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Everything posted by Nekofrog

  1. What about my tracks? D:
  2. I would but the wait times + the reviews online for Beale housing isn't that great. Also I WANTS MY BAH.
  3. You would given the state of the economy right now. And for the most part, we are familiar with everyone here, if not very good friends.
  4. CAVEAT: MUST HAVE SOURCE OF INCOME TO PAY A SPLIT RENT edit: as my bitch wife i mean loving wife just so nicely pointed out, it's a bit north of sacramento. about 40-45 minutes Ash and I are moving up near the Sacramento area in a few days, and are looking at renting a house. We would like to be able to split the cost of the house (likely three ways, you, me, her) to help mitigate the costs of living. You must be: 1. employed (OR have a bankable source of income to provide on average ~$300 a month rent) 2. trustworthy (no thievin' thieves) 3. socially well adjusted -- no aspies, no severe introverts, no mouth breathers 4. keeping to yourself is fine if that's what you do We will provide: 1. Cable/internet (and trust me, the internet will be the good stuff) 2. Utilities 3. rockin' gaming setup (ps3, 360, wii, dreamcast, snes, ps2, ps1, and so on) musicians will receive discounts* *not really I know there are a lot of NorCal peeps here, and I know we know a lot of them, but hopefully there's someone out there interested in a deal like this.
  5. I knew the instant I decided to make a death metal spoof song with full death metal vocals that it would be an extremely divisive track, and it's proved to be just that. People either love it or they hate it (and those that hate it generally love the vocal-less version). That's why criticism against it doesn't really bother me, because it's definitely not everyone's cup of tea. Hell, death metal isn't even my cup of tea. But branching out and trying new things is always good.
  6. http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=410169 Enjoy your 15 minutes of neogaf fame. Or infamy.
  7. thats why tensei's ownage is so so ironic
  8. hahahahahaha tensei got owned
  9. S3&K were terrible games, and I have espoused this opinion from the very first time I played them (when they came out). Sonic 1 is okay, Sonic 2 is phenomenal, then it all went to shit with S3&K. Sonic never recovered.
  10. Had some good ones last MAGfest. Whiskey in Dave's room was pretty neat. Also, "after hours" is kind of strange, considering there's always something to do all the time. I found myself playing Punch Out! on an arcade and perfecting to Super Macho Man whilst wasted at about 3AM last year.
  11. You mean you're not going to let freeloaders stay at your house and mess the place up again? Why ever not?
  13. I have no idea what syncopated rhythm is but I've been told I use it a ton.
  14. black mage boners
  15. I really don't know anything about time signatures, I just know I tried a completely different rhythm from 3:24 to 3:55. I sort of just made it up, but it's probably something.
  16. There's a section in my FF7 remix on youtube that goes into a different time signature but I dont know what it is. I think it's a pulleditoutof/myass time signature.
  17. It's not real guitar. It's synth.
  18. It works better with your line in the FF7 mix.
  19. If you had said DS9 I would have told these fuckers to fuck off but man you said Voyager. VOYAGER. You are a cockbag.
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