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Everything posted by watkinzez

  1. Haha.. new mascots. 136: Lady (Devil May Cry 3) 137: Dante (Devil May Cry) 138: Voldo (Soul Calibur) 139: Hammer Bros (Super Mario Bros.) 140: Cid (Final Fantasy VII) 141: Shinnosuke Kagami (Last Blade) 142: Gambit (X-Men) 143: Venom 144: Blaze the Cat (Sonic Rush) 145: Spiderman 146: Zato-1 (Guilty Gear) 147: Solid Snake (MGS4, we can just link this to the other Solid Snake bio) 148: Lakitu (Super Mario Bros.) 149: Rose (Street Fighter Alpha) 150: Setsuna (Last Blade) Thanks SoloGamer. There's also another mascot of which I don't know the number of.. a crazy Japanese office worker guy which I glanced a few minutes ago. EDIT- Turns out this guy replaced 101, which (luckily) hasn't had a bio written. Looking at Shnabubula's post on the first page, a few other mascots have changed (mostly quality of the pictures, seem to be bigger). A few, though- Is this one the same character as the old one, or am I just blind?
  2. Well, the Rayza/Aurora stuff is a bit outdated, as is the ThaSauce link. Also, I think Doug and Cyan_Ide would take offense to them not being mentioned with Rama being there. I'm SOOOOO MAAAAAD ADFADLFHALDFHALDFALDFHLDKF WELL NO NEED TO TAKE IT OUT ON ME
  3. Well, the Rayza/Aurora stuff is a bit outdated, as is the ThaSauce link. Also, I think Doug and Cyan_Ide would take offense to them not being mentioned with Rama being there.
  4. Sadly, I didn't star in Black Books or Shaun of the Dead- but but photos of me are online from the Aus Meetup.
  5. How about ^___^ ? ...fine. Just "*Eyebrow raise*" then.
  6. I'd put that by Dafydd first.. said he's been working on one.
  7. It survived! What I mean to say is I still love this song.
  8. D'oh! I can't believe I missed that. I'd go back and fix it, but I lost my latest build of the song due to a recent HD crash. The backup I have is old compared to how much work I got done on the latest version. Ah well, live and learn.I appreciate the constructive criticism a ton! The areas I need to improve in seem to be things I repeat with each new song I create, so I'll be applying what I know now to my next remix. Anyways, I'm glad you guys are digging the song. rock on. \m/ I... dont hear this audio deformation? ... What should I be looking for? GODAMMIT I looked for it and now I won't be able to listen to the song without hearing it. Ignorance is bliss.
  9. As far as I know, Joshie/=Joshua Morse. And the movie was Bruce Almighty (deleted scenes, I believe). Links to Unleash the Beast plz
  10. YAY, GO 1498!also, a few lines in the writeup are interesting, so djp is aware that there are some projects ready to be released. now I'm getting more optimistic, I believe that Project Chaos can be released within August Dude, he's obviously talking about the Mascot Bio project.
  11. This one? Entered in the Dwelling of Duels competition, came 6th.. if there is any difference at all, it's miniscule (mastering, sample changes).
  12. You ought to just have the bio titled "Ganondorf". As a general message, it's great to see this is almost done! I look forward to it. Fair enough. For a mistranslation, though, it is a pretty cool name.
  13. The links to my bios I consider done, then: Diddy Kong Joanna Dark Lemming Viewtiful Joe Bowser Ness Alex Kidd Donkey Kong Fox McCloud Geno Link The Prince Princess Zelda Mario (Kart) Yoshi Wario Solid Snake Luigi Princess Peach Crono Orta Lucca Beat Metal Slug Toyota Supra Heather Morris Naked Snake Ryu Hayabusa R-9A Arrowhead I'll also badger/discuss with chez on the final version for his Magus bio.
  14. I consider all my bios complete and ready bar these ones: -Metroid (possible spoilers) -Penelo (robotic, unengaging) -Samus Aran and Samus Aran (Prime) (should be combined?) -Saria (spoilers) Just flagging them down to get Dafydd's consent and opinion. R-9A Arrowhead IREM 1987 The R-9A Arrowhead is the result of a line of prototypes made in order to combat the enemies of Earth. The inception of the game commands the player to “blast off and destroy the evil Bydo Empire”, and strike they must with their one ship army. R-Type was a game released when scrolling shoot em ups were in their prime, and Irem’s product brought forth several features that set it apart from the competition. The Arrowhead, while a small ship, had many a weapon to even the insurmountable odds stacked against it. While the standard attack was a pulsing laser, holding down the fire button would unleash larger fireballs of various sizes depending on the charge time. A host of power ups could be gained so as to be used against the Bydo armada- the key of which was a piece of the enemy’s flesh called The Force. Described as “an indestructible living weapon”, the quazi-satellite object would attach to the front of the Arrowhead and fire devastating bolts of reflecting lasers, arcs of red energy or crawling yellow energy that would follow the top or bottom of the screen, destroying anything in its path. Its strength could also be used as a shield when under fire by the bosses the game threw at you, while desperately trying to hit the coloured jewel that signified its weak spot. And many bosses there were, a highlight of the R-Type series and a challenge to take down with the Arrowhead. While the original game offered little detail in terms of the story, the sequels on later systems expanded on the events more. As it turns out the Bydo were made by humans four centuries in the future, but had miscalculated in sending their grown army to an enemy solar system. Stuck in a wormhole, the evil entities traveled through time to the 22nd Century, ready to attack their creators’ ancestors. According to Irem, the PlayStation 2 game R-Type Final will be the last game in the series, thus retiring the franchise. Source: R-Type Wikipedia Page Hardcore Gaming 101- R-Type Hyper Magazine #128- Classics- R-Type Games the Arrowhead series have appeared in: ARCADE R-Type (1987) R-Type II (1989) R-Type Leo (1992) SNES Super R-Type (1991) R-Type III (1993) PLAYSTATION R-Type Delta (1998) PLAYSTATION 2 R-Type Final (2003)
  15. Ryu Hayabusa TECMO 1988 A long way away from Japan, Ryu Hayabusa’s father, Ken, has just been murdered in combat. It is too late when Ryu finds the note that his father left him. Fearing that he may not return home again, Ken instructs Ryu to leave for America in search for one Walter Smith, who may explain more of the journey to be taken. Ryu must take the Hayabusa’s secret heirloom, the Dragon Sword, in order to succeed on his quest. It is on this journey that Ryu learns the power of the mystical Demon Statues, such that they are in high demand with other powers working against him. Ryu, star of Tecmo’s Ninja Gaiden series, is a ninja who gains experience while on his journey. While travelling on his quest for revenge Ryu discovers the truth behind his father’s death, and the power contained in the sword he carries. Through the story Ryu shows calm and experienced maneuvers in the decisions he makes. He has his sense of honour in the fights he is involved in, yet never holds back. A streak of impatience has often gotten him into troublesome situations. While appearing in the Ninja Gaiden trilogy Ryu is also part of Tecmo’s own Dead or Alive series, in which he vies for victory in the DOA World Tournament. Fueled by the disappearance of his best friend’s sister Kasumi, Ryu once again enters the world of combat in the first Dead or Alive. As a DOA character Ryu is considered top tier, having exceptional reaction and execution time. Having a jack of all trades status, his weakness is in his inability to deal large amounts of damage with each hit. Using the environment to the player’s advantage is integral to using Ryu effectively. Source: Ryu Hayabusa Wikipedia Page Classic Gaming- Ninja Gaiden- The Story Ninja Gaiden Manual Games that Ryu has appeared in: NES Ninja Gaiden (1988) Ninja Gaiden II (1990) Ninja Gaiden III (1991) ARCADE Dead or Alive (1996) DREAMCAST Dead or Alive 2 (2000) XBOX Dead or Alive 3 (2001) Ninja Gaiden (2004) XBOX 360 Dead or Alive 4 (2005)
  16. Yay, Mascot Bio Project pimpage!
  17. Wait, what? I definitely missed that one. As did I As did I. I think he's talking about the melody going in runs of 3rds at times possibly. (Which is what the Wind Scene melody is mainly comprised of.) Sorry, can't take credit for any subliminal references. That's luck. The bit I hear as Wind Scene starts at :42 at goes on for about 10 seconds, so yeah, only vague similarity. Still like it though.
  18. OMG ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY Happy birthday Bio Mascot Project.
  19. Damn, I love people who come out of nowhere and drop a bombshell in the form of kickass music. Jazz hop definitely fits the song like a glove. Props for the references to Wind Scene as well. VERY much looking forward to the outcome of this one.
  20. Spoilers galore, no? Naked Snake KONAMI 2004 Despite the code name, FOX unit operative Naked Snake is highly trained in guerilla warfare and stealth tactics. His ability to not be seen comes in handy when deployed on a mission midway through the tension of the Cold War. Left in the jungles of the Soviet Union, the objectives of the Virtuous Mission are simple- retrieve defected scientist Nikolai Stephanovich Sokolov and return him to American soil. Why? Sokolov’s role in developing some nightmarish weapon must be stopped, lest a whole new war begins. It would begin a new age of fear. Snake’s experience is not limited to FOX, joining said unit after serving in the CIA and several years as a Green Beret. His specialty lies in the covert operation he was picked for, also holding a title as a seasoned combat veteran. The military equipment and weaponry experience are abilities Snake picked up from his mentor, American war hero The Boss. It is with her that Snake developed the exceptional fighting technique known as Close Quarters Combat. This system is one that is heavily featured in Metal Gear Solid 3. While adept at the mission he is assigned to, the inception of the game presents Snake as rookie with many intricacies of the battlefield yet to learn. It is through the game that he becomes more experienced in the ways of the operation. Indeed, as he has a large role to fill... Quote: “Real heroes are never made public.” Source: Metal Gear Solid 3 Wikipedia Page Metal Gear Solid 3 Manual Answers.com- Metal Gear Solid 3 Characters Games that Naked Snake has appeared in: PLAYSTATION 2 Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater* (2004) Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence (2005) *not in database, but mixed in these two Metal Gear Solid ReMixes November 6 edit- Added Reuben Kee's MGS mixes.
  21. Hey, the same song AkumajoBelmont remixed. A little more subdued than what we're used to with zircon. I found it to be decent, but nothing beyond the fade in at 2:55 seemed to stand out. My two cents.
  22. Grah misinformation. Programming problems was the reason, no?
  23. Hmm, mostly fighting game characters left.. I'll dib Naked Snake and see what I can do.
  24. Remember listening to this one back when it came out. Ultimately, I'd say it's a keeper. Excellent arrangement, good use of preset sounds. Why we love Mike.
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