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Everything posted by Bigfoot

  1. So getting things without paying for it because of a hack makes it ok?
  2. I'm pretty sure a Kid Icarus title has already been confirmed.
  3. Hey, now you're on Joystiq. http://www.joystiq.com/2008/05/29/everything-you-wanted-to-know-about-gaming-and-sex-but-were-afr/
  4. You obviously need to play more CoD4. Well, I guess nobody really pisses me off, but sometimes they can annoy the hell out of you because of the way they talk.
  5. Hey look, you're on Kotaku. http://kotaku.com/5011043/video-game-sex-lecture-time
  6. I never did finish this game.. I think I remember the final boss being hard as hell to beat.
  7. No, that's why they are making a Dragonball movie. Come on, look at what the characters look like. http://dbthemovie.com/2008/05/22/more-scans-yamcha-and-chi-chi-revealed/
  8. They'd have to make it just like this, same sound effects and all.
  9. Hugo's House of Horrors
  10. We sell more Samsungs at our store than any other brand at work. They also have like 4 models of the same size LCD, and that gets annoying at times. But really, before you buy any TV, make sure you look up reviews of the model that you're looking at online. Make sure they're also from a reliable source. A company can make a cheap and crappy product, but they can also make a good one.
  11. They're In The Groove 2 machines(unless they upgraded a DDR machine using an upgrade kit), but yeah. Roxor released a patch to where you can basically play Stepmania songs(song has to be .ogg format) on the machine, or you can just hack the machine to do the same thing plus benefits.
  12. Us dance game players are fans of Lazytown Cooking by the Book There's Always A Way Bing Bang http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bS4HK_6TlnI You are a Pirate Galaxy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFfJvKSvSV0
  13. LCD all the way.
  14. I wish they would play it themselves so I could see what they'd have to say. What was the point of adding online play when there is a 1-2 second delay the whole match? It almost makes me wish I'd have to pay for an online service from Nintendo just so their online system could be a hell of a lot better with actual accounts.
  15. Bingo. It takes some time to load the actual playable characters into the game. When you play 100-man/Endless Brawl, you'll notice the disc being read every 25 kills when it loads in a playable character as the CPU. Also, I wish this game didn't blow so much online.
  16. That looks harder that what it really is. And what I'm about to say is probably easier said than done. Looks like you just need to play it a few times to figure out the patterns, and you need to find out the hitbox on your ship.
  17. Here, this will make you feel better.
  18. GTA IV http://www.escapistmagazine.com/articles/view/editorials/zeropunctuation/4902-Zero-Punctuation-Grand-Theft-Auto-IV
  19. I've had pretty bad lag instances where I'd cross the finish line first, but I end up getting second.
  20. Credits to rynker for making the file. There's a video for it, but it always crashes on Stepmania 4 for some reason. http://files.filefront.com/Super+Mario+World+Remixrar/;10153797;/fileinfo.html
  21. I hope they truly wow us with this. Doom 3 was way too dark at times, and it was nothing like the previous Doom titles. What I loved about Doom so much was going into an area that was loaded with monsters. With Doom 3, you were lucky to fight 2 imps at once. And the final boss battle? What a joke.
  22. Everything else works fine. I downloaded the update with no problem, but I could not connect to the shop channel at all.
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