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Everything posted by sgx

  1. omg I'm gonna be on vgdj soon. Hurray. It was nice seeing ms. trix again on saturday.
  2. ACID Pro 6 is the bizniss if anyone is wondering. MIDI and vsti support is actually quite good (up from abysmal in version 5).
  3. FF7 track with sephfire. ...
  4. He's asking if anyone has any experience and recommendations with stuff like this. It is quite easy to not answer if you don't want to help.
  5. Blind does. He loves it.
  6. Ummm I don't think he is talking about "mid" and "high" frequency ranges...I think he's talking about overall volume of the song. What is so hard about automating the final output volume level? Reason's crappy compressor does expand too, but I wouldn't mess with it.
  7. This article is awesome:
  8. Lots of rewire hosts can do that . Is there a reason you would record it live rather than just bouncing? Maybe in Live when you are performing because you can catch audio and then manipulate it Live during a performance, but otherwise, bouncing is the same thing and it is faster than real time. Probably takes a bit less set up also.
  9. Wow that is a fast program.
  10. The weird noises you hear upon computer activity - I get that too on my onboard laptop audio. It usually happens when my wireless network card is moving data. I'd really suggest getting a new nice sound card if what you are using is just onboard sound. You're not going to hear the goodness of good heaphones with crap onboard sound. A new card might have more output power too.
  11. Goldwave is pretty kewl too.
  12. I'm probably going to sell my 3 month old DS to my bro for like $100 and then go buy myself a lite.
  13. All the interesting homebrew free and cheap VST's are windows. Hardly ever are there Mac versions. That's one reason I don't think I'll ever move to OSX for music (though Windows on a Mac is possible).
  14. This guy just "aquired" the previous version of a hugely expensive application to start out and is using it for soundfonts on an audigy? Smells like pirate to me.
  15. A lot of the stuff you'll hear in my tracks (especially Lofi Attitude) is me doing weird junk like this: I make long reverbs and delays on aux busses. I put phasers and distortions on them. I have a lot of the instruments in the songs sending to these reverbs and delays. In ACID, the bussing will let you solo the aux busses, so I can hear what those channels sound like without hearing any of the dry signal (I guess you could just put this stuff on your instruments as insert effects at 100% wet too, but that could be annoying). I play the song and if I hear anything cool in the aux busses, I just select a loop section and bounce that audio to wav and it is inserted right into my project. Now I have a nice clip of ambient sounding junk I can move around and put anywhere. I often put more effects on it and also even send that audio clip back into the aux reverb and delay busses from whence it came . I also do stuff like reversing the audio clip and pitching it down an octave or two can make some interesting sounds also.
  16. I don't like remixing so much anymore.
  17. Check out any of the SONAR line. There are a bunch of versions, and some are quite cheap. Even Cakewalk Music Creator ($30) does vsti (which you could run soundfonts with) and notation. Some people don't love the notation functions of Sonar though.
  18. There are a lot of people who have P5 at the P5 forums.... I have it, but I don't have time to walk a newbie through it.
  19. It'll do AKAI. There's a free conversion tool available from the props website. And it will run .wav, soundfonts, and refills (duh?).
  20. Your site design injured my eyes.
  21. Zircon, any of the drum libraries you recommend?
  22. Summer jobs. Student discounts. I usually milk the parents for some piece of software for Christmas and my birthday. Get paid for liscencing my music in a game occasionally. I also don't waste it on stuff like cigarettes, expensive cellphones and plans, buying all the newest games and systems, etc.
  23. reed and post? Speak n' spell.!
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