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Everything posted by StarZander

  1. A new character! A new character! Weeeeeeeeee! Go Ike!
  2. I was away for a week, and when I got back I had gotten no less than TWO fanmails about Chrono Symphonic, and I haven't gotten any for over a year. First of all, I don't understand why they email me instead of Claado Shou, and second... What made them mail this around teh same time? Coincidence? Or has Chrono Syphonic been featured somewhere? Nothing special in the mails. I'll quote them here:
  3. Hahaha! Awesome Assist Trophy! Dr. Wright always bugged me, but now I can use his annoyance against others. Wee! Although, I'll probably be the one who gets hit by his wonderful buildings the most.
  4. I remember we got Final Fantasy: Origins before the americans. Like... yay.
  5. I wonder how much damage you'll recieve from the giant blocks of stone that gets teleported in to fill in the holes. I mean... You'll get hit by them eventually, right?
  6. What is that flag there in the background? I don't recognize it.
  7. Personalized controls? Awesome! I really hope they can fix the save-your-settings-to-your-wiimote-thing. That could mean you could bring the settings to tournaments and friends. Awesome update!
  8. Yes they are. I'm telling you! They must! This is the danger of teasing us nerds with yummy daily updates. If we don't get to feed on what we want and come to expect, we will just go into frenzy-mode. We'd still buy the game though, so I guess it doesn't matter to them. I wonder if Samus' Final Smash will be a super bomb, or perhaps her ship will come to her aid? 'Twould be sweet.
  9. Wouldn't this suggest that she will actually have different kinds of beams?
  10. Another bump: Tatopoulos Studios finally updated their website! You can now see some images from the Silent Hill movie, and there are some of just the creatures. Check it out! Go to Project Portfolio, adn then click on Silent Hill. http://www.tatopoulosstudios.net/mainpage.html
  11. Won't write much now, but here you can enjoy my recording of Akria Yamaoka playing Theme of Laura at the PLAY! concert in Stockholm. The quality of the video is not what it could be, but is still pretty okay.
  12. Yes, Dancing Mad was a huge disappointment, and the Amiga and C64 medleys were so-so, maybe because I hadn't played most of those games. Akira Yamaoka was great though, and I managed to record his performance, since I had pretty good seats. The picture is a bit streched, since I had to rotate the video, but it's still pretty okay. Enjoy.
  13. Actually, it would be Chrono Trigger 3 or Chrono Cross 2. Chrono Trigger 2 was already rleased a long time ago, with the name "Chrono Trigger 2: Radical Dreamers" and with characters and locations from Chrono Cross. It was released for the Japan-only Super Famicon add-on Stellaview, and was a text-adventure game with illustrations. It was translated into english by ROM hackers a few years ago, and is now available to anyone.
  14. Yeah, we could do that. I know there are several Swedish OCR-people, but I don't really know any of them. I just added you to my msn. I'll try!
  15. The second show. I bought my tickets in december, so my seats are in the third row from the stage, in the middle. Not many tickets left for that show though.
  16. I am going this year, here in Stockholm. Going to go see Akira Yamaoka rock with the philharmonics. Woo!
  17. Might not fit the thread completely, but... The concert will be in Stockholm on June 2nd. I'll be there. Anyone else?
  18. I... I like... my own... AMV... sorry.
  19. That Monty Python/Silent Hill skit was awesome! Laughed my ass off. In other news, I just read in a Swedish gaming magazine about the Silent Hill arcade game. I'm not sure if this is old news, but it was shown at the japanese AOU, and the story will have ties to SH2 and there will be a number of different endings to the game. The people from the magazine tried the game (after a long wait. the line was apparently huge and they had to wait atleast 45 minutes to play)and they thought it was a really good arcade game, with a promising future. Everyone there were very sceptical at first, but everyone seemed to be very satisfied afterwards.
  20. One of my favorite artists. http://fallout161.deviantart.com/
  21. I also saw "A Big Steaming Pile of Me" and I must say that he was one of the great ones. R.I.P.
  22. Viggo doesn't have a dark enough voice. Hugh does. Hugh jackman FTW!
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