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Xenon Odyssey

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Everything posted by Xenon Odyssey

  1. Picardy third WOOOOOOOOO Spanish Phrygian > Phrygian btw And Major 9ths are THE shit. Note the captials.
  2. http://dod.vgmix.com/past/oct08/03-SixtoSounds-MM2-Wairi-DoD.mp3 At least he got third place in October. Cuz it's MAD AWESOME OMG.
  3. I'm not hating on his music; I'm hating on his attitude. Also, as I see it on the iTunes store: 1) Britney Spears - Circus (Deluxe Version) 2) Akon - Freedom 3) Stephen Colbert - A Colbert Christmas: The Greatest Gift of All! 4) Kanye West - 808s and Heartbreak (Bonus Video Version) Let's see if Kanye blogs about it and gets his panties in a knot.
  4. Well, from what I see, Colbert went down to fifteenth... Also, LOL that I've been misspelling Kanye's name for the past couple of posts.
  5. I'm not doubting Colbert's influence; I'm pointing out that the goal of the crusade was to knock Kayne out of first, not put Colbert there. Since Kayne's not in first anymore, now it would seem that it's for the benefit of having Colbert first.
  6. Even though the crusade will mean nothing because as of right now, Spears and Akon have bumped Kayne down to third album, and Colbert is at fourteen.
  7. This right here. And Kayne would be a decent artist, if his pretentious arrogance did not completely flush his credibility down the toliet. EDIT: Oh yeah, http://www.mamapop.com/mamapop/2008/11/the-top-ten-rea.html
  8. I was sad as well 34/69 with the help of this thread 29/69 without...eh, I surprised myself with some of things I remembered.
  9. Somewhere I read that people have called it 'stadium rock.' And I liked it too.
  10. Taken...wish you well with your findings!
  11. POKEY MAN Huh, I never did submit my mix of Ecruteak from DoF's Pokémon month...
  12. My bonus track will be ready for you guys in late January/early February. No, this isn't a joke.
  13. If you submit this to OLR, I will totally :yes: this in the queue and post it. This is awesome dude.
  14. Yeah, you're quite right with all of this. Since they've established Sonic as a mascot and all that, it really doesn't matter how terrible the games can be, since they will still sell to the kiddies.
  15. Well for one, my household was Nintendo and we didn't rent games...BUT I see your point The thing is I tried playing Secret Rings, and I played like the third level for an hour, to die the same way everytime. I dunno...he's already beat Unleashed, maybe I's losing my touch. I'ma find out later.
  16. At the rate they continue, they should just stick to making Sonic cgi movies, since the games get worse but the cutscenes look beautiful. BUT, I can't judge Unleashed just yet...gonna go home and watch my bro play it on the Wii (he's 12 and he beat Secret Rings; I'm still trying to figure that one out).
  17. I like the added ambience of the static at the beginning; 8-bit ocean waves, amirite? I REALLY like the build-up at 2:09, leading to the PHAT bass at 2:22. This is golden; I'm anxious to see what you do to cap the mix off at the end.
  18. This is irony.
  19. Wooooo OneUp! I also remember it from the WiP boards, and how happy hardcore just seemed to fit to fit the source. Now OneUp only needs to finish his Dr. Mario mix, and come back to OLRmageddon, and I will be a happy man.
  20. So, apparently if you click on locations on the globe, you'll get like a 30 second preview clip of what each area looks like. The music is different for the sun and the moon, and they show different clips for the difference in gameplay. The sun music is quite upbeat with an eastern flair to it, that actually fits all the clips quite well. However, the moon stuff is some NICE jazz stuff with strings in the background. I am diggin' this. It looks like the gameplay for the night clips is more toward the style of what Knuckles was in past Sonic Adventure games in terms of fighting enemies, but dropping the speed by half and not having you search for anything. Also, I was unaware that were-hogs had jelly arms. EDIT: ok, that was just for 'Shamar - Locations.' Apparently there is a lot more music on the site. EDIT 2: so besides the 90s pop-punk on the main page, all of the other music is quite good.
  21. The official website suggests otherwise: http://www.sega.com/sonicunleashed/us/index.php
  22. http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=3480
  23. Googling can be difficult for some people, evidently. On topic, Dr. Mario Online!
  24. Amen. When I was young and I went to my dad's work, we'd play this all day, while drinking all the free soda in the break room.
  25. http://zelda64.olremix.org/ OH LOLO WHOOPS I'd tell you to buy a song off iTunes I did with a former friend, but a) it sucks and i probably won't see a dime anyway
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