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Xenon Odyssey

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Everything posted by Xenon Odyssey

  1. Considering I'm only 5 blocks away from the convention center, I'd have to come up with a good excuse not to go. Unless something drastic happens, I'll be there. EDIT: Ticket purchased!
  2. 'Sonic' is made of win & AWESOME.
  3. It hasn't been delayed..I think since it's Korg, only select dealers will carry it (at least physically copies). Or if you prefer online: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001EB8CD6
  4. It's cool enough for OverLooked Also, when it repeats at the ending, you could probably do something different everytime the melody plays instead of doing the same thing verbatium four times in a row
  5. I like to do the same as Pezman, but zircon is completely right (of course, it rarely happens since nobody submits to OLR )
  6. Guess I need to lurk moar. Again :/ also, Zephyr, if that's the case then I'll probably get it as well
  7. That is a true shame. Hopefully you guys will do something more organized in the future.
  8. http://www.korgds10synthesizer.com/htm/index.htm Discuss. I thought it was cool unti they showed the demo videos. It seems kind of pointless if you have to click on each measure to make it play a song like that.
  9. I'm still waiting for you two to finish your Tal Tal Heights collab
  10. I like the drum fade-in at 1:52, as well as the chord syncopation at 0:52-0:54. Nothing really else to say, other than I look forward to seeing where you take this, and I'll probably have this on loop for a while.
  11. Looks like Rock Band wins. More details tomorrow!
  12. I'm pretty sure it was more of a "we want more please" than a disregard for your message
  13. Or you could go out and buy a killer axe.
  14. I figure this isn't a straight chiptune with all the drums and whatnot. I really like the feel you have here. I don't know about some of the notes in the ambient swirls at 0:49, but that may just be personal taste. I love the counter-melody from 1:12 to 1:19. Depending on where you go with this, I would lower the cymbals at 1:29 and have them crescendo until they stop at 1:37. Or possibly make them less frequent throughout that time. Nice sound effects with the song there btw. Good stuff! I look forward to updated versions.
  15. How long must one wait for Larry to answer a PM Note: I'm being an impatient bastard
  16. Shameless self-plug It's probably best that you go to some open houses (if that's conveinent for you, obviously) and get a feel for the atmosphere of the college.
  17. Obviously everybody just needs to sample the sounds from Wii Music and then make their own OLReMiXeS. Puh-weeze?
  18. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/7690462.stm
  19. AAAAAHHHHHHH Guess I'll be watching this compo. <3<3 Darkwing Duck.
  20. http://www.apple.com/downloads/dashboard/status/istatpro.html I find this helpful for battery accuracy (and overall computer performance).
  21. I thought someone from the original production team started the rumor in the first place.
  22. Rozo pretty much nailed it on the head...except I understand if one would want to stay a bit more relative to the source, even if it's been done by everyone and their dog. Also, this was the dialogue in my head when I saw this thread: "Oh great, another Wily mix, and it's metal...wait, wtf? SIXTO??!? WHHHAAAAAAT?!!!! *click*"
  23. ChipAmp for PC (or Audio Overload for Mac) Anyhow, I really don't know what to say about the .nsf mv; I mean, only people who make chiptunes who know all the little things could give you criticism about stuff. To the untrained ear, it sounds just like the original...but that doesn't mean it isn't awesome. I enjoyed it, for what it's worth.
  24. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AcUFFDBTyms I was listening to that song and this WiP on repeat for a couple of hours before I went to bed on Sunday, only to wake up 2 hours later to someone breaking into my apartment and commencing on beating his ass.
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