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Everything posted by ocre

  1. I actually have a tendency to love the 2nd iteration of their handhelds. - GBA SP <3 - DS Lite <3
  2. Portal 2 is also on PS3.
  3. No Last Guardian. No rumored Patapon 3. No Agent. Sad. Oh well. They weren't shown during the conference but hopefully there's TLG release info in the press kits.
  4. Wow. I didn't expect that. Ever.
  5. All I want to see are Agent, Patapon 3 and The Last Guardian. Lol. Golf. So far this is going exactly how I didn't want it to. Too much Move "justification".
  6. It obviously runs on the Smile power that Nintendo has accumulated from the Wii and DS so far. (Money)
  7. NEW Paper Mario Snake Eater 3D : The Naked Sample I'm BORN AGAIN Nintendo.
  8. No. 10char
  9. They're simply banking that Kinect will stir up media buzz and catch the attention of the Wii userbase of grandmothers and moms. Now let's just hope Sony has more to show us than Move. Either way, all I care about is when The Last Guardian comes out. Also: Swinging around the ol' timed exclusive trick for Call of Duty? Ho ho ho. Maybe that would've stung a little bit when Infinity Ward was it's glorious former self, but it just reeks of desperation now.
  10. Apparently it's being thrown around that the Professor's name 'translates' to 'Yew'. And back on the subject of the region, some are stubbornly speculating that it's based on the Chugoku region of Japan, due to the real-world Chugoku being called the "San'in-San'yō region" (relates to Yin & Yang). Fitting. Though, why would they say the region is far far away from the other regions if they made it in Japan again. As cool as it is that they base the regions on real Japanese regions, I would love to see a region based somewhere else, particularly if it's the U.S.
  11. Saw the rumors trickle in, in the wee hours of the morning. I like the crocodile and I really like the pidgeon(no doubt the Pidgey of this generation). Do the region maps give anyone any better ideas about where this takes place? I say it looks vaguely like the New York area(Manhattan/Central Park) and the mountains(Appalachians) on the left. This being a Pokemon game, it's understandable that the region not be as exactly urban as the real world area. (http://pokebeach.com/news/0610/corocoro-new-pokemon-4.jpg) And that new Pokedex looks like an iPod.
  12. I'd love to hear HooHoo Village - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQysK30pjBc&fmt=18 The Overworld - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ir5emjyjMx4&fmt=18 (I think halc would do wonders with these) or maybe Toad Town from Bowser's Inside Story http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4k5NK0-n1U&fmt=18
  13. Haha. Vilecat's DrumUltima goofy laugh impression(10:16) had me in stitches.
  14. I pretty much just force everything to be 4/4.
  15. Hello 10char

  16. I prefer the House Interior track myself.
  17. Hooray! Can't wait to see what you can cook up with that request, Suze. I'm pleased.
  18. HAPPY BIRTHDAY halc. I refuse to say hal-see.
  19. Who can forget Super Dodge Ball's ' ' paying homage to A Hard Day's Night.
  20. I'll take this opportunity to comment on the legendaries. They look pretty cool. Not sure if it was mentioned in this thread before that on the mockup box arts, the serial code on the bottom right indicate that these titles may be DSi-enhanced titles. Interesting.
  21. Pop quiz, hotshot.
  22. It would be a cool twist if the white one represented death and the black one represented life. And just a side bar, it was my furthest intention to 'insult' anyone by saying they look like digimon, I just guessed that that's why Brush liked them so much. <3
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