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Jam Stunna

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Everything posted by Jam Stunna

  1. Did they just play Wii Tennis at the Academy Awards?
  2. This is going to be so great. I can't wait until OCR tournaments start. But maybe I should focus on getting a Wii first...
  3. It is my goal to defeat GT, and prove the East Coast's superiority once and for all.
  4. Chromatic Irony (11:53:51 PM): so apparently Ike's fan chant is "we like ike" Chromatic Irony (11:54:02 PM): i guess i'm going to be playing ike exclusively Rgs10168 (12:02:52 AM): HA Rgs10168 (12:03:07 AM): I hpe to God that Sakurai gets his own reference
  5. I don't know if Sheik got worse or not, but Marth getting a 50% KO is beyond gimp.
  6. This is definitely my favorite Brawl video that I've seen: http://www.stage6.com/Smash-Bros-Brawl/video/2192246/AsukA-(Sheik)-VS-ShiroiKen-(Marth) I love how Marth is even more gimptastic than ever.
  7. Luigi owned. Down air to fire uppercut ftw.
  8. If someone already asked this I apologize, but is the c-stick enabled in 1-player mode?
  9. More like LIE G N am i rite? But seriously, yeah it seems like the companies are going to just keep going Blu-Ray exclusive.
  10. I'll probably be at either the Boston or New York Brawl tournament. We'll see.
  11. Have you guys read Mew2King's Brawl review? http://boards.gamefaqs.com/gfaqs/genmessage.php?board=516492&topic=41341001 Hilarity.
  12. This is awesome, my wife and I were just talking about getting a new computer (this one just crashed on me today). When we save up some money, expect a PM.
  13. Haha, Falco is still broken: http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=hwaa_Lt9sqQ And Toon Link is just weird: http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=BnRmDoJm0VI
  14. Honestly, play who you like. Whether you want to play for fun or get into the tournament scene, you'll go much further playing as a character you enjoy than just going with a character because they're higher on the tier list.
  15. I hate the Pats because of what they did to our state. I don't have anything against the players personally...it's just that a few years ago the Pats said they were moving to CT, so we started this huge multi-million dollar project to build them a stadium and renovate out capital city. Then they backed out on us, and I've hated them ever since.
  16. If there's a God, and if said God loves me, the Patriots will not win this game.
  17. I totally deserved that. But I've played it, I swear! I know how to beat Gygas...
  18. This song is amazing. What game is it from?
  19. This pretty much sums up the Brawl forums over at Smashboards.
  20. Yeah, I really liked the Melee one too. Oh well, the Bramble song more than makes up for that.
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