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Xenon Odyssey

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Everything posted by Xenon Odyssey

  1. My name has a space, but WUTEVA. I shall listen when I am avoiding relatives in 12 hours!
  3. Well, first off, Sibelius is a notation program, not a sequencer. If you've made sheet music for this, you should probably attempt to get some live players on this, as it would help it drastically. And since Sibelius only uses MIDI sounds, there's your 'poorly sequenced' aspect right there. Arrangement-wise, there is still a good bit of repetition. Try adding an original section of your own, or doing something that adds some variety in. Remember, you don't have to emulate the source verbaitum. I've had a couple of mixes do that and they fell flat. It's arranging, not orchestration.
  4. I can't think of anything witty, so congrats!
  5. y so serious? Clare Fischer is the shit. So are the Swingle Singers. As well as Corner Stone Cues.
  6. I can totally see Taucer doing this and with no shame too.
  7. po!'s signature finally makes sense (in the musical aspect)
  8. Fixed. I liked the chord! It was something that was different from the original.
  9. Funny how I should be doing an arrangement of this as well, albeit in a different style of jazz though... But like Willrock07 said, you basically repeat what you have after the first go through. There's nothing wrong with that if you intend to keep this as a loopable track, but you will get shot down with the judges for a lack of variation. More creativity on your part would really add to the track, especially since you've already translated it to a different genre than the original. I look forward to more after you've gotten through finals.
  10. White on blue > black on white
  11. Ah, Longing for the Wind, how fond we are... First of all, this is kinda quiet. You need to turn up the volume on this yo! I hear some clipping at 0:24 when the guitar comes in. You'll want to fix that up. The chord the guitars play at 1:07 sounds really off...I don't know if it's wrong or if it is the by-product of an effect you have going. The wind sound effect at the end was kind of taking away from the guitar soloing at the end, and that was a pretty lame ending. I'm sure you can think of a proper RAWK ending to end this baby on. As a whole, it seems kind of cluttered. You have a lot of good ideas in there, but i think they need to be sorted out and placed so that they work together well. This has promise! I look forward to an updated version.
  12. But no matter what the outcome, Soulja Boy will still be a douche in the hearts of millions.
  13. He doesn't go by just 'Soulja Boy,' you know...at least when he can, I suppose: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soulja_Boy_Tell_%27Em Also, lol at his first album being done entirely with FL Studio's demo.
  14. It's not the fact that he may be good at games; it's the fact that he is trash-talking about how he'll 'beat your ass.' If he has want it takes to back it up, so be it. If he doesn't, he needs to shut up. Perhaps the reason his music is shit is because all he does is play games instead of taking speech lessons.
  15. The high-hat seems too prominent. You might want to tone it down to fight with the rest of the drums. That really seems to be the only complaint I have; I really loved the synth solo at the end. yups
  16. you faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaail
  17. This is awesome. I'm diggin' them all so far; excellent job on getting that Mega Man sound
  18. This thread officially has too much awesome.
  19. And here I thought this was Newark, DE, not NJ. Oh wellz.
  20. Referring the fact that the media blames everything on something that is unfamiliar to them, ie. videogames is the scapegoat. Though that doesn't make sense in the context of this argument dealing with who was influenced off of what.
  21. It's not like it's the first time they've been accused of stealing for this same song, either. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viva_La_Vida#Plagiarism_allegations
  22. 1) what kind of quality are we looking for here? 2) what about greensleeves?
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