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Xenon Odyssey

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Everything posted by Xenon Odyssey

  1. I DEMAND that Shnabub is somehow a part of this project. rawrgh
  2. I looked at the tracklist and was like "Shit, this is going to be HOTT." I endorse this project! It's gonna be awesome.
  3. Seriously guys; are the sarcasm detectors broken or something? And Mozart wrote the melody to the eventual Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star! I should eat more brownies to celebrate :3
  4. If there is one thing that is universal between race, culture, and gender, it is that everyone thinks themselves to be above-average drivers. Also, I don't know what part of Jersey it is, but it is the stinks. It's not north Jersey (specifically Hillsdale) but I was in somewhere in Jersey once and all of the middle schoolers I was with were freaking out at the smell.
  5. Bonus track is looking hazy at the moment; hopefully I will have a definite answer come tomorrow as to whether it is happening or not.
  6. Now THIS is the perfect excuse to do nothing in my theory class today. Cheers to your swagger, Mo-hizzle.
  7. Obviously it's going to be The Legend of Zelda: LOL
  8. make a remix about it! It'd be awesome if it was a Zelda game, but I'd rather not get my hopes up and find out it isn't. Also, http://www.gametrailers.com/player/usermovies/153304.html lulz
  9. That, was badass. Though I think Shnabub could 1-UP him. God, I'm terrible.
  10. God, this is so fucking EPIC. I hope by the time I die I am a 1/64th as good as Shnabub. Next step: actually taking mushrooms while listening to this mix, WHILE playing Super Mario World. You might DIE.
  11. oh yeah, you wanted me to say something about this: AWESOME I hope that was satisfactory.
  12. Nekofrog: Community's Atomic Dog. Luigi's Purple Coin challenge, however, can go fuck itself. Guys, I actually liked Shadow the Hedgehog (the game). Is there something wrong with me?
  13. Oh yeah. I told my little brother about this article (he's 12 and started playing Sonic with Sonic Adventure), and he's been trying to defend all the Sonic games that have come out since Heroes. It's difficult to explain that sonic is way shittier than he was in the past, but ah, little kids...
  14. BOUT DAMN TIME Love the added backgrounds at :44 Wasn't expecting the ending, but it works, and I dig!
  15. The Super Smash Bros. problem is due to Wi-Fi data embedded into the save file, which is your 'profile' problem right there. With the Wii, you can copy data after you've played the game on the system (so I beat Metroid Prime 3 on the Wii at my house, but I couldn't copy the data to my Wii in my apartment until I played the game once on it). Believe me, I was pretty pissed when I beat all of the challenges in SSBB and found out I couldn't copy the data to the Wii I was taking to school...
  16. Well, Sheal did that song eight years ago, and here we are still talking about it. A song does not have to have all this theoretical knowledge behind it in order to be appreciated.
  17. I wish I could make something the calibur of Music of My Groin.
  18. This. Right. Here. I go to a music school, and practically all of my teachers encourage us to take whatever standards we are playing, from Take the "A" Train to Autumn Leaves, and make our own arrangement of it, so that when others listen they can say "Oh yeah, that's So-and-so's version!" Why can't this be applied to VGM? I mean, that's a CORE part of music: being able to take someone's idea and expand upon it in your own way. It gets you thinking like they did and see how the piece itself was formed. I would rather make an arrangement that other musicians would listen to and appreciate for years to come than make some cover of a song that the average joe would listen to for a couple of weeks and then forget about when the next musical fad came around.
  19. Ska: Streetlight Manifesto, and Suburban Legends. SL is going more of the pop-disco genre nowadays, but their first album and EP were still ska. Jazz: Gordon Goodwin's Big Phat Band, and the Mario & Zelda Big Band Live CD if you can find it.
  20. Anything I could have added to this thread would be in this post. Also, C MINOR OMG. Though as of lately I've been more in F-minor...
  21. I think he's saying he though you didn't intend this for submission to OCR, it still is could be posted if you submitted it. Also, ABOUT TIME someone did a mix of this version of Ice Cap. I first played Sonic with the PC version, so when I found OCR and saw everyone complaining about Ice Cap, imagine my surprise when it sounded vastly different. Kudos to you, Mr. Sword!
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