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Jam Stunna

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Everything posted by Jam Stunna

  1. G-T just owned me for an hour. It was a good hurt, though.
  2. Why not add Neko and Red to play each other?
  3. Nice bracket. When do we begin?
  4. Haha I was SO high when I played Atma last night.
  5. That foot stool was amazing. I saved a whole bunch of matches, so we can exchange Wii numbers later. Great matches, your Wario gives me nightmares.
  6. I think I can say that as of now, I'm very disappointed with all the next-gen systems, but the Wii's online system easily takes the cake. Leave it to Nintendo to create an online system where you have to use a phone to setup matches.
  7. I can't connect to WFC, which is really strange because I'm posting this from my Wii. Curse you Lag-Fi!
  8. I added Dhsu, Kutrayn, Sologamer, Airwalker, and a few other people. Add me when you get a chance.
  9. She's definitely entering. Sign her up as Ocean.
  10. Doesn't that count as signing up?
  11. Sigh, I was stuck at work when you were accepting suggestions. I was going to get all gay about the rules a la Smashboards, but the only rule change I would really like to see is a change from single to double elimination. Otherwise, it's going to suck for the poor bastard who has to play G-T first round. That, or ban G-T. Oh yeah, I'll be entering this, and possibly my wife.
  12. Hell to the yea-yuzz!
  13. Red Shadow add me damn it.
  14. Oh my God G-T just owned my soul for 45 minutes. I only beat him twice, and he let me win the last one.
  15. I would love to, but I don't have a PC right now. My friend code is in the database though, so please add me. I'm waiting for several people to confirm my adds of them (atma, Derrit, Zeklan, etc.).
  16. There's only one way to solve this "Who's better" talk: TOURNAMENT.
  17. silent mike, sorry for disconnecting so suddenly earlier. Good stuff though. The person you played with the tag, "STUN" was my wife.
  18. Info added to the database. Anyone want to play?
  19. I'm posting from my Wii right now, here's my friend code: 3179-5865-1416. I still don't have a PC, so just try me from time to time to see if I'm on.
  20. Oh my God I love the Ice Climbers so much. EDIT- http://smashboards.com/showthread.php?p=4113955#post4113955
  21. I wasn't going to post this here initially, but we've been getting a lot of out-of-state interest, so what the hell: http://smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=149235&page=2 Brawl tournament in Hartford, CT hosted by yours truly.
  22. Yeah, I don't even own the game, but I'm already becoming disenchanted with Toon Link.
  23. Originally posted on Smashboards:
  24. I just played for the first time. So fun. I heart Toon Link. I hope to fulfill your needs very soon, my friend.
  25. Apocalypse Now
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