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Everything posted by Navi

  1. Because I'm a huge fan of Po!s laid back hip hop work, I figure I should probably review this. The choice of instrumentation in this piece is spot on - Posu knows how to work the vibe without having to pile on the instruments. In the case of Citylights, we've got the stand up Bass, the hip hop drumkit, the EP jamming minimal in the background, and those vibes. Oooh, those vibes. First off, I've never played Axelay - my bad, I'm not much of an old school gamer - so I don't know the context for this piece. I do know that the name is perfect, brilliant choice. This track reminds me of a cityscape at night, in so many groovy ways; it's also important to mention that the style of this track reminds me of some of the pieces in Final Fantasy VIII, specifically the Deling City music (I think - Can't remember it off hand, at the moment). At first one of the precussion choices that irked me was the panned snare/hat thingie that came in at :12. It stood out, until I began to associate it with the imagery of the cityscape that po! was creating. It sounded like someone banging away at something, or construction work, not uncommon to hear in the city. After that, it clicked and I appreciated its presence moreso. I couldn't bring myself to like the snare choice, though. It hardly deviated from its pattern and it was a bit too meaty in the lower areas, when I would have liked to hear a bit more snap in the higher zones. Small nitpicking aside, the two things I love about this mix: DAS BASS. That bass is perfectly funky and well tamed, fits the mix like a glove. But the real stars are the vibes. po! has written the most awesome stuffs for these vibes. There's no way you can't like them. The freeflowing (I assume) soloing around 2:12 sounds brilliant. I love it. The doubling at 2:31 is perfectly timed and not overused. Very jazzish feel to the improv. The mix was short, but something like this would overstay its welcome if it dragged on for five minutes. Short and sweet is the key phrase here. Very delicious work here. Nice stuff.
  2. He didn't know your mom was gonna answer.. My apologies. Here is us$3.500.000.00 for your troubles. Right after you transfer me a harp and cookies.. And panties? Or is that not allowed past customs anymore?
  3. 9 out of 10 IRC listeners agree. It was a very classy report. Statistics source: rama
  4. Bart, glad to hear from you and glad that you like the collection. I find that wherever the DSoP goes, your name inevitably pops up. Nice to hear that you liked it! PS: PLZ MAKE MORE INDY FATE OF ATLANTIS REMIXES. I CAN ONLY LISTEN TO CRETE (DREAM MIX) SO MUCH.
  5. One of the most memorable songs from the already spectacular March Dwelling of Duels, Summertime by Hale-Bopp had the fortune of being in the style of one of those "catchy pop tunes" that get a lot of play on the radio. Because of that, there were a lot of fans and a lot of haters. When I first heard it, I loved it. Like the "Ken Song", it got stuck in my head and I found myself humming it wherever I went. Very catchy, very well done (for the genre) alternative pop rock. Muted fifths, "light on the thinking" guitar solos, simple punk drumming, some great use of back up harmony. The break at 2:04 was prettty cool. Short but memorable. Good job, HB!
  6. IMPOSTER! You look nothing like him! This fund is the excess of what my branch in which I am the manager made as profit during the last year. I have already submitted an approved end of the year report for the year 2004 to my head office here in Accra and they will never know of this excess. I have since then, placed this amount of us$3,500.000.00 on a suspense account without a beneficiary.
  7. My name is Prince Azuzu. I am the manager of the international commercial bank Ghana, first light branch. I am a Ghanaian married with two kids. I am writing to solicit your assistance in the transfer of us$3,500.000.00.
  8. If anyone is interested, I made a tutorial for this a while back. I can hop skip and jump it back up if anyone wants. edit: why the hell not?
  9. Someone pointed this out in IRC. SUBLIMINAL JUDGEHATE IN THE DOOM PROJECT?!!!? The main man Doulifee made this. If you wanna share the love, wear it with pride (but don't be a bandwidth monkey - upload it to the . I made a PHP joke...
  10. Man, this thread was all cool until they started talking Canadian. Then it went downhill. I mean, jeez, eh?
  11. All posts reviewing the ALBUM: The Dark Side of Phobos should be redirected here. This thread is the review thread for the SONG. All these posts will now be removed. Poof.
  12. Obviously the Micky Dees. (Mainly cause Larry hates dressing down for KFC)
  13. That seems to be one of our most popular plug threads. LOL, any publicity is good publicity.
  14. I hope the vocoder is a bit better now...
  15. Awesome, enos! It's Doom fans like yourself that we made this Project for.
  16. So... does having met me make my track BETTER or WORSE? (And I ask because I haven't seen anything said about it yet except from one of the guys on DoomWorld who said he pretty much hated everything except it... which is either an insult or a blessing. I'm not really sure.) Remember he said he liked it because it was "so over the top".
  17. Or wangless, I'm sure... She just insulted your manhood! znaps. u gon tak dat?
  18. Let's keep this thread for reviews and whatnot. Enough talk on the hatemail.
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