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Everything posted by StarZander

  1. Woooo! Happy all that above!
  2. Indeed! I semi-recently got the Misadventures of Tron Bonne, hoping it would make me happier. It really didn't.
  3. Ahh, yes... Worms... Good stuff. I've had them all in different periods of time, but I've probably played Worms World Party the most. Used to have some mad ninjarope skills, but I probably suck nowadays. WOuld be fun to see some new well made levels.
  4. For me it would have to be MegaMan 2, and maybe MegaMan 3. I've always loved MegaMan and the second game will always be my favorite. After seeing a speedrun of it, I looked around for others until I determine the fastest completion time for it. I think I found it to be about 37 minutes, played on an NTSC version rom. So I sat down and beat MegaMan 2 atleast once every day. For about 5 months. My best time was about 41 minutes on the slower PAL version of the game on my NES, so I don't know if I'm technically faster or not, but the point is I played the hell out of that game. If I had the time, I would do it again. A sidenote: A couple of months into my MM2 gaming frenzy, I started doing the same with MM3 but I never got as close that the fastest time on that one.
  5. Forbidden Siren is getting a remake for the PS3. Any info on this?
  6. Sorry, but I'm (once again) unemployed, and I've broken my wrist, so I'm on a limited budget. Otherwise I would donate without hesitation.
  7. I read a short preview of the PS2 version for Silent Hill: Origins in a Swedish gaming magazine, and it hinted at having new material. Has anyone else heard anything about this?
  8. I finally beat the game for the first time this morning, and I must say I'm really pleased with it. My biggest fear was that it would be too short, but it wasn't. It could have been longer, but it didn't need to be. I really liked the story, the mood, the enemies and locations. It all felt very much like Silent Hill should. Reviewers all complain about the fighting system, but I think it worked really well. Doesn't really matter if a weapon broke, because you always had a shitload of others (it could get a bit ridiculous at times, but that's the way it's always been). The only thing that really bothered me was the great lack of healing items, and the overabundance of ammo as a compensation. I'm looking forward to getting all the endings and extras. I can probably play this game over and over and over again!
  9. I read through the affidavit, and they mention "Mortal Combat" once, and they just state it was a playful game inspired by the video game. All siblings wrestle and fight at some point (atleast as far as I know), and they had just put that title on their playfighting. As a kid I loved Power Rangers, and jumped around playfighting with my friends and made wooden swords and stuff (later Power Rangers was banned from Sweden), but I could never had killed anyone. We were just playing, and everyone knew that. What killed the little girl was the loss of control that the alcohol created in the Roberts-boy. His inspiration to use martial arts can come from anywhere, but it doesn't really matter where. Hell, we all probably have some of that violence inside us, but control and judgement keeps it at bay. He just lacked those whilst being drunk. Sorry if I'm just repeating everyone else.
  10. Best. Kirby. Evar.
  11. Happy B-day, Lee!
  12. Just got this in my mail. FYI.
  13. So far I only have Prozax - Wily's Ambition on my phone, game wise. But the one I currently use is the "We're men in tights"-song from that Mel Brooks film, Robin Hood: Men in Tights. It's awesome. When I'm on the train or bus, I usually let it ring a bit longer just to see peoples expressions.
  14. Oooh, listen to that music! Makes me all giddy! I hope they use alot of the old soundtrack. I loved almost every track in that game.
  15. So, I've beaten the Silent Hill Mobile game (AKA: Silent Hill Orphan, but they don't call it that in the game) and as I promised, I'll go through a bit what it's about and write a short non-spoiler review. If you don't want to read the spoilers, then scroll past the next part. WARNING!!! SPOILERS AHEAD!!!! WARNING!!! You play in an orphanage, assumed to be in Silent Hill but it's never confirmed, and you start out as Ben. Ben used to live in this orphanage, but hasn't for the last 30 years. 30 years ago, every child in this place was murdered in their beds, except for three. Ben was one, and then two girls called Moon and Karen. As Ben you explore the small orphanage, and you occasionally here a voice talking to you, but you don't recognize it. Ben also has a great fear of the showerroom in the basement, for that was where he hid when all the other kids were slaughtered. He won't go in there, but the door opposite to this is a storeroom, and inside is Karen, trapped for some reason. None of them know how they got to where they are. You try to get her out, but you can't. After a few puzzles you can unlock a toiletbooth in the bathroom, and inside there is the mark you used for saving in SH3. When gazed upon, you change into the otherworld. The mark exists there aswell, so you can change back at any time. The otherworld looks like it usually does. Barred "prison"-doors, burned and torn walls etc. Here you meet your first enemies, and get to do a few more puzzles. You keep hearing the voice more and more, and eventually it tells you to enter the showerroom and confront what happened back then. You do so, and the screen goes black. Suddenly, you're back in the room you started in, but no longer as Ben. You now play as Moon, the other girl to survive that horrible night. All the puzzles and progress that you made with Ben is still done, but you don't have his stuff. Moon also starts hearing the voice, and eventually it tells her to go to the showerroom aswell. You enter, and find the bloody corpse of Ben. You also find his backpack with all his items. You take the ones you need automatically, and then move on. Do some more puzzles, while the voice keeps telling you about that day. When entering the otherworld, there is a toiletbooth that is closed, but you won't open it because it is too disturbing. (NOTE: I believe this is where Moon hid during the night of the murders. You will know why, later on.) There is also a hole in one of the booths with bloodtraces and clawmarks, as if someone's been dragged down there. Explore some more, do some more puzzles and finally you are told by the voice to go back to the bathroom. (I'm not saying anything about their journeys through the orphanage because it's mostly just puzzles, enemies and cryptic messages from the voice that won't tell you much) When you arrive at the bathroom, the same thing happens as when Ben entered the showerroom. You now start as Karen in the storeroom. First you hear the strange voice, and then you talk a bit with Ben through the ventilation system (same conversation as before) and after realizing there is no way out of this room, you choose to take a nap. When you wake up, the door is open. You now start where Moon left off. The voice keeps talking to you, and reveals herself as Karens sister. She also reveals herself as Alessa! So, she is Alessas sister. After some exploring and some disturbing findings (I won't tell you what) and going to the completely bloodcovered otherworld-bathroom, you find Moon's backpack. The disturbing booth is now open, and Moon is nowhere to be found. Alessa keeps telling Karen about how she found the safe place, the good place. After reaching this room, Karen is told and also realizes that she was the one who killed everyone 30 years ago. You shoot some monster that is somehow connected to Alessa, and then Alessa is disappointed in you. She says some cryptic things, and the game says "To be continued...". END OF SPOILERS!!! END OF SPOILERS!!! Now, for the review. Without any music, and very few soundeffects, the atmosphere isn't very Silent Hill-ish, but it does actually get creepy from time to time. Puzzles can be a bit difficult at times, but that is mostly because it can be hard finding the required objects as they are sometimes very small and hard to spot. The interface and controls work, and they do so by having a cursor and when clicking something a meny comes up with four buttons. Look, Use, Speak and Inventory. These are really all you need, and make it simple enough to advance through the game. Fighting controls can be a bit clumsy, but they are okay. You press a button to change the cursor into a crosshair, and when you put it over the enemy it will turn red, and then you should shoot. If you don't wait until it is red, you will miss. The story of th game is a bit thin, and confusing if you've played the other games in the series, but it is still exciting and worth playing, although it is short. Those are my two cents.
  16. I just, um... aquired the Silent Hill Mobile game, and I've just played a little bit, but it seems like a good game. The controls are working great so far, no fighting yet though. When I've beaten it, I'll post a short review (unless someone beats me to it).
  17. And this! Everyone needs some treasure hunting! http://www.starzander.com/tings/map.swf Yeah yeah, my first flash ever from a few years ago. Arr!
  18. ...is today, ye land lubbers! Arr! Go forth and speak ye pirate lingo to all the binge rats of the world! Avast! And so on.
  19. Stamina Mega Flower Curry Heavy Slow Angled Brawl!
  20. We really need to get a translation of those lyrics. They might spill something about the "core" of the game, that he's talking about.
  21. It's delayed until the first quarter of 2008 in Europe. The american launch date is still December 3rd.
  22. I wonder why he is called Devil in the US version of Brawl, and Demon in the European version... I mean, just because his game wasn't released in the US, doesn't mean he has to have different names, right? They're not that different anyways.
  23. I'm morel ike... What the heck? I was actually thinking just a couple of days ago, if Ash would be in it someday... And here he is! Kind of. I'm very curious to see if this will work smoothly or not.
  24. Okay, so Peach HAS to be playable again. Awesome!
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