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Everything posted by Devyn

  1. That's like Cannibal Corpse, isn't it. Yeah, they're messed up. They give me nightmares. Anyway, I don't want to be a remix. I prefer being a person, but if I had to be a remix then I would be 'One Credit Finish', a rearrangement of the Streetfighter 2 CE theme. Then I would be happy all of the time.
  2. No, I don't think you'd have to explain. They sound very similar. Well, at least they both have a old western feel.
  3. I think that this has been a question unanswered for a long time. Remember, this is assuming that you haven't done a mix or are currently incapable of doing so. This is strictly in the area of video games, just to eliminate confusion. What style(s) would you use? Would you choose electronica, reggae, etc.? Anyway, I would "rearrange" something from Fantasy Zone or Legacy of the Wizard - two game scores that I feel are under-appreciated. (Electric Concerto tried to do a remix project for Legacy of the Wizard, and I commend him for that.) Yes, but any mix I end up doing will be somewhere in the vein of rock, and definitely be a vocal rock mix - but really eclectic as well. Maybe some acoustic parts and an instrumental breakdown or two. They wouldn't stray too far from the original material. I think Fantasy Zone would work well with a reggae/rock style. So yeah, I've got 200 bucks set aside, and I know a good studio. If I ever do this, I promise that it will be so good that it will be difficult for anyone to turn down. So, how about you? Go ahead and talk your smack.
  4. I would also like to have all of my contributions removed - my remixes, my avatars, and all of my comments and posts. Thanks for nothing DJP. I'm going to support The Lockdown from now on. I'm tired of being excluded from secret remix projects.
  5. Well, I'm a fan of the original two movies, but I'll give this one a try.
  6. I honestly never played the first one. I've heard nothing but good things about it.
  7. Well, don't let anyone tell you what kind of guitar to get. You need to get a guitar that's right for you. I went to the store to pick up a backup guitar for my show last Saturday. The guy let me try an Ibanez, then a Gibson SG (or something like that), and I didn't like either of them. I saw a funny little strat copy by the name of 'Yamaha Pelican.' It had a white finish, and my intuition just told me to try it out. It played very well (much better than the other two), and sounded pretty good. No, it doesn't have as much bite as my Jackson, but it was brand new and I liked it. So yeah, it's white, and I'm going to pay an airbrush artist to paint Falkor on it (that big dragon from Neverending story). It's gonna look fuckin' sweet. Anyway, to contradict what I said earlier, try out a Carvin if you can. They are expensive, but really badass. They play beautifully (at least for me and my Dad), and the whole guitar is from one piece of wood. Sweet axe. Amps? Go ahead and save up for a big stack.
  8. Yeah, the whole thing's just kinda weird. You know, it came out of nowhere, and it kinda hit people by surprise. But I don't think it's a bad thing, it's just really weird and unexpected.
  9. Those movie critics are lame. Just judge things for yourself - it doesn't matter what other people say. It's really dumb to put a number on things anyway.
  10. Yeah, it's like "Hey, we have the worst good news on the planet." Seriously, I don't care that much, but yeah... Olympics.. meh. Oh well, who knows. By the way, my dog just sneezed from five feet away and blew snot and saliva all over my monitor.
  11. What's weird is that I was really upset when unmod went down, but I like off-topic way more. There was really no place to make an off-topic conversation without being confronted by nothing but comments like "noob" and other sarcastic gestures.
  12. The game industry is starting to sound like all the politicians during election time.
  13. Yeah, that's what I did until yesterday. My girlfriend kept egging me to buy it, so I finally picked it up. But anyway, I was really impressed. I still haven't tried it with the Gamecube controller yet.
  14. About AC/DC - you have to take my words with a grain of salt. I don't mean that they couldn't actually play - I mean that they took a simple approach to music and made a lot of enjoyable songs. By the way, someone said AC/DC didn't make "amazing" music. Well, maybe I should of used a different adjective, like "good." "Ultra-dynamic meter changes" It's just a word I made up. I should have said "having a lot of meter changes, to the point of losing the listener." I'm not saying music theory doesn't count. I've studied it myself, and it's helped me a lot, especially with improvisation. I'm just saying that creativity and good songwriting are extremely important and that a lot of music wizards/virtuosos end up missing the point of making good, enjoyable (and often simple) music. And these elitists are often too busy puffing out their chests, while complaining about the overuse of power chords. Hey whatever approach you want, take it. But I've often run into a number of musicians who just don't understand. They often see music as a competition, and the sad reality is that he's partially right. There are too many musicians in the world, and many of them suck or just sound like someone else (most often intentionally). But I still see music as something that should be enjoyed, first and foremost. I was jamming with a bluegrass guitarist a year or so ago. I specialize in metal, rock, and classical. This guy plays bluegrass and country. He said "You're better than me. You can play faster and you know all of these scales." I replied "Whatever. That's not how it works." That's why we have different types of music. Some people would rather hear him play, and others would rather hear me play. It's like trying to compare apples and oranges. Just strive to make the best, most enjoyable music that you can. And make it from the heart. And to Drack, when I mentioned trouble standing out, well I stand by that one. Of course, I was referring to the punk scene, not music. (Two different arguments covered in my post) Well, next time I'll take a bit more time to explain things and use less figurative language. Anyway, I'm not telling everyone to agree with me - I'm just trying to explain where I'm coming from.
  15. Yeah, they're fun. I bought Donkey Kong Jungle Beat yesterday (new, for 16 bucks, Bongos and all) and it's fun as hell. I've never played anything like it. It's really unique, just like the Wii controller. I'm serious, I haven't felt that good about buying a game in a long time. It's off topic, but I had to get that off my chest. I can't believe this game wasn't popular. It's a shame.
  16. A music degree doesn't amount to shit if you don't have creativity. Hell, the Ramones and ACDC could barely play their own instruments, and they made some amazing music. Basically, what I'm saying is: Take your music degree, your chromatic scales, and your ultra-dynamic meter changes and shove them up your ass. Anyway, on the whole punk thing - no one is born with a frikkin' mohawk. The kids may be emo or whatever, but they get beat up and called fags just like the old punks did. And there's no way to completely stand apart in this world. There will always be someone else that looks like you and can do what you can do.
  17. I've gotten over 300 before, but it depends on the level, and the game (accumulating large amounts is much easier in games like 3 when the stages are long, but you can't exclude Sonic 2 levels like the Casino zone) But yeah, I try to have at least 100 before I beat each stage. I like to have those continues, just to know that I have them.
  18. Video games are video games dammit. They're not art. They're not food. They're frikkin video games. They have art in them, but that's about it.
  19. You can't put a price on OCR. You can pretend, but you can't really.
  20. I forgot to add that the Hecker guy is a total arse.
  21. I've often wondered about that too. Maybe it's a cultural thing. Isn't there something special about the color gold or something?
  22. Goddammit. I just bought The Wizard yesterday (It was very good, even my girlfriend liked it). I spent 34 bucks on a prescription today. I have to fork another 20 for my food and beverage card. And now I have to fork another 20,30, or 40 on this. Thanks a lot. You have made my day. (I still have all three seasons on video. What should I do?)
  23. I don't like Nintendo's tight-lip policy very much. They should do like the others and let it out, so that hype will travel and fanboys will piss their pants.
  24. Yeah, I do. The name. It should be called "Playstation Playland" or something like that. Seriously. Maybe "Playzone" or "Playground?"
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