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Xenon Odyssey

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Everything posted by Xenon Odyssey

  1. That's what a "ReMix" does Might also be smart to break away from the original structure of the song as well; I've gotten slammed by the judges for that as well.
  2. That is amazing.
  3. Supposedly it's supposed to come out in Q4 this year...AND, according to Gregg Mayles on the subject of Stop 'N' Swop, "[…]I'm going to say nothing yet again, although we are considering revealing the truth somewhere in the third game, as some kind of anniversary treat."
  4. Oh wow; I completely forgot about those. Plus all the ones that gave you the eggs and everything...I smell a revisit for myself.
  5. Cooooooorect! Then there is good ol' Left, Left, Left, Right, Right, Right, Up, Up, Up.
  6. YES OMG. I love Wario Land: SML3 <3 Also, does anyone know B, Up, L, B, A, Start, A, Up, R?
  7. Right. And they never said it led them to be killers; just that they have a greater chance of getting in trouble in school, at home, etc.
  8. [/obligatory] Also, D, Y, D, D, Y
  9. OMG Lycklig Födelsedag, Mz. Eirw!
  10. Oh hai. Wow, that was before the incident I was talking about...guess we've had that rule longer than I thought.
  11. Since none of you are aware of a previous event at OLR, we had a n00b in the past who basically sang over top the original while he recorded through his phone. Yes, his phone. If you put this guy through a filter a couple of times, you'd probably get the same result. Our ears bled for many a day. That's the reason this wouldn't be accepted at OLR.
  12. The sad thing is, not even OLR would accept that.
  13. It's honestly way too short to judge whether or not the instrumentation should be changed. Also, it does sound pretty much like the original, only with slighty improved instruments. You might wanna look into changing that as well, especially if you are trying to be OCR-bound.
  14. About time we had a QUALITY remix project somewhere. 11/10
  15. Another FF game? Seriously. I agree with Sir_NutS; nothing beats EARmix I thought you guys would have matured and done Soul Blazer or something of a worthy proprotion.
  16. This is always a regret.
  17. http://olremix.org/remixers/Xenon_Odyssey
  18. Well, you could always lengthen it and flesh out the theme a bit more...however, if you're satified with it, I'd understand. Been there myself.
  19. There are clipping issues in the latter part of this. And I don't think I heard a clarinet...unless it was playing in the same range as the bassoon, which could be the case, since I misread 'quartet' for 'quintet' (I wrote a woodwind quintet these past two-three months). Other than that, I liked the arrangement. It portrayed the Great Sea as a calmer, gentler place than the original song, though that could be the absence of a snare drum. Although for it to make it on to OCR, you'd probably have to be a bit more liberal with the theme, really giving it your own flair as opposed to directly transcribing it for four instruments.
  20. Probably having my teacher tell me on a daily basis that I'm the best composition student he has, and that I'm setting a pretty high standard for all of the other students to follow. That and I won a "Best Improvisation" or something award at a festival last year when I was a senior in high school in the jazz ensemble (which totally should have gone to someone else but I ended up winning it).
  21. I support this throughly. Especially since I'm listening to RoeTaka's newest (?) chip-madness
  22. OMG YES <33333 This just may be un-deserved bias in your favor, OneUp, but I truly lovin' this track; you capture the happy-hardcore element perfectly and it just fits this track so well. And according to WikiPedia, Lemmings originally came out for the Commodore Amiga, but has been ported to pretty much every system and its dog.
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