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Everything posted by Skrypnyk

  1. it's just a movie welcome back to 1996
  2. mmm, I've had the idea to do a NiGHTS project for some time (although differently then how you're doing it). I'm a little interested, but I'm not committing to anything (yet).
  3. Just wanted to stop by and say that collectively, you've only found 9. There is a total of 15 mixes used.
  4. Click Me! First person to list each song used in the mashup wins the awesome prize of me quoting their post and telling them they got them all!!! GO O OGO G OGO GOGOOO G GO GO OOOOO
  5. ah. well... had I been on my original computer that I'm fixing on that this shitty slow small recently formatted and reinstalled window pdfless computer, I'd probably look into your guide. I got a new card, and everything is now running and getting restarted. This however leaves me with a rather irritating delemma, was it really the mobo that was the problems or did both vid cards suddenly go? Also while we drift away from the original topic, what should one do with the old, unused hardware? Assuming it still works, I really don't want to just throw it out. (if this is also in your guide meph I will kinda take ur verbal insults and tongue thrashing.)
  6. hmmm.... can PCI Express cards work in PCI Express 2.0 slots? also have I mentioned that I fucking hate technology?
  7. haha, why didn't I think of that... PSU is a 600 watt ATX. so I ended up getting this mobo with this CPU, and a lovely pair of these as when building everything I found out that I originally had DDR in my old board and not DDR2. Also got a 500gig drive to start fresh. Now, upon building everything again, I put the essentials and bare bones together, and then I tried starting it up, only to get another not normal one beep start sequence thing but a long beep, followed by 3 normal beeps. Confuzzled, I googled that and found that the error lies with my video card WHICH.... doesn't make a lick of sense to me. I turned the system on again to see that the video card fan is indeed unresponsive and I get the same beep sequenced. Now since the new mobo has only one PCIe slot, I figured I'd sub the card in their with my other card. I get the same beep sequence. I tried wiggling, jiggling the card a lil', still nothing. So I tried hooking up the cards to my other broken mobo to find that at least one of them ran. The fan started up and while I still got that same broken sequences of beeps, it lead me to believe that at least one of the cards aren't damaged or broke (the other card wasn't responsive on the other mobo either for the record). So I tried again with the new board and still nothing. The cards in question are EVGA e-GeForce 7600 GT. I would really really REALLY hate to hear that these cards are incompatible with the board for one reason or another. Really I'm hoping that the board is defective and all I really need to do is swap it with another board, but I must ask whether or not I'm a fucking idiot and they are indeed incompatible, or fucking unlucky and the board is probably defective. thaaaanks again.
  8. by brown-outs do you mean the power went off and on very quickly? if so then there wasn't when this happened. There was a huge storm earlier in the day. My computer was a sleep, turned it on a lil' bit to watch TV, then set it back to sleep. This was a good 6 hours before hand though. ah, lovely. However, I've never used newegg before and while I'm probably wrong I'm sure their shipping to Canada is rather bad/non-existent. Even if I am wrong I plan on going to tigerdirect tomorrow to get everything right away so I can hopefully have everything set up in the next couple of days. I've found what I think is a similar/exact CPU you've suggested. While searching for a mobo however I couldn't find your exact model. here's their selection of socket AM2/AM2+ boards I prooobably will end up picking up a hard drive though, for the whole starting fresh feel. I was also thinking of picking up a case as the one I have is... kinda bleh. Also I have no clue what a PSU is. Thanks again.
  9. I have an ASUS A8N-E Deluxe fancy shmancy motherboard. While playing poker online, the computer suddenly went black (yet sound was still playing), upon restarting the same thing happened almost immediately. Insert pointless restarts, I tried booting up in safe mode which worked. Tried booting up in normal mode, and it didn't. So someone suggested I update my vid driver, so I installed, hit the restart button, and got a different start up problem. Instead of hearing one beep and having everything load, it beeps twice rather quickly, and then 3 times normally (kinda like ..- - -), and it's been doing that ever since. I've tried removing all internal and external devices (hard drive, vid cards, etc.), still beeps, I tried removing and relocating the RAM too. While completely removing both sticks of RAM yeild a different beeping sequence, placing them in one at a time in different RAM slots didn't change the original 5 beep sequence leading me to believe that that isn't the issue. So what I think is probably the problem is/was, is that the little fan on the motherboard (to keep whatever on the motherboard cool), when I turned it on a couple of times original, I didn't see it spin. So I'm guessing that that thing was overheating, and finally fried. If I'm wrong (and my wallet hopes I am) please tell me a different possible solution, otherwise read on. Need a new mobo, and with that I need a new CPU (the current CPU is a socket 939 and as far as I know they're going/have gone out of style some time ago). I haven't been paying attention at all to technology concerning computers so I don't know which is the best thing out there. Grantted I don't want THE best thing, as cheaper is better in my eyes (not BETTER better but I'm poor so layoff). There are some requirements I need the mobo to have though: --> SLi (I suppose this is really optional, but I have 2 vid cards and it's only smart to use them...isn't it?) --> 3 PCI slots (Wireless card, sound card, TV Tuner card. Eliminating any of these cards is not an option.) --> DDR memory (I have 2 1gig cosair DDR sticks (I believe) and if they are still good I might as well reuse them) --> Sata & ...that other kind (got 2 sata drives and one IDE? drive (although I do plan on removing the IDE eventually)) I do believe that's it. I do wish to spend under 200 bucks but if it's really really necessary, I'd go about 350. Thanks.
  10. I think this is valuable info we should adopt here at OCR.
  11. I'm still WAITING for my MIXES to get JUDGED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111
  12. You sir make baby jesus cry. Also there's a better chance of you getting feedback if, you know, gave feedback. Just saying. Lastly, there's really no need to render a wip (assuming this is a wip as you're looking for feedback) at 320. Ever. 128 is good enough for a wip. Even as a release you don't really need to go 320 (but that's just my opinion). As for the mix, right off the bat you have pretty terrible mixing. When you bassline is playing, everything becomes muddy. The kick is lost, the feel good "shh shh" is thrown far in the back compared to the intro where it's in the front. The drum samples could be more impressive. The synths could be more impressive. I personally don't find this danceable at all (one reason being the poor mixing, the other being that your beat isn't really all that danceable). I could go on about the remix itself, but I think I've made enough critisim already. Kudos for trying. Shame for using cracks.
  13. Why isn't my state/country/province listed; do you ship internationally? No, we do not ship outside of the continental United States at this time. We do not ship to Canada, Mexico, Alaska, Hawaii, nor to Maggie's Nipples, Wyoming or Assinippi, Massachusetts at this time. THEN WHY THE FUCK DO YOU HAVE IT FUCKING LISTED DURING REGISTER!?!?!
  14. you people are your widescreen monitors >=(
  15. the idea of having an eight minute wip is funny to me. ooo quite nice. what you have is really great. it sounds like you know what you're doing as far as I'm concerned.
  16. it's cool.... and terrible.... k terrible might be a little strong, but it really tips from being a rather decent cover, to 'I'm gonna make weird noises and throw an effect on it weeeeeeeeeee'. It kinda sounds like you were really trying to sound good at some verses (although i'm sure that's not the case), and then trying really hard to be goofy at other times. There wasn't a real unity between this. but that's my thought.
  17. it's a shame that such a polite and pleasant post was made in off-topic.
  18. so uhhh.... go here lolpointlessbump
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