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Everything posted by watkinzez

  1. Rayman could actually be a possibility, but Jade? Don't make me drown in tears of joy.
  2. New Zealand Story remake for the DS. Fecking awesome.
  3. Heather Morris KONAMI 2003 Heather Morris is your average teen girl, tastes in music, clothing and shopping, with a penchant for a short temper. Or at least that’s what she thought as she sat there in the burger parlor at her local mall. Her Dad had sent her for some errand, and she was late to return home. It was with skepticism on her part that a man garbed in a trenchcoat approached her, one that she had never met before. Distressed at his apparent interest in her and repeated strange questions, Heather quickly left to where he can’t follow- the ladies bathroom. Now questions run through her mind. Who is this man? Who does he work for? What does he want with me? Not wanting to cross him again for fear of safety, she concludes the window as the only escape route from whoever was following her. Her uncertainty was not over, however. Everything after her leaving the diner seemed strangely... empty. What had happened to the people in the mall? Where had they gone? She was alone. As she walks through the surrounds, she increasingly finds herself in some hellish nightmare from which she can’t escape. The buildings are deformed, walls are covered with rust and smears of blood across the ground. Creatures that Heather cannot physically justify begin to appear, with no one around to defend her. This seemingly random string of events is what Heather eventually realises to which she is somehow related. Memories from the past begin to bother her. To why such an occurrence is happening, she doesn’t know. In a struggle to survive, she decides to find out herself. Quote: “Are you still following me? Do I have to scream?” Source: Heather Morris Wikipedia Page Silent Hill 3 Wikipedia Page Silent Hill 3 Manual Hyper Magazine #118- Silent Hill 3 review Games that Heather has appeared in: PLAYSTATION 2 Silent Hill 3 (2003)
  4. Nice. Dafydd intended to have a post production edit process, but he's away at the moment, back on the 24th.. not sure how many bios he'd approve 100%. EDIT- I'd forgotten Toyota Disco there, but I suppose it's better not mentioned in the bio for fears of scaring away newcomers.
  5. Toyota Supra TOYOTA 1979 The Supra line of cars extends over 20 years of history and four iterations of Toyota’s model. Unveiled in 1979, the Supra was designed as a spin-off sports car, inspired from the company’s Celica line. It wasn’t until 1986 that the Supra was officially recognized as its own model, though to this day influences from its origins still stand. Supra is a Latin derivation that means to ‘stand above, over, to be greater than’. Four models of the car were made over the 20 years after its inception, ranging from Mark I to IV. The first, made with intent to compete with the popular Datsune, was not far off the Celica liftback. The second iteration redesigned the front of the car and adjusted its length, allowing for a larger engine. It was the Mark III which separated the Supra into its own line of car, keeping its rear wheel drive and adding a more powerful engine than its 2.8 and 3.0L predecessors. Over the latter years of the 80s the Supra received new tail lights, a front bumper, badging and side trim amongst other features. The Mark IV, featured in Need for Speed Underground as shown above, took a big leap for the Supra’s direction as a major sports car. The 1993 release featured two new engines, the turbocharged variant able to reach 60mph from rest in 4.6 seconds over a quarter of a mile. The IV’s twin turbos operated in sequential mode rather than the standard parallel mode, acting as a gear to increase speed with reduced lag. This resulted in boost and enhanced torque as much as 1800rpm. Toyota also took extra measures to reduce weight of the car, using hollow carpet fibres and aluminum for the hood. It was in 2002 that the company stopped production in Japan altogether, citing a decline in sales. Only recently there have been hints of a revival, targeting different directions in the car. Source: Toyota Supra Wikipedia Page Toyota.com: Vehicles: Supra Toyota Supra History Games that the Toyota Supra has appeared in: PLAYSTATION Gran Turismo (1998) Gran Turismo (1999) PLAYSTATION 2 Gran Turismo 3 (2001) Need for Speed: Underground (2003) Gran Turismo 4 (2005) Quote: "Vroom vroom?"
  6. Metal Slug SNK 1996 The year is 2028. Conflict has flared up between two of the world’s largest forces in an era of modern day terrorism- the Regular Army and the Rebellion. An alliance of many nations to protect their people from outside threats, the Army is large but crumbling under the corrupt nature of the suits in control. The Rebellion, led by small but organised militant groups, had nearly annihilated their adversaries two years before in a worldwide assault. Their superior numbers and rapidly developing technologies had assured them victory. A secret weapon was in development by the Regular Army for use in a counter attack against the Rebellion. Codename ‘Super Vehicle-001’ was to be known as the first Metal Slug tank. Designed as a tactical machine, its light weight would allow it to be lifted to many locations by helicopter, hydraulics for it to traverse uneven terrain. The primary weapon a three barreled Vulcan cannon- this was an offensive weapon. Its main weakness was the defense of its chassis, which was improved in later versions. This development was not however without fault- Rebels had caught wind of this weapon and successfully hijacked the assembly line worth of Metal Slugs. Seeing this incident of cause from intelligence failure, 1st Lieutenant Marco Rossi of the Army takes it upon himself to retrieve the stolen weapons, either have them destroyed in the process. Rounding up the remains of the crippled Army, Marco is helped by 2nd Lieutenant Tarma Roving in a commando mission to save the Metal Slugs. There have been many iterations of the Metal Slug design, manufactured by the Army or other outside factions- the ‘Black Hound’ model was made by the Ptolemaic Army, who had stolen blueprints and customized for maximum offensive power. Since the prototype stage, official variants have also been made. The Metal Slug franchise is known for its fluid hand drawn animation and fast paced action. Despite a deeper story than most would realise, SNK took it upon themselves to inject a humourous style into the games, with unconventional bonus powers and cartoonish animation. Source: Metal Slug Wikipedia Page Metal Slug Database- Weapons and characters Games the Metal Slug has appeared in: NEO-GEO Metal Slug (1996) Metal Slug 2 (1998) Metal Slug X (1999) Metal Slug 3 (2000) Metal Slug 4 (2002) Metal Slug 5 (2003)
  7. A gladly met improvement on the percussion for Game Over. I find it harder to listen to Little Mac's Confession and Cataclysmic Clash these days, but these drums don't draw so much attention to them. Nice work. I liked the song overall. Some of the vocals were a little quiet, but still I enjoyed them. Loved the touch at the end with the one heart left beeping sound, found that really clever. Not convinced it had to be as long as it is though.
  8. There's heaps of Bomberman games (see LinkJing's list way earlier in the thread), but it's redundant to list them all. Only the key titles are needed.
  9. You should play me beforehand. Eh, I got owned anyway. Made it to the semis where everyone was Yoshi in the Egg Kart, and came last. Hey, at least I won a New SMB coffee flask and belt for knowing how many Mario Kart games there are- 6! O_o Wait, what? Super, 64, Double Dash, Super Circuit, and DS... what am I missing? Yo missing this.
  10. Why this was on the last page of the review board is beyond me. I've had this since long before I came to OCR, 2002-ish? A great garage style tune. Tony knows how to play guitar.
  11. Was it only the PAL version that translated Yorda's speech on the second playthrough? I should probably do that one of these days. In any case, the mix. I actually don't listen to this version much, preferring the uncut version. Either way, both songs are great pieces of work. Transporting.
  12. Mr.. I'm sorry, is there a shorter version of your name to type? I approve of widening the definition of remix projects with this. Some sort of piano performance for the final Bowser fight in SM64 would be awesome. Just a suggestion for variety beyond the obvious villian choices, but I guess that's up to the remixers and all involved. Now, speaking of unique projects, I'd love to get a hip hop/rap one going, but I wouldn't have the pull within the community to the artists that would do it justice..
  13. Beat SEGA 2000 Cue the Tokyo Game Show circa 1999, and many heads were turned by one very different Dreamcast title on display. Jet Set Radio (Jet Grind Radio in the land of the free) exploded onto screens and was known as one of the first games to use the cutting edge graphics style known as cel- shading, today widespread in games such as The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker and Sly Racoon. The use of the technique gave Sega’s skating game a distinct cartoon look, right at home in a game set in and around the graffiti culture of the ghetto. Behind this presentation was a story in many ways homaging cult classic The Warriors. Protagonists Beat, Gum and Tab unify themselves under the group known as The GG’s, stuck in a battle over turf with gangs such as the Love Shockers, Noize Tanks and the Golden Rhinos. Beat and co. seem out of their range as they constantly step on the toes of rival groups. Directed by eccentric DJ Professor K, the GG’s attempt to keep their home in a battle that rages continually through their lives. On top of all this, bitter law enforcement official Captain Onishima repeatedly cracks down on vandalism in his mission to clean the streets of Tokyo. Using the tag of their faction, the GG’s plaster their rival’s territory in an attempt to expand their turf and become a more powerful name on the streets. Once defeated, the opposing gang hands over their belongings and land to the victors. However, with this expansion the three skaters find themselves in the sights of enemies greater than before, and their battle becomes increasing harder. Beat and his crew live free and by no rules, yet respect each other in their bond to which they live for. They are the polar opposite of the corporate entity bent on wiping the city of their kind. The first generation Xbox title Jet Set Radio Future presented a similar story in future Tokyo where freedom of speech is outlawed. Even though it was the second in the series, the game did not contain a continuation of the story, instead considered to be a remix of the original game with additional areas and characters included. Source: Jet Set Radio Wikipedia Page Jet Set Radio Future Wikipedia Page Jet Set Radio Manual Games Beat has appeared in: DREAMCAST Jet Set Radio (2000) XBOX Jet Set Radio Future (2002)
  14. Lucca SQUARE-ENIX 1995 Armed with a gun, mallet and a mind deeper than many of the greats, Lucca hails from the Kingdom of Guardia in 1000 AD. Her affinity for tinkering with various mechanical contraptions is fueled by her desire to create a better tomorrow through science; her inventions also a catalyst for the events leading to the quest that is undertaken in Chrono Trigger. It seems her teleportation device reacts strangely to an ancient pendant when unveiled at the Millennial Fair celebrations, starting a journey through time worthy of H.G. Wells. Despite her quaint appearance, her efforts, both in technology and courage, increasingly disprove her reputation as a failed scientist throughout the course of the game. It is Lucca’s abilities which make the mission to save the world from apocalypse a possibility, her vast knowledge of electronics and mechanics turning the tide of battle many a time. She is fascinated by the machine they call Robo, left deactivated in the cold future, only to be fixed by the know how of the brave scientist. Lucca brings the wrath of fire to the band’s battles against enemies unbeknownst to their home time, her weapons proving to be a powerful ally in their fight. Her knowledge is rivaled only by her self confidence in the hope that she will be able to create a better world. Lucca is childhood friends with the game’s protagonist, Crono. It is clear that they share a strong friendship and care for each other, and vow to fight together to destroy the entity known as Lavos. Quote: “Looks like you need my genius after all!” Source: Lucca Wikipedia Page Chrono Compendium Lucca Page Games Lucca has appeared in: SNES Chrono Trigger (1995) PLAYSTATION Chrono Cross (1999)
  15. You should play me beforehand. Eh, I got owned anyway. Made it to the semis where everyone was Yoshi in the Egg Kart, and came last. Hey, at least I won a New SMB coffee flask and belt for knowing how many Mario Kart games there are- 6!
  16. Well, Connection Tour tomorrow. Hopefully I'll be able to make a decent attempt in the Mario Kart competition, considering I haven't played for a while.
  17. Even though I voted for the Yoshi's Island mix, I'd just as much like to see this one worked on. Meanwhile, I've been meaning to get back to some more bios.. hopefully expect some soon.
  18. As soon as I saw the name on the judging queue, I knew I'd like it. Didn't know what to expect, however- this strange blend of sounds and grooves really smooth on the ears. Mellow enough for easy listening, yet still interesting for the fine details. I like.
  19. Not you, dude. At least, I didn't think so.
  20. This one has come across as one of the best songs on The American Album- which is saying a lot. Said work was ultimately the highlight of 2005 in remixing for me. The way Mazedude works with layers, man.. awesome. Now, if it could get under the file size limit, Glow Worm Jim would be most welcome here.
  21. Considering this came sixth, and is awesome, it's safe to say that June 2005 was a good month for DoD. Loved it then, love it now. Nice to see it over here; Midee and Prozax are close to the best collaborators in the community.
  22. Aren't you a lovely little raggamuffin? Off you pop!
  23. Great idea, Bin Breggs. Of the few true remixes you find around, most tend to be rather lacking. The only suggestion I have is more Game Boy mixes- lots of good stuff there.
  24. Oh no, the similarity is purely coincidental.
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