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Jam Stunna

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Everything posted by Jam Stunna

  1. That is how you win at Brawl. Except replace running with shield-camping.
  2. I defeated Geoffrey Taucer 3-1 in extremely close matches. Too bad none of them were short enough to record. EDIT- Has anyone heard from Vintage? Man, my wife has the worst luck with opponents.
  3. This makes me sad as well. But up B gimp kills are so funny.
  4. Okay, I'll PM you later. It's funny, because I also get way more lag when I play people near me. I thought I was the only one.
  5. You play Zamus Garde? We should do dittos sometime. I just started maining her, and I'd like to play someone who's actually good with her.
  6. Okay, Geoffry Taucer and I are having problems registering each other, but we'll be playing soon. Vintage, I'm registering you tonight so hopefully you and my wife can play. Contact us on AIM at either rgs10168 (mine) or LadyHeadphones (hers).
  7. I'm surprised this hasn't been posted yet: Stepen King Blasts Anti-Gaming Bill Nice to see someone famous actually calling out stupid legislation against videogames instead of supporting it.
  8. Sorry, I just got my PC working on Friday. I missed the whole thing! But I will be back next time.
  9. I wasn't being sarcastic really. DK rapes enormously because of his out-of-shield abilities, same with Bowser. Atma, you of all people should recognize the benefits of camping as an Olimar player. I am not saying that Brawl does not require skill. But that skill is defensive in nature. The game is built to reward shielding, air dodging and recovery, all of which are defensive in nature.
  10. He's right. Eventually, everyone will realize that shielding is so much better than attacking in Brawl, and we'll really have a non-tech campfest at tournaments.
  11. Hey Geoffry Taucer, looks like we're up next. When do you want to play?
  12. Okay, got my PC, back on AIM. Anyone who needs/wants to play me, my AIM is rgs10168. Nekofrog, my wife still needs to play you! Either AIM me or her, hers is Ladyheadphones.
  13. I am posting from my epic new computer. Thanks PoM! Expect a full write-up in the next few days.
  14. I'm happy because Garde is back, but I'm sad about what he posted. Conflicted emotions ftl.
  15. It's not a contradiction. The better player will win, but what happens with players of equal skill? That's where randomness really hurts.
  16. Seems as though your Link doesn't like me period. Anyway, I wrote this article a few days ago about the competitive nature of Brawl. It's obviously aimed at those that participated in professional Melee tournaments, but I think everyone can find something they either agree or disagree with in it. http://smashbrawlrankings.com/index.php?topic=2051.0
  17. I lost 3-1 to Critical Hit in amazingly fun matches. My own counterpick was my undoing. Fucking FD! Good games, man.
  18. Allright Neko, we need your FC, and what your counterpicks will be. Remember, you're playing Oceania, but our FC is under my name, Jam.
  19. Defeated HengDe 3-0. I hate Meta-Knight. G-T, I'll send you our second match, that was the only one I could save. You can pass it on to Arek.
  20. Thy will be done. Hengde, how about we just list our counterpicks here? If I lose, my first counterpick will be Yoshi's Story, and if I lose again I'll take FD. These will pretty much be my picks throughout the tourney. I'll be on tonight HengDe. My wife's counterpick will always be FD. linkspast, please list yours and we'll try to play tonight.
  21. ^I don't know, but see the edit I made in the post above yours. EDIT- I already double-checked your friend code.
  22. We've already added you. We were waiting for you to confirm us. HengDe- I don't have a PC, so I can't communicate with you about counterpicks during the match, unless you don't mind calling me. I'll send you my # in PM later if you want it. Same thing for your matches against my wife, linkspast. EDIT- If my new PC doesn't arrive today by 9:00 PM EST, then my wife and I will forfeit our matches. It's too hard to communicate without AIM, and we're just holding people up at this point.
  23. Red Shadow and I are going to replay our marches tomorrow due to issues with communication and lag. HengDe: I added your friend code, but I haven't been confirmed by you. However Arek decides to resolve this situation, I'll abide by that decision. Linkspast: my wife is waiting for you to add us.
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