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Sammy D

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Everything posted by Sammy D

  1. Ok, So I reworked some of the sounds. I made it a little more dynamic with how hard the notes were pressed, and I've switched around the ending a little again. Is this ready for submitting? Does it sound close enough to to count as a remix? Any thoughts would help.Again, It's on my blog or you can download it.
  2. You need a build up after they start clapping.
  3. I don't really dig the piano that starts at 1:52. It sounds like it's being played in a small room, when everything else is played in a cave, and it's really bright. All the other solo's fit well with each other though. I hear the source in the background pattern, so that's good.
  4. I agree with your analysis on the mood breaking. I'll see if I can't find a different sound for the synth lead at the end.
  5. This is what Shadow Temple would sound like if it actually had a song in it. It's on my blog or you can download it.
  6. New song on my blog. Or if you prefer, here's a mp3. It's sortof based off of Zelda Grave yard theme and Metroid Norfire theme, with a little bit of Prince of Persia added in.
  7. So I've decided to just turn this into my thread of works in progress, I'll occasionally update with a new song, and If you like any of the song's please do tell, and if you have any tips, also do tell. All of the songs will be embedded in my blog, so you can also check that out, Or you can download it.
  8. ITT we post our best rag doll videos/pics http://skatereel.ea.com/members/1/181772679/887726.aspx
  9. Yeah, sorry bout that. That is the game I'm talking about. This is a shadow complex
  10. Well the original novel was actually developed as a concept for this game, So he's really been a big part of this game, and has been working with the studio on this story.
  11. Because I did. I think you should too. Shadow complex is going to be awesome, and it's part of a universe where there is a modern day civil war in the U.S.
  12. I was playing Skate 2 when this happened.
  13. Sounds good, what do you want to know? do you have aim?

  14. So who was your favorite unmoder who is no longer with us.
  15. Jesus. That shit brings a tear to my eye. Sir_Nuts. Also, holy crap, didn't realize that Atomic Fog, Atomic Dog, and Wacky were around back then. Serves me right for going on a 2 year hiatus. And I knew I knew the name bagel fuzzynuts from somewhere. Also, does anyone know where INJIN and her shit post modern arguments went to? God I miss those.
  16. There's always silk road.
  17. That is by far the most moveing song I've heard in a long time. I'm damn near in tears. Could be because of the situation I'm in, or just that it gave me hope, something I don't want. Either way, Amazing song. Definetly professional quality. Amazeing job.
  18. Well it seems that everyone agrees that the second part is definetly the best part of the entire song. I would have to agree, and it's definetly good metal, wich is my absolute favorite type of music. If Frank Klepacki (of command and conquer fame) did the metroid sound track, it would sound like this
  19. Well it seems that everyone agrees that the second part is definetly the best part of the entire song. I would have to agree, and it's definetly good metal, wich is my absolute favorite type of music. If Frank Klepacki (of command and conquer fame) did the metroid sound track, it would sound like this
  20. #1, that's not skipping. if you would take the time to listen to it carefully, you'd see that it's percussive, since it's on tempo / rhythm. #2, since when is a rating of 7 / 10 great?? if I was 'very pleased' with the creative flow of a song, and thought that mixes like this were 'great' it'd be getting a 9/10 or 10/10. 7/10 = average, give Daniel some credit man. it's pritty good, but i would agree that it gets a 7/10. I think his other mix, The Galaxy is at peace, is a lot better, but he is a very good remixer. can't wait for more.
  21. Right around 2:30, it has a really great climax that builds up, perfect. I don't know, the other part of the song feels weird. it's pritty good tho.
  22. Wow, that's and amazeing song, so gentle and peiceful. I put it on repeat, and fell asleep to it's beauty. And then, i woke up to it, and felt like it was a brand new day, with all the cheer in the world. Wonderful. splendid.
  23. I ususaly don't like techno, but i have to hand it to him. He did a great job with this peice. A keeper fo show.
  24. My first reaction after hearing the main beat " Yessss, Hahaha". Just after i herad it i knew that it would be a keeper. Download now
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