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Everything posted by ocre

  1. It looks like THE FUTURE... but sounds like a drive-thru speaker.
  2. The millions upon millions of squealing somebodies that preordered Final Fantasy XIII back when it was announced would like to have a word.
  3. Damn that Lord of the Rings trilogy. Whenever I say happy birthday I feel like a damn hobbit. Happy birthday!
  4. Take your trolling somewhere else. The 360 can't handle Versus (just like MGS4). Yeah, I went there.
  5. Sweet new sig, bro. Who made it? (and I never really noticed your like of Lip.)

  6. W is for...
  7. Mercury is my favorite! Rock rock on.
  8. I really like the old school art design in this one. I've been interested in this one since I first saw a preview.
  9. Just stopped in to say 'Hi!' :)

  10. Amateur photography (and photoshop) enthusiast here. These are some older photos I've taken. Hope ya like 'em.
  11. Very interesting interpretation of the theme. That said, I wish you could've contributed to the album, you cad.
  12. You clever little monkey! Nice job. I mistook the arm sphere in that design sketch for the white ball of energy that crabmeat shoots out.
  13. Almost everywhere I see this being reported, I see 'true sonic fans' calling that a 'ROBOT CRAB' and when it has a proper name. CRABMEAT. Anyway, I am absolutely alright if it's just Sonic playable. Tails and Knuckles being playable doesn't kill it either. <3 Sonic 3&K.
  14. Yo long time no see.

  15. I don't have to be a huge fan of the Final Fantasy games to feel that this is a really dumb idea. And I don't see how this is "a step closer to VGM being taken seriously on the same level as music done by internationally known artists." as 'My Hands' is not VG music. It wasn't written for the game. As far as I'm concerned, Square Enix is just trying to use the song in some weird attempt to appeal to... well, I don't even know. Leona Lewis fans. But anyway, that's the way it's going to be.
  16. Ben Folds' pianoy/monotone cover of Dr Dre's 'Bitches ain't Shit', which I'll let you find on youtube at your discretion. Also: nrich, I love the original version of that song
  17. Not to beat a dead horse, but you could even do another set of Robot Masters with some fresh blood somewhere down the line.
  18. Gotta hand it to you on your Robot Master mix title. Nice one.

  19. Had a lot of fun voting for round 1. I hope the winning remixers can keep their theme interesting for 3 more rounds.
  20. Just finished 64listenin to it. Very nice stuff, my man! I'll do a song-by-song critique in this post in a bit.
  21. You're a sick, sick man. I love it.
  22. A sincere Happy Birthday! - from your favorite #ocremix patron!
  23. Ok here are a couple I've seen floating around.
  24. You throw like a girl, Tucksworth!

  25. Conglaturation, Ashame and Neko. May your love overcome all obstacles for the rest of your days. Or something. Glad to have had the privilege of watching the live stream.
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