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Everything posted by Skrypnyk

  1. yes master. jdgfgts still sux h8 h8 h8 h8 lulz
  2. Expect nothing, and you will be greatly pleased.
  3. No amount of love can help the shttyjdgfgts and all the crap they do. We all know that they're lonely individuals that will eventually grow old and die alone some day. And be hated on by all!! I guess what I'm getting at is, thread fails.
  4. OCR, it's owner, remixers, jdgfgts, and everyone caught visiting/downloading/viewing content on the site will be contact by Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft, and Sega, and a lawsuit will be filed against them. Seeing how you fall into one of the above category, I hope you have a good lawyer Kainchild.
  5. Well, lonely wanderer sounds nice, although I'm sure it can sound better. It's either the samples, or the mastering that kinda bothers me about the mix (or both). The flutish samples really sounds as if it's front and lead to the song, but the sustain notes keep overlapping each other, making it harder to listening to a melody, and they sound too much like a lead to really give ambiance. The broken piano sound is nice though. To recap: I believe, it could have used more ambiance to make it sound more ambient. Perhaps less sustain, more release? Perhaps a lower pad for some of the notes (i.e. don't have the flute playing everything). Perhaps more of an atmosphere sound. Perhaps even, lowering the volume a little bit. As for Air, the piano at the beginning still kinda urks me. It doesn't sound as silky smooth as the rest of the song. It could be because of the delay, it could be because of the sample. Also, I think the square stab could be turned down just a weee bit. With that being said, it's still a sexy piece of MP3, and I smell a potential epic trance remix of it.
  6. Scream4? Nooooo!!! Reason user!!! To think I once idolized you =< . K, downloadin', post later for comments
  7. DUDE!! Go download IRC, and get on a channel so I can harass you live rather then on a shtty forum!!! Downloadin' btw...
  8. Only 12 posts and you assume we call it 'Frooty Loops'??? You disgust me!! As for your question, I got XXL. At the time it came with everything I wanted, and a little more. After using it, I found that the 'little more' is pretty useless for the stuff & sounds I want, so I'd recommend that if you have NO clue how to use FL, get the fruity edition, if you know how to use it and want to actually start making shit A.S.A.P., get producer.
  9. I would just like to say Suzu and Geoffrey don't know what they're talking about. X-FI PWNZ YOU!!!
  10. ok. I dare you to look me in the face, and tell me Paranormia was not an influence on making this song. The beginning strings sounded so sexy, I thought you were gonna pull some vsnares out of no where. I dunno, I like this. I think it's awesome.
  11. No wonder my music sounds awesome on your setup.
  12. You mean google didn't have this link?
  13. yay cool feedback etc. Tracks down, hope you got it while you had the chance (suckers hahahaha) For those who did get it (and read this message), what would you call this song?* * note any suggestions may or may not be used for the titling of this song.
  14. oh bump dis shizzle. I wanted to give really strong feedback with my better headphones, but I haven't heard back from the music store yet so I have to use these shitty song pair. When the piano enters, at 0:40, just right at that point I feel you have too much going on in such a small frequency range. As nothing really stands out as low bass or high treble. The piano isn't as awesome sounding as it can be. Something brighter, shiner perhaps? Yea, as the song progresses, I don't feel that piano does it any justice. Besides that, it's pretty sexy =) .
  15. Just to clarify, at no point did the maker of the video say this was a remix, nor should anyone be under the impression that what he was trying to do was a remix. He just showed how to make (the intro?) of a linkin park song. Poorly, and very beginner like I might add.
  16. Yea, this video really isn't worth watching for 10 minutes. Just fast forward to the end if you wanna hear what he does instead or watching him click notes.
  17. Start > Programs > Accessories > Entertainment > Volume Control Option > Properties Click the Recording ratio, and then OK. Click whichever option you had it on when recording with Edison.
  18. The only reason I care about the Orange Box, it because of Portals. Period.
  19. Aeris dies!??! Thanks for ruining the game for me asshole!! =(
  20. If I could just add my 2 cents: This song really lacks any kind of intro. It just jumps kinda jumps in with a beat an everything. The drums themselves are reallllly low in quality and get reallllllllly dull realllllllllllllllly quickly. (Really.) TitcTitcTitcTitcTitcTitcTitcTitcTitcTitcTitcTitcTitcTitcTitcTitcTitcTitc goes the hat. Later on in the song, when the same note is repeating, it does sound a little on the mechnical side. I think the production, while fine as is, could be a little better with a few tweaks here and there. And yea, the ending goes on for at least 25 seconds too long. So while I think this has the potential to get on OCR, the drums reealllly kill it, and I don't think it would hurt to do the other things I've mentioned either. Keep working on it
  21. Plus the overall sound will still be poor, and the arrangement will still be midi-ripish and boring.
  22. I'm trying to think of a better suggestion then 'use less suckage', but man, is it hard =( . Learn how to make a song, learn more about Fruity Loops, learn more about sampling and synths, learn more about remixing, learn more about everything else about mixing, mastering, producing, creating, etc., then try again. n yea wrong forum.
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