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Xenon Odyssey

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Everything posted by Xenon Odyssey

  1. 1) Of course; well aware of all these things. 2) The main thing I'd like from the WiP board is specific critique when requested. In my last wip thread, I asked for advice on the arrangment because I knew the mix sounded bad with just the midi sound. Only after PMing zircon did I actually get a good response about the arrangement and what I should do to improve it. 3) I may get a finger wagged at me for this, but I'm still one of those people who only listens to remixes from games they've played. Now, don't get me wrong; I'm a judge at OLR and I have to listen to everything that comes through, but I would rather listen to remixes that I know exactly where the source comes from in it's context. I'm sure I would not have the same attachment to some of the songs/remixes I have if it weren't for this fact. It's more of an emotional conection with something you recognize, you know? I think it also helps you decide what the remixer is trying to do with their mix and could help give you (the critiquer) some ideas for them. 4) Overall, I think things are good for the way they are. Granted, there could always be more critique, but people are busy and don't always have the time. 5) The fact that the judges are rarely here unless they're teasing us with a new WiP
  2. This is pretty badass. Everything seems like a natural upgrade of the original source. I'm interested in seeing where you go from here, Gecko.
  3. Obviously electro's been hangin' out at OverLooked...
  4. I personally wanted to play alto sax in 4th grade. So I did. The fire was only more fueled when I discovered OCR. Now I'm going to a music school so I can live in a box the rest of my life with a piece of paper.
  5. Not necessarily a phobia, but sometimes the music of game can really get to me...back when Banjo-Kazooie came out and I was in elementary school, Cheato's music made me flip. I managed to get through it cuz I wanted 100%, but damn if I enjoyed it. There were some other but they don't come to mind at the moment. Also Big Bertha both scares/pisses me off.
  6. I <3 Swingle Singers. Their arrangement of "Drive My Car" is quite possibly the BEST Beatles cover. Ever. For the thread: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0pwDQnrm_QM el oh el
  7. Yet it will never change the status of being a douchebag beyond comprehension.
  8. http://olremix.org/remixes/279 Have a good one!
  9. So I wanted to refrain from asking, but is there any weakness to the creature that spits eggs? I've been using the trusty buster but after dying like 10 times I was hoping there'd be a weapon or something it is weak against.
  10. Obligatory. It really goes either way. Sometime you want to stay true to the source to capture the excitement the original contained. Other times you want to do whatever the hell you want. Music is not meant to have limits.
  11. How did I miss this when it was posted? I've love to go, but I've made commitments for tomorrow
  12. I "StumbleUpon'd" this the other day, but had no idea mr. danny B here did the music! Unfortunately I suck balls at this game
  13. One year working and one year waiting for someone's butt to stop breaking computers :wakka: Anyhow, it would have probably been better if you made a thread in Community AFTER we released it, but that's just me; I ain't in charge. Also, are your other OLR projects still up? We never made proper websites on the OLR server for them...
  14. Favorited, and five-starred. Holy crap that was awesome.
  15. This is why I go to arts school and/or may never have a 'real' job.
  16. Sonic Shuffle was good times on the Dreamcast, dispite it being a poor attempt to be Mario Party.
  17. I WILL NOT LET THIS HAPPEN. Even if I have to go to Arizona myself and steal Zimish/Pocketman's computer to get the songs.
  18. Well, at least if I decide to go down that route there will be no effort involved But honestly, just like any industry, it's 50% your talent, and 50% your contacts.
  19. If you can find my first remix, godspeed. I don't even think I have it anymore.
  20. Pff, don't worry about it. Congrats to Bin though!
  21. wut OH LOL I'm PMing Rexy my song since I don't get internet in my new apartment until tomorrow and I assume you guys will want to get the next compo started right away.
  22. I lol'd. I should probably read project threads more often. Also, you should all ignore Pocketman until he releases this shit. It's not cool to abandon one project just because another one starts :/
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