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Everything posted by Devyn

  1. Contra Rebirth was pretty damn cool, so I think that I'll have to enjoy this too. I've seen some previews and it looks pretty good so far.
  2. YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES. Huge Boner. Hell f-ing YES. Sorry. I'm so happy I'm so happy I'ma gonna dance. I'm so excited I'ma pee in my pants. Yeah yeah. Alright!
  3. Hey, is there anybody who still plays Metroid Prime 3? I need to trade tokens with someone so I can unlock all the stuff. Any takers?
  4. All of your shit is awesome, and Powerglove is probably the best vg-metal band out there....... you know, other than ArmCannon.
  5. I liked it, but I don't like how they poked so much fun at the 80s series. If you're gonna include it, don't insult it so much.
  6. You're the same guy who made Twin Blood and Secrets of Sousetsuken. No need to aplogize. The guy's a good guitarist. The singer is a douche. It's okay.
  7. It's mostly game endings for me. I don't proceed with crying, but I get choked up and manage to fight the tears off. The end of Final Fantasy 4 for the ending being so happy, and the end of Super Metroid (awesome but so damn sad). I have to hold back the tears on Blanka's ending on Street Fighter 2 because it's so happy. Let's see, is there anything else that made me cry? I can't think of anything, but there are some parts that make me sad. The ending to Mega Man 2, the ending of Super Mario Bros. 3, Zero's demise in Mega Man X1, Ryu Hayabusa having to fight his own father.
  8. Well, that sucks, either way. Poor Brazillians. I guess they should stick to soccer and hot women.
  9. Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island - It's supposed to be a Mario game, and it really kinda is, but Yoshi does most of the work. Super Mario Land 3: Similar to Mario Bros. in play, but Wario is the main character, unlike Super Mario Land 2: the six golden coins. You'll be okay kid. Hang in there. Don't be ashamed, because in a way, it makes you less nerdy that you don't know what's happening.
  10. I'm just kidding, but yeah, if anybody finds one, let me know. I know there is a secret world, but I doubt there's a minus one. I'm still trying to get all of the coins from world 7 and 8 right now.
  11. That sucks. Wouldn't it be cheaper to just import it? Uh, yeah. I'm kinda tired of ripping on Sony, but that's just weak.
  12. You haven't found the minus world yet? C'mon dude, try harder.
  13. I hope to eat five pounds of turkey and get a wicked buzz. Happy early turkey day.
  14. World 8 is a relative cakewalk, but world 7 scares me shitless. I have no idea why. Maybe because of the setting?
  15. That's cool if you want to vote, I just couldn't vote anymore because all they put on there were bloody games with guns. If that's your cup of tea, fine, but I think that they forgot 20 other genres of games.
  16. I don't know for sure, but there's a homage to each of the original Super Mario Bros. games around each corner. The item system from Super Mario Bros. 3 is back, and it even has a item-winning card game that's very similar to the original, and there's even some level layouts and enemies that suggest Super Mario Bros 2. The play control is similar to that of Super Mario Bros. 1, but much a little looser. And all of the Koopa Kids are back. And sometimes the Koopas will stop and dance to accents in the music, even when you're about to stomp it's head in. It's very funny, and weird in a breaking-the-fourth wall way. My only complaint so far is the cave level with limited lighting. I hated that shit in Donkey Kong Country and I still hate it now.
  17. Mario is real. He isn't human. But other than that, he is very real as a video game character, a cultural icon and a childhood hero to many. And I assure you that there are at least some people out there who will associate fans with criminals if people are to continue acts like this. Fortunately, the story isn't highly publicized, the occurance of this is rare, and it will probably die down because of these two conditions. Also, there's nothing funny about being robbed. Wait until someone holds you up at gunpoint and someone pulls your personal belongings out of your hands. Yeah, that's just hilarious. I've had friends who have been robbed, and I've been robbed myself. It's a very violating feeling, even if it's just 20 bucks out of your pocket. And yes, I'm glad Nintendo isn't making a game about Mario and Luigi and taxis. Finally, people need to stop dressing like the Mario brothers anyway. It's already been overdone, and stopped being cool five years ago.
  18. This is kinda stupid. Most of the games I see here are just ultraviolent blood-and-gore games. But fuck it, I'm voting for whatever games I know. Edit: Quit voting after third category. It's like these lists were made by 12-year-old X-Box fanboys.
  19. I had a few drinks yesterday and I talked my friend into driving me over to the game store down the street and I bought it. I played it some last night, and had trouble putting it down. When I woke up this morning, I ran down the stairs like an excited little kid and immediately turned the game back on. I'm halfway through desert world right now. I have a couple hours of work to do, and I'm firing this game back up. This game takes way longer than other 2D Mario games. I don't think anyone will have any trouble justifying the price tag on this one because I can see this one taking longer than some RPGs if you're willing to collect everything, plus multi-player is a lot of fun. Too many good 2D games out on Wii right now. I haven't even gotten to Muramasa yet.
  20. I'm having to work every night lately. I'll be off Monday though. Else, I'll be on at like 11 pm or so. I'll look for ya. Damn I wish Nintendo had a better online system.
  21. Square is dead to me. They totally pissed on their integrity five or six years ago when they started putting girly pop music in their games and making all of their characters into blonde girly-men. I'm still ready for another run through FF6 though.
  22. Mine is 2020 9740 5045. Hit me up.
  23. It depends if the abilities are different. If they have different mechanics and moves, then I play through with both of them. I often end up picking the chick though. Like in Endless Ocean, I really don't want to look at a dude in a diving suit the whole time I'm playing.
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