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Jam Stunna

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Everything posted by Jam Stunna

  1. I know that this is technically a Brawl thread, but I just had to share this: http://www.smashwiki.com/wiki/Dark.Pch Keep in mind that Dark.Pch wrote it himself.
  2. Not every up-b causes damage.
  3. Yeah, I guess I agree. I'm not upset with the clones themselves, but in the lack of creativity shown by the developers. It's not really THAT hard to change Toon Link's up-b to the Deku Leaf or something.
  4. I remember reading that aerials auto-l cancel as long as you fast fall them.
  5. We prefer the term "tourneyfags".
  6. Why do we even need to use spoiler tags? What fool would enter a thread that is clearly labeled if they want to avoid spoilers?
  7. Looks like I was right:
  8. I definitely don't read Jap, but I kind of assumed that last slot was the random character space. EDIT- Vid's in Spanish, but it's pretty good: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WfxKmaz_LE4
  9. Yes, WW Link. I'm just so happy.
  10. Confirmation: http://www.joystiq.com/2008/01/29/super-spoiler-bros-brawl-major-leaked-roster-update-videos-a/
  11. http://brawlcentral.com/
  12. WW Link confirmed. This calls for a sig change.
  13. Yeah. We already know WW Link is in, but so far it's only as a trophy.
  14. For the love of God, please let Wind Waker Ganon be playable.
  15. http://i28.tinypic.com/2hwp7yq.jpg Look at it! LOOK AT IT!
  16. Got forked by estêvão.
  17. I'll jump in on this, although I completely expect to get rocked. AIM-rgs10168
  18. I get the Jam from my first name. When I was much younger, I wanted people to call me that because I thought it was so cool. A few years ago my brother started calling me Jam again, and he threw Stunna on one day. I've used that ever since. My old tag used to be Rags, and that comes from my last name.
  19. Yeah, Fire Emblem 6 was pretty hard. I like the ridiculous difficulty of Fire Emblem games though.
  20. I played Path of Radiance, but never finished it because I let someone borrow it (dumb move on my part). I want to play this game at some point, but not until I finish PoR. I haven't heard too many good things about it though, and honestly I was less than impressed by the series' switch from GBA to Gamecube. So all things considered, I'm not in that much of a rush to play it.
  21. Hartford, 10cl.
  22. Connecticut, baby. EDIT- DrumUltima and DragonAvener should come over my house.
  23. I've never been a fan of Soul Caliber, and this does not make me more likely to care about SC IV. I'm all for fan service, but this just plain doesn't fit.
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