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Xenon Odyssey

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Everything posted by Xenon Odyssey

  1. Check the links page and see what it says
  2. do you understand the whole judging process? once the judges make a decision, it'll either get posted or it'll be rejected. it doesn't happen as fast as it used to, so be prepared to wait for a bit. however, if you want to try to make this mix up to OCR standards, then you can look here for feedback
  3. you did submit this to OLR... this is what i wrote in my judging message (since you probably won't see that for the next 4 months): NOTE: this is by OLR standards. DEFINATELY nothing for OCR.
  4. OLR is just amazing like that
  5. ololololol i dunno; they never did release those...you could always just hook up a cord between your headphones and your microphone port and then go to the site and record it...you'd have it then!
  6. i'm not sure he's aware that Project Chaos was released Kanjika did finish that track, yo. http://blueberry437.free.fr/s3k/album/205%20-%20Kanjika%20-%20The%20Secluded%20Stronghold%20(Hidden%20Palace).mp3 Beautiful.
  7. oooh, shut down!
  8. Starting in August I will be going to the University of the Arts in Philadelphia in pursuit of a bachelor's degree in Music Composition. I might get a minor in Performance as I play the saxophone as well (tenor whooooooo).
  9. i pwned that bgm's face
  10. Some do not know irony when it stares them in the face. http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01547/ winnar right here; i don't care what your definition of 'romance' is
  11. you mean the Playstation 9? http://youtube.com/watch?v=n2DlgcpR2nA
  12. the whole song has a Mae vibe to it (no, not our Mae; the everglow one). that may just be me though. however, props all around. it's quite excellent.
  13. i remember this...wasn't it supposed to be some type of preview of what he had in store for 2004 along the lines of remixes?
  14. *shameless self-plug* only click that if you have an open-mind as to everything relating to a 'ReMix,' so to speak.
  15. i see it on the internet
  16. Ha, there is no fully packaged CD. You download the songs and burn them to a CD, and print out the CD labels for yourself.
  17. i roffled.
  18. sux lol j/k YOU BETTER SUBMIT TO OLR :yes:
  19. Either SEGA will destroy Mario or Miyamoto will salvage Sonic. Let's hope it's the latter and not the former.
  20. My path through OCR seems to be OCR:WIP -> Site Projects -> ReQuests -> Community -> Judges' Decisions -> OLR after i'm done everything i usually start to mix anyway....
  21. I remember finding this a looong time ago (the whole 2D OoT game), back when he was still working out a control scheme. Either this really happened, or it wasn't the guy who got killed...either way it's a shame.
  22. Yes. http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=8497
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