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Everything posted by Nekofrog

  1. Someday I'll go to a live setup, but that requires me to actually buy an expensive tube amp and microphone and I'm poor. My experience with digital modeling is limited to GuitarRig, Amplitube, Revalver, and Line6 stuff. And to be fair, I stopped using software modeling a long time ago (talking GR2, and RevalverMKII or something like that, 5+ years ago). GR always had some amazing clean tones and I might give it another try now that it's been a few years, but its high gain stuff was shit. Total shit. In fact, I never found usable high gain tones on software modelers. Ever. My PodXT has been my main modeler for years now, and it more than gets the job done. Some absolutely amazing cleans, and I love the rhythm tones I get out of it. The leads leave something to be desired, but I make it work (I don't play much lead anyway, so...).
  2. You'll need to post your budget
  3. You had better make it to MAG so I can drink your scrawny blonde ass under the table.
  4. A Nightmare Before Christmas soundtrack.
  5. Favorites threads are not allowed.
  6. Pft. Babykiller.
  7. It would take two hands to count the number of homos in my flight alone. And the way they would glide when they marched, dear lord. They practically screamed "I love the cock".
  8. Damn. Hate that I come up for review before my two best remixes even make it onto the site. D: Check my youtube for my better stuff.
  9. Ah, the Marines. The branch of service second to only the Navy for hot guy on guy action.
  10. Get a Tone Zone in the bridge. Norton fort he neck.
  11. Nah, it got completed and subbed about a year ago, and still hasn't found its way to the main page.
  12. New version, get it while it's hot: http://www.nekofrog.com/theextreme-01.mp3 A few explanations: again. the lead guitar during the clean parts is a placeholder melody for whenever I find a vocalist (female). If something seems barren and devoid of melody, that's because vocals are supposed to eventually go there. At around 2:48, the harp arpeggios will be replaced by lead guitar (hopefully from sixto, fingers crossed...). Ignore the last 25 seconds or so, I forgot to cut it off before I mixed down the latest version. Oh, and I think I've addressed a lot of your concerns about the beginning not matching. Rerecorded it with the proper guitar parts.
  13. DAMN I miss my facial hair in that photo.
  14. That's all fine and dandy, but until you have some kind of presentable material that shows actual real progress in the project beyond an "idea" and "motivation" to finish, there aren't going to be a ton of people willing to jump up and help.
  15. We get a lot of these types of posts around here and the best asdvice that I can give you is come back when you have something substantial to show off It's not very primising when in your proposal you state that you're looking for a coder to do the coding, instead of you yourself doing it.
  16. And for those making comparisons to my remix, let's try and not do that; this is about his remix here, not mine. But mine IS better.
  17. Look out guys, mono is on her meds.
  18. UPDATE: JULY 31 2010 New version, get it while it's hot: http://www.nekofrog.com/theextreme-01.mp3 A few explanations: again. the lead guitar during the clean parts is a placeholder melody for whenever I find a vocalist (female). If something seems barren and devoid of melody, that's because vocals are supposed to eventually go there. At around 2:48, the harp arpeggios will be replaced by lead guitar (hopefully from sixto, fingers crossed...). Ignore the last 25 seconds or so, I forgot to cut it off before I mixed down the latest version. Oh, and I think I've addressed a lot of your concerns about the beginning not matching. Rerecorded it with the proper guitar parts. OLD: No title yet. You might have heard some of this 5 or 6 months ago, I've overhauled a bit of it and here's what I have so far. http://nekofrog.com/The Extreme.mp3 If there are any competent and capable female vocalists out there, I'd love to talk to you about vocals on the track (the lead guitar over the clean part near the end is where lyrics are going to go).
  19. Play Shattered Memories. The story is the most pure form of Silent Hill since 2.
  20. How about a game not starring a 20something white male protagonist?
  21. The movies, outside of a few gags (Bender's kid) were a huge let down. Meh.
  22. And so a storm began to grow on the horizon. Thunderous clouds signaled the imminent arrival of something... something dark. Something evil. Something metal.
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