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Jam Stunna

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Everything posted by Jam Stunna

  1. I second the Sennheiser PX 100 recommendation.
  2. I have to thank my wife for introducing me to some amazing music. They're a duo from Sweden, and I love this song. I'm not really sure what genre they would fall under, I guess pop. Their Wikipedia page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Knife Julieta Venegas- Lento She's a Mexican singer, and this would fall under Foreign Language Pop or something like that. One of my favorite foreign language songs ever.
  3. It's going to be a long week.
  4. Snake Kirby is amazing.
  5. I posted this on Smashboards first, but I liked it so I'm bringing it here:
  6. An actual map, hopefully.
  7. I was thinking that it would be awesome if they had a stage based on the final battle in Wind Waker.
  8. Sorry guys, I totally forgot about all of this. Creating this forum has seriously been detrimental to these contests, but that's a rant for another time. My votes: First Place Zeality- Pink Rukia Runner-Up Imagery- Alligator Poems and More Reviews: Barnsalot- I really liked yours, up until the ending. I felt like it had good comedic value up until that point. You're a little generous with the adjectives, so watch out for that. just64helpin- I suppose your entry is freeform, but I don't see how anything creative was communicated here, and I feel like that's an essential part of the contest. Zeality- I will be the first to admit that I suck at writing and critiquing poetry, but I really liked the imagery you used. Also I like the format, this is a sonnet right? Imagery- Cool entry, I like the creative aspect of it, although I didn't think that section II was as good as the first or last sections. I'm going to try to start hanging out around here more often, and hopefully I'll even be able to enter something next time.
  9. Happy Birthday to the nicest guy on OCR.
  10. Real Men Use Items
  11. You're right, my mistake.
  12. This was my reasoning as well. Plus there are no dual-wielding characters in Smash (ICs don't count), so that would be nice as well.
  13. Does anyone else hope that they use the Wind Waker version of Ganondorf instead of the Twilight Princess one? I found TP Ganon to be so blah.
  14. Game: Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Platform: PS2 If you live in NY/NJ/MA/CT, you must come to this so that I can meet you and probably lose to you.
  15. Definitely my favorite mix of his. Rest in Peace, Kee.
  16. http://www.dustloop.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3764 http://www.dustloop.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3764 http://www.dustloop.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3764 http://www.dustloop.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3764 http://www.dustloop.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3764 THIS IS A HOLY ORDER
  17. AD once again provides a shining example for us to follow.
  18. I feel like MM was far more interesting, but OoT gets the nod due to its epic feel. Along the lines of the topic though, I confess that I disliked Mario 64 when I first played it. I can appreciate its revolutionary nature, but I'm still not a fan.
  19. Honestly, to me the tiers seem broken. Yes, Fox has certain advantages over Kirby, but a list where the top two tiers combined have less characters than the bottom tier seems wrong.
  20. This is the most recent one: Yeah, I don't see the point in apologizing for being better than someone else. I beat people badly, and people have beat me badly. It's just like any other competition: some people are better than others. It's nothing to apologize for.
  21. He just has this total "I'm better than you so don't look at me" air about him. Pretty much every other person there that I talked to/played has a better personality than him.
  22. Yeah, it was pretty damn awesome. Chu is cool as hell, and M2K is a giant asshole. Results as far as I know: Singles: 1.Azen 2.chu Dat 3.Korean DJ 4. Mew2king 5.Pc Chris 5.Drephen Teams: 1. azen/chillin 2. m2k/vidjo 3. kdj/chu 4. pc/cort Crews: 1. pc/cort/kdj/hayato 2. drephen/jiano/sliq/vidjo/dope 3. h2yl and team ben (tied)
  23. So, at the biggest tournament of my life, I played the worst that I ever have. Crews Our crew only had one person left, and the opposing crew had two people. Our crew member Turnip then proceeded to perform the greatest comeback ever seen, taking eight stocks while only losing two, winning the battle for us. He definitely saved our asses. After that, we had to play Ha Ha You Lose (H2YL), which consists of Doll, Chillendude, Azen and Chu Dat. Man, it was ugly. Doll, by himself, took our FOUR of us. I only got one stock off of him. Turnip finished him finally, but Azen finished us off. Crews was fun, it was just a little disappointing to be owned so thoroughly. Teams Teams actually went pretty well. My partner and I finished 3-2. We lost to Cort and PC Chris in one match, and then we lost to Brookman and Kiwi in the loser's bracket. We managed to beat Omgegawhitemage and KevinM, so that was cool. And once again, Rainbow Cruise proved itself to be an utterly gay teams stage. Pools ...Do I have to talk about this? I'll let the record speak for itself. Pools were 3-stock, best two out of three: vs. Jarc (Jiggs): 1-2 (he slept me off the side of the stage, and I went flying off the top and he fell first, that's the only reason I won} vs. Pat/Pro (Fox): 0-2 vs. Mathos (Falco): 0-2 vs. M2k (Marth): 0-2 (I actually managed to get two stocks off of him once. Yay!) vs. HBK (Marth): 0-2 (He owned me harder than M2K did. Strange.) vs. Malcolm (Zelda): 0-2 (Zelda! FUCKING ZELDA! What's wrong with me?) Needless to say, I played like complete and utter crap. Maybe I wouldn't have made it out of my pool anyway, but I expected better from myself. No johns though, I suck. Random -Got to play Chu Dat in a money match. He 4-stocked me with his Gdorf, but I actually got his Pikachu down to one stock (he SD'd once). He's a really cool guy. -I played some cool friendlies with people from all over the East Coast, so that we alot of fun. Final Thoughts Despite wasting almost $60, and playing worse than a noob, I really had a good time. I wasn't so disappointed that I didn't make it out of my pool, since I got to go home to see my wife and son. However, I just wish I'd played a little better. Oh well, there's always VLS 2, I'm sure.
  24. Allright, today's the big day! I doubt that there's internet at the venue, so expect a full report on Sunday! MY PREDICTION: Greatest upset of all-time: Jam Stunna defeats M2K 2-1 on Rainbow Cruise lolol
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