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Everything posted by Skrypnyk

  1. it's true. and it's true. and for the record, that song was never officially released. It was (always has been, always will be) a wip.
  2. I request this be deleted from the internet. Thank you.
  3. Entering CBC's remix the ring contest and being one of the 10 finalists, earing 250 bucks. Also, making a somewhat well received EP from the small amount or people who downloaded it. (No, I'm not talking about absolute music...)
  4. I thought this was pretty sexy. I think I was expecting to get into some beefier drums at an early point in the song to get an adrenaline flow going, but as is it's fine. This is like, drum n bass lite. Atmospheric Jungle if you want. Good good stuff.
  5. I was going to post the exact same thing. srsly.
  6. hahaha, lies, all of it! although like Dhsu, I downloaded all the english SNES games, and wanted to play them all. As of now, I think I've played 2 of them...
  7. you know, flstudio.com has a bunch of tutorials and stuff in video form for your enjoyment. ...assuming, you BOUGHT flstudio...
  8. k, I'll just say you win cause that answer is better then mine. it isn't mine though =(
  9. My apologies for sounding like an anal prick in my early post, but I find giving new composers any advice usually goes in one ear and out the other. The problem is, I can't tell you how to make a song/remix, nor do I really want to. It is after all, your creation. I can say 'add this, add that, do this, do that', but I don't think any overhaul done to the mix would get it posted (especially if my assumption that you are indeed someone new to this). The only advice I'm willing to give is to keep practicing. Make new original songs, make new remixes, learn more about the program, learn more about synthesis, about song developing, emulate songs already on the site, etc. etc. etc.
  10. file size on a remix doesn't matter, unless you want to submit to OCR. the good/bad news, is that this will in no way make it onto the site, so you don't have to worry about fixing the file size. The mixing/mastering is quite poor. Not to say making the overall track louder will help, but it is on the quiet side of things. All samples sound poor in quality and really lo-fi. The synths are also very simple, very thin, and very poor sounding. All the sounds mush together. It's also quite repetitive and doesn't develop into anything. Long story short, it's a dull, beginner mix. As much as I don't want to bash everything in the song, everything in the song is quite poor. You did manage to avoid clipping. So thumbs up on that.
  11. The noise (or glitch sounds as I'm assuming is what most of you are referring to) aren't going to be removed. For whatever reason why you think they should stay, that's why they're staying. For whatever reason why you think they should be removed, that's why they're staying. The remix is done, finished, completed, finite-o, etc.
  12. about the time it took soulja boy to create his entire album
  13. I'm actually the same way, although the odd time will come when I want to listen to what I did, or what others did, etc. Zero Punctuation anyone?
  14. NEVAAAARRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ok the piano is a mix of the psychedelic delay (or one of the many presets) in guitar rig 2, and the reverse effect in glitch. Not completely wet so you can still make out the original notes, but enough to stand out. I also rendered the piano and spliced it up several times, sending each different splice to a different speaker. Although that is quite low in volume, you can't really tell. There's 3 types of drums. The boom (boomboom), the rhythmic that actually plays a pattern, and the static that glitches from beginning to end. The boom is a tom sample (fl default lololol) that's been filtered and compressed to really stand out. The rhythmic is a drum kit that came with battery 3 (I believe), and the static is another kit running though a filter box in reaktor5. Quite quite technical, although judging from the comments, it sounds like I know what I'm doing. The mix itself is done unless someone says something that I totally agree with and must change it, not that any of your suggestions are bad, it's just adding more might take away from what's there, and if you don't believe me then I'm just too lazy to change anything. Thanks for the comments =>
  15. "Be our myspace friend and we will find you!" That's...a little creepy.
  16. Original Remix That was boring...
  17. This track is definitely going to be remixed by someone, somewhere, at some time, and one of two things are gonna happen. 95% it's going to suck worse then the original and everyone will bash it. Or: 5% it will be the most epic remix ever. The only way I see the 5% happening, is if someone finds/makes/rips the acapella of the original, because that's what made the song.
  18. Sooo...what you're saying is in order to ban bluefox, you have to ban xerol, star, drumultima and yourself?? Some sacrifices must be made then I guess.... :D
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