke's, above) works on both PC and PS4.  Although for the time being, you have to use a workaround to get it to work, because support for directinput is not there yet.  The link Darkesword posted works perfectly and it's what I'm using.  If you decide to come please add me and let me know.  I have a feeling I'll be playing this game for the following years to come.  Unless Overwatch takes all of my playing time, that is.
  11. Like
    Sir_NutS got a reaction from Eino Keskitalo in OCR03226 - Illusion City "Enter the Illusion"   
    I loved this remix back when it was posted for PRC.  Great arrangement and overall awesome work from Jorito, I hope I can submit my own remix of this theme someday too.
  12. Like
    Sir_NutS reacted to YoshiBlade in Castlevania: Cacophony of Incarnation 2016   
    How apropos for a vampire themed remix competition, WarMachine and Jorito are ........ neck and neck (Yaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy!!!) 
  13. Like
    Sir_NutS got a reaction from Jorito in Castlevania: Cacophony of Incarnation 2016   
    Man, I worked on m mix until 4 am yesterday.  a power failure messed up my project file and the VST states were all reset when I reloaded it so I had to redo every patch from scratch again.  Pretty shity but at least the mix is coming along well, gotta say this one will be pretty dirty.
  14. Like
    Sir_NutS got a reaction from OceansAndrew in Castlevania: Cacophony of Incarnation 2016   
    Man, I worked on m mix until 4 am yesterday.  a power failure messed up my project file and the VST states were all reset when I reloaded it so I had to redo every patch from scratch again.  Pretty shity but at least the mix is coming along well, gotta say this one will be pretty dirty.
  15. Like
    Sir_NutS got a reaction from OceansAndrew in Castlevania: Cacophony of Incarnation 2016   
    Geez dude, calm down, it's not a race.

    Wait, yes it is.

    I'll be working on my song now, and I'll be streaming the process so if anyone's interested you can tune in.
  16. Like
    Sir_NutS reacted to Brandon Strader in Final Fantasy VIII: Collision Course - History   
    Welcome to the Album Thread for Final Fantasy VIII: Collision Course.

    The concept for this album stretches back to 2010 where a tracklisting and title were chosen for what one would have
    dreamed would be a great Final Fantasy VIII album. With your help, I'm hoping to make that a reality. Right now is the
    recruitment phase, so if you are a posted ReMixer, feel free to make a claim -- first come, first served on any source.
    If you are not a posted ReMixer, you are still welcome to join the album roster if you can produce high quality mixes, or
    are capable of producing a high quality arrangement and structure, then delivering your stems for mixing/mastering.
    Please submit an audition. Mixing/Mastering would be handled by me for anyone who requests it.
    There is no genre restriction, however please give much consideration to preserving the spirit of the source.
    tldr: first come, first served for posted remixers
    other artists, please submit an audition!
    mixing/mastering available on request
    if it's an emotional piano source, I reserve the right to bounce back your gangsta dubstep screamo mix
    Also if you're going to claim something like The Extreme, keep in mind it's gotta be excelsior

    ReMixer Works in Progress posted here
    First Half
    Liberi Fatali (claimed by HeavenWraith)
    Balamb Garden (claimed by Chernabogue, Tuberz McGee, Furilas)
    Blue Fields (claimed by Chris Porter)
    Don't Be Afraid (claimed by Tuberz McGee)
    Find Your Way (claimed by Wiesty)
    The Landing (claimed by Sagnewshreds)
    SeeD (claimed by Manji)
    Breezy (claimed by RiverSound)
    Force Your Way (claimed by Ivan Hakštok)
    Waltz For The Moon (claimed by XPRTNovice)
    The Man with the Machine Gun (claimed by Gario)
    Julia (claimed by Geoffrey Taucer)
    Roses and Wine (claimed by Brandon Strader)
    Junction (claimed by DjjD)
    The Mission (claimed by jnWake)
    Only A Plank Between One and Perdition (claimed by shadowpsyc)
    Slide Show Pt. 2 (claimed by bluelighter)
    The Stage is Set (claimed by Larsec)
    Movin' (claimed by fxsnowy)
    Martial Law (claimed by JJT)
    Succession of Witches (claimed by Vled Tapas ft. Lord Bif, Na'r't, Dolkins)
    A Sacrifice (claimed by Careless Juja)
    Premonition (claimed by DusK)
    Wounded (claimed by Jackson Alexander Parodi)
    Fragments of Memories (claimed by Jorito)

    Second Half
    Fithos Lusec Wecos Vinosec (claimed by Vled Tapas)
    Blue Sky (claimed by theshaggyfreak)
    Drifting (claimed by XPRTNovice)
    Galbadia Garden (claimed by Trev)
    Shuffle or Boogie (claimed by Hashel05, Deiselc1)
    Heresy (claimed by Random Encounter)
    Fisherman's Horizon (claimed by djpretzel)
    Dance with the Balamb Fish (claimed by Sebastien Skaf)
    The Oath (claimed by audio fidelity)
    The Spy and Under Her Control (claimed by OC Jazz Collective)
    Trust Me (claimed by Brandon Strader)
    Silence and Motion (claimed by ZykO)
    Eyes On Me (claimed by Jivemaster)
    Where I Belong (claimed by Cyril the Wolf)
    Mods de Chocobo (claimed by Hat)
    Ride On
    Lunatic Pandora (claimed by Hipnotyk)
    Compression of Time (claimed by ZykO)
    The Castle (claimed by Fishy)
    Maybe I'm A Lion (claimed by Amphibious)
    The Extreme (claimed by Jason Covenant)
    Overture (claimed by Derek Oren, Jeremy Robson)
    Wanna claim something not listed? Do it! 

    Once the recruitment phase is well underway and the roster is filling out, details on
    WIP dates and other plans will be made clear. Hoping to finish by 2018.
    Announced January 28th, 2016
    Directed by Brandon Strader with personal consultant BONKERS
  17. Like
    Sir_NutS reacted to wildfire in Castlevania: Cacophony of Incarnation 2016   
    6/8 and 12/8 are pretty much the same thing, it's just whether you think of the "bars" as having 2 or 4 beats. It's more natural for me to think in 4 beats.
    I've done 2 songs in 12/8 and have one more that's on-hold. Everything in that meter feels super bouncy and fun, even if it's in minor key!
  18. Like
    Sir_NutS reacted to wildfire in Castlevania: Cacophony of Incarnation 2016   
    Hey @Esperado, this is as close to the source as I'm willing to transcribe: https://www.dropbox.com/s/31dq8pwwm982cm8/Abandoned%20Castle.mid?dl=0
    Right before it loops it goes into some crazy solo stuff that is really hard to hear at half speed, the airy-ness of all the instruments used in the source makes everything kinda muddy at slow speeds. I also think there is a wrong note around 2:09 but I couldn't figure out what it was supposed to be.
    Anyone going up against me throughout the compo is welcome to use this midi!
  19. Like
    Sir_NutS got a reaction from Chernabogue in Castlevania: Cacophony of Incarnation 2016   
    Just noticed wildfire picked one of the best songs Yamane has ever composed.  Good luck!
  20. Like
    Sir_NutS reacted to wildfire in Castlevania: Cacophony of Incarnation 2016   
    I think having that information on the calendar would be helpful. Also, the submission times on those dates, with time zones clearly marked. I'd hate to accidentally submit mine past the deadline due to time zone confusion.
  21. Like
    Sir_NutS reacted to DarkeSword in Castlevania: Cacophony of Incarnation 2016   
    Just know that the calendar is there for you to use, so if you want to put mixing rounds on the calendar, that's fine by OCR.
  22. Like
    Sir_NutS reacted to Chernabogue in Castlevania: Cacophony of Incarnation 2016   
    Bracket 2, are you ready to remix? 'cuz I am!
  23. Like
    Sir_NutS got a reaction from YoshiBlade in Castlevania: Cacophony of Incarnation 2016   
    I don't use Reason much lately, but I will do a Reason stream for the next one.  I see you followed so you should get a notification next time I go online.
  24. Like
    Sir_NutS got a reaction from Supercoolmike in Castlevania: Cacophony of Incarnation 2016   
    That's fine.  Good luck to all the participants this round, I'm looking forward to listening to the songs!

    On a second note I will be doing the stream today anyways.  I know we have some veterans in this compo but maybe some of the newer guys would be interested in watching.  I'll be working on a new track but I will be answering production questions mostly.  Well that is, the little I know about production.  But what little I know I would like to share it, so tune in if you want!.  If that's ok with you I will post an update when the stream goes up in an hour or two.
  25. Like
    Sir_NutS got a reaction from Aleix Ramon in Castlevania: Cacophony of Incarnation 2016   
    That's fine.  Good luck to all the participants this round, I'm looking forward to listening to the songs!

    On a second note I will be doing the stream today anyways.  I know we have some veterans in this compo but maybe some of the newer guys would be interested in watching.  I'll be working on a new track but I will be answering production questions mostly.  Well that is, the little I know about production.  But what little I know I would like to share it, so tune in if you want!.  If that's ok with you I will post an update when the stream goes up in an hour or two.
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