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Everything posted by sgx

  1. The pretty-boy aesthetic is getting SO tiresome!
  2. I like this show even when the episodes are bad (first half of season 3), because the setting is so beautiful and it's shot well. Looks noice in HD.
  3. I'm grabbing it on friday. If people want to play with me, i'm sgxyay on PSN. I gotta get a headset though...
  4. Sales have been pretty sweet, and a lot of you guys have been generous in tipping, so I bet Zircon appreciates that. Hope y'all dig the tunes and check out more releases on the label!
  5. Doubt it. Saturn is hard as eff to emulate. It would take too much effort and money to get that running well. Maybe they'll stick the Panzer Dragoon PC port on one of these collections sometime (it was actually in Panzer Dragoon Orta as an extra), but I don't think any other saturn game is going to show up.
  6. I beat it last night in about 2 hours. Was pretty cool. It actually tells a bit of a story in abstract, with an obvious climax. I really dug that. I was expecting more of a random experience like in flOw, so that was cool.
  7. First, your bro sounds like a dickwad. Second, when I was learning about compression, and still occasionally, I found it helpful to watch how the compressor was effecting the waveform in real time. This free plugin http://bram.smartelectronix.com/plugins.php?id=4 s(m)exoscope is rad for that. Just pop it in the effects chain after the compressor and you can see how it is squashing the signal when you move the knobs around. Remember to still use your ears though.
  8. I was under the impression that FLAC was the most popular of the lossless codecs, other than AAC maybe. Most people seem to be pretty happy about me offering FLAC. I'll do whatever the majority wants though. What format do you suggest?
  9. Yeap yeap, all good points and things I'm planning on fixing up. Glad you like the way it looks...I'm not totally satisfied but I really am tired of working on the site at the moment . The cart is a whole different system from the rest of the site and yeah, I'm sure it confuses some visitors. I'm planning on fixing that aspect up.
  10. Both Wipeout games rule, but if you buy Wipeout HD for PS3, that's basically got most of both of the PSP game's content in it. Lumines rocks. fl0w on PSN is cool, and PixelJunk Monsters is coming out for PSP soon. Apparently Midnight Club LA is very good for a psp racer. Also, you can get Suikoden on PSN for $6!
  11. Download Wipeout HD, Burnout Paradise, and Pixeljunk monsters off of PSN. Three awesome games for a total of $50. No disc swappin'!
  12. Yo guys, We're going to take a poll to determine the second free track we release for free download from Mass Media Constant on the 10th. Listen to the samples and click the poll: http://www.protagonistrecords.net edit: poll was busted for about 30 min. rockin' now
  13. Hey folks, as the dude who owns and runs Protagonist, I'm curious to hear your thoughts on the whole thing. Is the site set up well, are you compelled to keep coming back, would you subscribe to the RSS feed, does the shop and checkout process work well for you, is there anything confusing, any cool ideas for features to add? Any input is welcome. Thanks. It's by me!
  14. Burnout Paradise is now $20 everywhere. It has a ton of free upgrades as well. I bought it off of PSN (too bad MS doesn't allow full, large games to be sold on XBL) and as soon as I booted it up, it upgraded to 1.5 which added motorcycles, a bunch of cars, and some other stuff. More free stuff is coming this week as well as a paid expansion.
  15. Bro, you are probably looking forward to Max for Live in Live 8, eh? EDIT: I should probably read through the thread before posting, eh?
  16. 1up's video servers have always been balls for me. Home, work, parents' house.....I don't think it's me.
  17. Live 8 does look awesome, yessir. Max for Live looks hot, though it is an extra cost above the regular update, right? I'd be interested, but I've got Reaktor and I'm tired of spending money at the moment . I've used Max before, with mostly the Jitter video manipulation stuff. Live is going to be THE SHIT for VJ's when this comes out. I'm not a VJ though. Also, if I ever want to do live shows, I'm getting that Akai. Holy crap that looks awesome.
  18. I liked Spirits Within. The OST is good though its western style by a westerner. The characters are boring (a few of them look really similar to eachother) and don't develop at all, the story is kinda lame, but it generally looks extremely awesome, and I fucking love the monsters and the way they eat souls.
  19. Yeah the people quitting could be a bad sign, but also it may be good. As I understand it, after coming to the realization that the 3D artist didn't really have a role to play and that he shouldn't be on the project, that bothered one of the programmers who was the 3D artist's good friend and they left the project together. As I see it, it's really cutting out the fat and ensuring that those participating are here to make a successful game and not do a fun project with friends. That's what I hope at least! But yes, I'm not going further than what's required for our demo until i start seeing green in my hand. Pho shizzle!
  20. I definitely had a feeling that EGM would be closing sometime soon. It was getting thinner and thinner (I remember around '98 it had like 4x as many pages as it does now), and after GFW closed, and the state of the print industry, you could see it coming. I was already resigned to the fact that it wouldn't be around long and recently I've just been absorbing all my gaming news from lots of podcasts listened to during my office work day, so the magazine wasn't that important to me. Most of those podcasts were 1up podcasts though. And now they're all gone, and almost all the people who made them great are canned. 1up.com was the main site I went to for game news also. Suxsuxsux!
  21. Partition your harddrive, install Windows on the new partition. Don't install net drivers and anything that doesn't help you make music. Boot into this partition when you want to rawk. It makes your DAW quite more CPU efficient and stable as well, not having all kinds of junk on it. I did this for a while, but it turned out for me to be very hard to actually restart and boot into the music partition. For me, its difficult to get started on a task, but once I'm going I'm good.
  22. I should post an update here. I was negotiating with their "business" guy who was pretty adamant that they would not be able to pay anyone until revenue comes in. I told him politely that I thought that was BS and that I would require at least a little money paid to me as I complete assignments, while conceding that most of my share can wait till we make money. I stressed that it was important to me that they put their money where there mouth is, since I've worked on a couple projects in the past with the "we'll pay you when we make money" idea and those never were completed. Paying me some money as I work lets me know that they are very serious about this venture. Soon after that, some stuff went down with a couple members who then quit for other reasons (our game is 2d and apparently our animator is only good at 3d work), and our business guy has decided to restructure, seek investors for funding so they can pay, and do things in a more businesslike fashion in general it seems. We're working on a one level concept demo which they will demo to some investors and get a real budget. That is the hope. I've agreed to do music for this demo for free. That's not too much wasted time for me if it goes nowhere. Things are looking better at the moment.
  23. Well, there's also the fact for cdbaby that there are certain minimum transaction fees for even $1 transactions. The seller has to pay the credit card company some amount of money every transaction. Have you ever seen like a small deli place have a sign that says "cash only if below $5." That's technically not allowed by the credit card companies, but the delis do it because the the charge for the transaction is probably a set sum (maybe 30 cents) plus a small percentage of the sale. When the sale amount is really small, that first 30 cents bites into profits a lot. Also, other payment methods like checks: its not efficient for them to accept and pay an employee to process a $1 check every time one single is sold. I know I only sell albums on my small netlabel because Paypal takes something like 30 cents per transaction and then i think it's like 3% after that. If I sold $1 singles, only about 65 cents would be coming my way, and then I have to pay my artist too. It's not worth it. I need to sell music in larger chunks to help negate that transaction fee. Plus I feel that most people, once they decide they are willing to spend money on an artists music won't resist paying a little more than they wanted to if it is the only option. I sell for less than iTunes and Amazon mp3 so I think we're set.
  24. Midnight Club and GTA are the only games that are still worth any money. If you're interested in those games, I'd say probably go for it, but if you don't care about those, it may be a safer bet to just spend $300 on an equivalent new xbox (60 gb with the new chip that likely won't RRoD), and buy the games you DO want to play. 20 gb is perfectly fine for game saves, lots of XBLA games, and around 5 demos. My 20gb is mostly full because I have like 8 gb of rock band songs on it.
  25. It's probably just as likely to do it again as the first one. MS is only recently rolling out the newest hardware revision that should just about eliminate the problem. $300 is pretty good if those 7 games are good games. But you can get a 360 arcade for $199 and MS will sell you a refurb 20gb drive (they don't ever have problems, so refurb is fine) for $20.
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