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Jam Stunna

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Everything posted by Jam Stunna

  1. You guys play together well, so that's a plus. I would suggest using the shine more often to break apart the ICs, and then having your way with Nana. Overall, pretty good team effort. That C. Falcon seemed to do more harm to his own team than good. Wow, nice Zelda. I'd really like to ditto you at some point.
  2. Not quite. My computer won't even detect my Ipod. It just says "USB device not recognized". I can't even tell if its charging or not.
  3. The thing I like the best about this is that it shows a willingness on their part to be creative and make a game that totally defies expectations and norms. Pretty much anything goes now, and no one knows what to expect anymore, so it's going to be super-exciting when we get the whole package, and a fun ride until then. Oh yeah, BEST. CHARACTER. EVER.
  4. Lately, when I've tried to connect my Ipod shuffle (2nd generation) to my computer, I get an error message "USB Device not recognized". I thought it might be my computer, so I brought it to a PC and connected it, and received the same error message. The Ipod has worked on both computers before, and this started about a week ago, which leads me to believe that it may be the actual Ipod itself. Everywhere I've looked, the troubleshooting guides all start with the assumption that Windows at least recognizes the Ipod as a USB device, so they've been no help. Any suggestions?
  5. It's so true. I get too aggressive and I end up losing to people that I shouldn't. Do you have any specific tips regarding mindgames and controlling the tempo of the match, because I feel that's one area that I need alot of help. And yeah, my wife is well on her way to being much better than me soon!
  6. Thanks. Yeah, my Roy has been languishing for years. I lose more matches than I win with him. Quick question: I've been searching for these vids on youtube through the search engine, but I can't find them. Anyone know why they wouldn't show up?
  7. Wow, this must really suck for Dhsu to lay the smack down with such extreme prejudice.
  8. My wife had the brilliant idea to finally record some of our matches with our digital camera. This is my first time editing videos to present to an audience, so keep that in mind! <- Great match <- Great matchAny criticisms or comments would be greatly appreciated.
  9. Want mine?
  10. Aside from the awesomeness of this item, it pretty much confirms that Ness will be back. Maybe with friends?
  11. This is awesome.
  12. I don't know if it would be a good thing or a bad thing if I were posting here in fifteen years still.
  13. Hey, does anyone know exactly the rules for crew battles? I know teams share stock, but are you required to announce your crew's order/characters before the battle begins, or just before each match?
  14. Getting 4 stocked means that your opponent had four lives left at the end of the fight. Most tournament matches are four stock, so you got beat without taking a life from your opponent.
  15. Don't feel bad. Korean DJ 4-stocked me several times with several different characters.
  16. By your command:
  17. Congratulations. My son is going to be a month old tomorrow. It's hard work, and you're going to feel like ignoring those cries sometimes, but it truly is beautiful and wonderful. Just make sure that when he sleeps, you sleep!
  18. Or this one: C. Falcon FTW
  19. I already main Zelda. Her badassnes just confirms it for the next time as well.
  20. That does it. I am maining Zelda in the next game, no matter how much she may or may not suck.
  21. He's also the only character to be the main character of two different FE (1st and 3rd).
  22. Isn't Marth hugely popular in Japan? I doubt he'll be removed.
  23. More than Fire Emblem characters, I think people want more female characters in general.
  24. It's more likely that Ike is Roy's replacement, since Aether pretty much is a jazzed-up Flare Blade. *Points to sig* There's still hope...
  25. Argh, my wife is trying to teach me how to powershield and I just can't get it. She taught my teams partner in about five seconds yesterday, and now he reflects everything. Maybe I'm just retarded or something.
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