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Everything posted by Devyn

  1. Yep. I agree. Good points. Now time for some frikkin' Zelda Kart.
  2. WindWaker was awesome, except for one thing - NOT ENOUGH LAND!!!
  3. Zelda Kart? WTF not? But do it right - First of all, do it in a chibi style that differentiates itself from the actual series so that it retains its integrity. Do it as a high-end Wii Ware title. Have an online mode like Mario Kart Wii. Don't give it crappy, rubber-band AI and item mechanics like Mario Kart Wii. And it would be cool, I think. Maybe.
  4. My Kirby Superstar is shot. But you can beat it all in one day, so it's not too bad.
  5. I can't frikkin' wait to see a ground up Wii Zelda game. Seriously, you know it's going to be good, although I hope it's a radical departure from the Ocarina style. Time to change things up. I mean it too.
  6. Metroid: Other M. Mega Man 10. Super Street Fighter 4. Endless Ocean 2.
  7. Man, I have no idea what this game is going to be like. It has motion plus, and, well, it's probably going to come out in 2011. We've been through this before. And I don't mean that in a bad way, I mean it in a sincere way. Oh, and about storylines - Well, I consider all Zelda games different retellings of the same story. Do that, and you'll be a happy Zelda fan.
  8. I've been playing Mother 3. It's awesome.
  9. "Matt Casamassina" I don't mean to be hateful, but those IGN loss relevance years ago. They rate games based off of the effort that goes into games, not how fun the games are. Speaking of RPGs, the Wii has virtual console, which has the best RPGs (especially oddballs like Shining Force) and it effectively defeats other consoles in that category. That's my two cents.
  10. You are not alone sir. Oh yes, it also looks like a cat. I think a console that looks like a cat would be awesome. Like, one that explicitly looks like a cat.
  11. I concur, even the worser ones are at least good. I was kinda disappointed with Mario Kart Wii though, even though I still play the damn thing every other week. Anyway, is it just me, or does anyone else hate the bee suit?
  12. You're damn right it does! My girlfriend has a Yoshi muscle shirt. She bought it herself, and came home wearing it out of nowhere and I wanted to marry her right there. Sorry, that really doesn't have anything to do with the game. But the original is a good game. I'm hoping that it the sequel will differentiate itself enough to stand on its own. Nintendo's been spitting out a lot of Mario games, but I don't know how to quit buying them.
  13. Dude. I feel ya. It's even worse when they sit there on text with their phones. I just want to tell them how they wouldn't have to spend two hours in the gym every day if they would actually exercise. Then they go whine about their shitty results because not actually working out. They're passing time and getting in the way.
  14. I think District 9 was the best action movie of the year, regardless of its origins.
  15. I prefer to work out alone. I can't wait until I get my own garage with my weight machines. I hate having to deal with other people when exercising.
  16. New one kinda looks like a waitress at a cocktail bar. Not that it's a bad thing, I'm just saying.
  17. Stop masturbating so much, maybe bleech my teeth. Sheesh, I already quit smoking this year, there's not much else I can't do. Maybe fly a fighter jet?
  18. I think that they should bring back the charge shot and slide, but it might make it too easy. Either way, my friends and I both still prefer Mega Man over Proto Man. It's nice to be able to take more damage, and it's nice having three shots. I would like there to be upgrades for all characters though. Maybe a speed boost for Mega Man, and the abillity to have four shots at once. Maybe a bigger charge shot for Proto Man. I don't want it to get all crazy like some of X games though. Focus on gameplay, and don't turn into a collect-a-thon. Mega Man 9 did it just right.
  19. I'm pro-continuity. It's worked out great in the various Mega Man series, the Metroid series, and a lot of other games. Don't be upset just because people care about the stories in these games. Some people do care about the stories. They're put into the games for several reasons, and if the continuity doesn't weigh the game down, them I'm all for it. I would like to see it used in other games too, especially in the Zelda series, which gets a pseudo-reboot every five years. It would be nice to see Link develop like Mega Man and Samus have. But I don't see why we need to close Mega Man's chapter. If we need his departure to remain a mystery so that Capcom can keep releasing game after game, than lets leave it as a mystery. The only thing about Mega Man 10 that irks me is the inclusion of an easy mode. Mega Man is not for weak gamers. Hopefully the easy most will be jacked up so that it's still basically a hard mode.
  20. You should probably go listen to it right now. They take themselves way more seriously, but it's really good. Production is way better too. Oh, and for the rest of you, a true metal classic:
  21. That's a tough drill man. He's all over the place. So, does anybody think that there will be another lady boss? I'm hoping for more awesome music too. It's going to be hard to top the tunes in Mega Man 9. Some of that stuff was up there with the first three games.
  22. Dethklok is awesome. They're taking themselves way more seriously on their new album, which is cool but not as funny as the first album. My favorite off the new one is Comet Song. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xy7_0TpVEZg I still feel kinda embarassed that I listen to this type of music in my late twenties, but screw it, it rocks.
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