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Everything posted by watkinzez

  1. Now that there's a decent amount of bios done, perhaps a 'dibbing' system should be in order on the front page? Say someone claims a character, and then they have one week or so to produce it before it gets taken off the list. Saves people accidentally doubling up, and takes care of anyone who might slack and sit on a bio for months. Good idea?
  2. Looks good, LAOS. The only thing I'd add is any changes to his character over the course of the franchise, if there is any. 4.5 thumbs up! EDIT- Oh yeah and add the year that Edge debuted below the Capcom hyperlink.
  3. ..well, now you can't.
  4. I'm afraid you can't tarnish my nick any further than it already is.
  5. Quotes? Seems like a good idea. Wario NINTENDO 1992 Wario is in every way the opposite of Mario, right down to the logo on his hat- a flipped ‘M’. First introduced in Super Mario Land 2 as the game’s villain, his jealousy for Mario’s fame led him to steal the six Golden Coins from his castle. Though eventually defeated, Wario’s intriguing character led him to become the protagonist of the Super Mario Land series from then on, becoming the Wario Land games. His devious nature and greed for wealth gave the titles a unique flavour. Wario is invincible in several ‘Land’ games, instead losing coins that he has collected. The amount of currency gained determines the size and grandeur of his castle at the end of the game, in an ultimate bid to make Mario jealous. The brute force that Wario possesses directs his games as more action centered than other Nintendo platformers. As the series went on the advent of powers allowed Wario to overcome various obstacles; setting himself alight to break through walls, inflating his body to float up towers. Renowned developer Treasure delivered Wario World, Wario’s first solo 3D outing, on GameCube. The company’s action based history shifted the series’ perspective to greater emphasis on fighting, with a more linear structure. The recent WarioWare series have shown a more humourous aspect to Wario’s character, concurrently introducing some of the most unusual games in the past few years. In an attempt to get rich Wario decides to run a video game company, each title only being a few seconds in length. The quick succession of these games comprises a session of WarioWare and in many ways demonstrates Wario’s madcap nature. Many of Wario’s appearances have been in various Mario franchises, such as the Mario Party and Tennis series. The above picture of Wario depicts his appearance in the racing game Mario Kart 64. Quote: "I'm-a gonna win!" Source: Wario Wikipedia Page Gamehiker’s Wario Bio Games Wario has appeared in: GAME BOY Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins (1992) Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3 (1993) Wario Land II (1998) Wario Land 3 (2000) Wario Land 4 (2001) WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgame$ (2003) WarioWare Twisted (2005) NINTENDO 64 Mario Kart 64 (1996) Mario Party (1999) Mario Golf (1999) Mario Tennis (2000) GAMECUBE Wario World (2003) Mario Kart: Double Dash!! (2003) WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Party Game$ (2004) NINTENDO DS WarioWare: Touched! (2005)
  6. Who? Me? Until what? If you're referring to when ,which was about 3 weeks ago, I'm really sorry. I don't like the idea of posting my bios of my own that I'm not satisfied with myself. I haven't had the time or inspiration to do any more than coordination/administration work for a long time now, and the bios I've tried to write have all sucked. I haven't even managed to make a decent new sig image for myself to advertise this project. If it weren't for you and Linearity, this project would probably have been terminated a long time ago, despite everyone else's efforts. I understand if you feel like you're doing all the work, because... well, you are. You're all doing more for this project than I am right now, and I intend to change that, but right now, I just can't. I truly am grateful to all of you, even to those who did nothing but identify a single character. I want to finish this project before school starts again after summer. I'll have all the time in the world to participate more actively when I've written my last exam (which is on the first week of June), but right now, everything just sucks. Oh, and, if this isn't what you meant, then I don't know what you're talking about. :-/ chez is a friend of mine. He said he'd write that bio back in December. You're doing great.
  7. Took your damn time...
  8. Why must this be so short? For while it lasts the composition is brilliant. The first listenings were certainly a jolt before settling in the style of the piece, expecting something akin to Shnabubula was close and yet off the mark, ktriton adds a new layer here. The length is the only thing keeping it back from its full potential.
  9. So.. now that Prot left ASU and has no more web space/deleted the site by accident/deleted the site because of his relationship with OCR, is anyone picking up something to fill in the gap? You could easily say that the torrent is an alternative method for new users to grab the project, but having a dead homepage is a bit unprofessional towards OCR..
  10. Dude' date=' I didn't think your last sig could be topped in scare factor. But this one is [i']freaky.
  11. But Gruntilda's magic attacks always hit you back onto the roof of her lair..
  12. I just bought a pair of Sennheiser HD555s, and this was one of the first songs I used for a road test. Now I already knew the quality prevalent in this song, but now I can say that Neskvartetten sounds awesome. Mustin is right to have this in his top ten ever remixes. Brilliant.
  13. Only if you try to beat them straight away. This rule applies to all the bounty bosses in Skies, though still after beating the game that bounty guy in the ice area was still frigging hard.
  14. You could just say that's from The Minish Cap artwork (seeing as it looks about the same as The Wind Waker anyways) and not put in the bit that she's in The Wind Waker if you want to try avoid spoilers. But then you're back to just normal old Zelda again with no defining elements that warrant a seperate bio.
  15. Highly unlikely. D-Lux for co host! ... akward... I am so evil.
  16. Highly unlikely. D-Lux for co host!
  17. Well, it is The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker... Nice bios. But there have been games in the series that didn't include Zelda (Link's Awakening, and a small cameo in Majora's Mask). Thanks.
  18. Yoshi NINTENDO 1990 While Yoshi may be a dinosaur, his affectionate nature makes him one that is harmless to his friend Mario, yet a formidable foe to the grunts of Bowser’s army. His name loosely translating to ‘happy’, Yoshi was introduced to the Mario franchise in Super Mario World, where he helped rid his island home of Bowser’s Koopa invasion. Once found Mario could ride Yoshi through levels with increased speed, able to eat enemies and spit them back out with the dinosaur’s long tongue. Smaller foes could be swallowed with ease; others allowed Yoshi to spit out fireballs to get the edge on the situation. Though still within the canon of the Mario series, Yoshi has starred in his own games, of varying genre. Revealing that there is more than one of the dinosaurs, the platformer sequel Yoshi’s Island allowed the player to take complete control of a Yoshi clan as they attempted to reunite the then infant Mario Bros. Taking full advantage of Yoshi’s abilities, eggs laid after eating enemies could be used as projectiles against the enemy, not to mention useful in many puzzles throughout the game. This game, along with its semi sequel Yoshi’s Story expanded the universe that the Yoshies live in, shown in parallel with characters such as Baby Bowser, a small dog named Poochy, and others. Puzzlers such as Yoshi’s Cookie and Tetris Attack used the Yoshi character during this period. Yoshi has become one of the standard characters to include in various Mario spin offs, the Super Smash Bros series demonstrating his abilities most effectively. Throwing projectiles and becoming an egg to spin across the stage makes Yoshi a decently formidable fighter. The above picture of Yoshi depicts his appearance in the racing game Mario Kart 64. Source: Yoshi Wikipedia Page The History of Yoshi Super Mario World Manual Games that Yoshi has appeared in: SNES Super Mario World (1990) Super Mario Kart (1992) Super Mario World 2: Yoshi’s Island (1995) Super Mario RPG: The Legend of the Seven Stars (1996) Tetris Attack (1996) GAME BOY Yoshi (1992) Yoshi’s Cookie (1993) NINTENDO 64 Mario Kart 64 (1996) Yoshi’s Story (1998) Mario Party (1998) Super Smash Bros (1999) Mario Golf (1999) Mario Tennis (2000) GAMECUBE Super Smash Bros Melee (2001) Super Mario Sunshine (2002) NINTENDO DS Super Mario 64 DS (2004) Yoshi Touch & Go (2005) Related links: http://yoshilore.com/ Is the plural Yoshis or Yoshies? EDIT BY DAFYDD: Beats me.
  19. Mario (Kart) NINTENDO 1992 For more information, consult the Mario bio. Mario has starred in his own kart racing series since 1992, and has since been continued as a strong venture of the Mario franchise. Taking a spin off of racing games of the past, the Mario Kart games discards the need for realism and adds a party atmosphere in the form of items on the course. Classic Mario items such as shells and bananas can be used to gain the lead off the player’s opponent. Though Mario stars in the series, characters are drawn from various Nintendo franchises. In the game, Mario acts as an all rounder character, with average speed, acceleration and weight. Preferring tarmac to the beaten track, his home courses usually involve a standard racing ground with various sights from the Mushroom Kingdom, his home. In Mario Kart: Double Dash!!, his unique item was a fireball that knocked out anyone immediately in front of him. Quote: "Welcome to Mario Kart!" Source: Mario Kart Wikipedia Page Super Mario Kart Manual Mario Kart 64 Manual Mario Kart: Double Dash!! Manual Games Mario has appeared in: SNES Super Mario Kart (1992) NINTENDO 64 Mario Kart 64 (1996) GAME BOY Mario Kart Super Circuit (2001) GAMECUBE Mario Kart: Double Dash!! (2003) NINTENDO DS Mario Kart DS (2005)
  20. Well, I'd leave most spoilers to common sense, but there's definitely some mascots up there that'd be hard to write for, most notably this one: Wind Waker is a recent game, and to delve into this character would be spoiling quite a bit. Really the picture shouldn't be up there (the art style gives it away being from The Wind Waker, and people put two and two together..) I dunno, would you just link to this one? Princess Zelda NINTENDO 2004 An oft made mistake made by newcomers of the Zelda series figure that the game’s protagonist, Link, is in fact named Zelda. Nonetheless, the series is in fact named after the damsel in distress present. Princess Zelda is the one who holds the Triforce of Wisdom in the original NES game, an object of divine powers. When Ganon, King of Evil, claims the realm of Hyrule as his land, Zelda shattered the Triforce into eight pieces to prevent it falling into the wrong hands. Before she was taken by Ganon she commanded her nursemaid Impa to find a hero of the land, and save Hyrule. Zelda is of a pure heart, her descendents guarding the Triforce from evil. Her abilities are often presented as magical, gifted with the power of foresight throughout her line. Unlike her equivalent character in the Mario series, Princess Peach, Zelda is seen to be of strong will, and an important character towards saving Hyrule numerous times. Her role in Ocarina of Time saw her precognition in unveiling Ganondorf as a threat to Hyrule, sending off Link on his quest. Throughout the games there is more than one Zelda and Link, each forming a separate line whose offspring play their role to protect Hyrule. As such, there are many conflicting stories on the relationship between the two. Though some romantic tension has been shown in the series, most of the interaction has been implied and often comes to nothing. The Princess has never been a playable character in the main series, but makes an appearance in Super Smash Bros Melee along with her alter ego Sheik. Quote: "Ganondorf; pitiful man. Without a strong righteous mind, he could not control the power of the gods." Source: Princess Zelda Wikipedia Page Zelda Universe Encyclopedia Games Princess Zelda has appeared in: NES The Legend of Zelda (1987) Zelda II: The Adventure of Link (1988) SNES The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (1992) NINTENDO 64 The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (1998) The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask (2000) GAME BOY The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages (2001) The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons (2001) The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap (2004) GAMECUBE Super Smash Bros Melee (2001) The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (2003) The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures (2004) Related links: http://www.legendofzelda.com/
  21. This may be a stupid question, but what's the policy on spoilers?
  22. Yay We are in the stance of thankness.
  23. You didn't get the memo? I'm getting royalties, man.
  24. My opinion to a tee. You hear a Shna mix and time and again a section crops up where you think "Whoa, never heard that bit before. Cool". There's just so many layers that songs like Pegasus Boots work on that makes them the ultimate in replayability. And that's even if you don't know the source. Now imagine if Sam did anything along the lines of hip hop.. possibilities?
  25. Bah, I missed it too. At least we now have a backlog of shows that'll get released eventually. Sending off a great show. Nice end song too, Flik.
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