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Jam Stunna

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Everything posted by Jam Stunna

  1. I record matches with a cheap digital camera. Pretty low quality, but it gets the job done.
  2. Which one are you? EDIT- In any case, that Roy needs alot of work. He pretty much did everything wrong except edgeguard well. Too many counters, too many DEDs, and he didn't follow up the dtilt with nair or uair a single time. Roy can juggle, and this Roy didn't do any. The Mario was slow and predictable, and didn't press his aerial advantage at all. Nair to dsmash is a pretty basic and reliable Mario combo, and more fireballs would at least keep that Roy honest with his fsmash.
  3. This makes me quite happy. Brinstar Depths has awesome music, but it's such a crappy/glitchy stage that I never play on it. Now, I can just choose the music I like and listen to it.
  4. Happy Birthday! We should definitely hang out sometime.
  5. So I went to a tourney on Saturday. My partner and I got raped in teams, so that was a bit of a disappointment. Singles went much better though. I tied for 17th, which isn't great, but I lost to worthy competition. My first loss came to a guy named Sensei, who's ranked fourth in New Jersey. My elimination loss came to a girl named milktea, who just happens to be PC Chris' girlfriend. They were close matches, so no shame. I had fun, and I finally proved that I can go to a tourney and not choke. And now I'm ranked ninth in my state's power rankings! http://smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=79080 Full results/brackets for anyone who's interested: http://tia.nealpro.com/ttournament.aspx?id=228
  6. My computer is named Janet, and my hard drive is named Julie. My iPod was Sarah before she died.
  7. I'm not trying to be a jerk, but the world definitely needs LESS blogs. People tend to think that their random thoughts matter more in written form.
  8. Hm. More than adding to the characters who can glide now, I see this taking away from Peach. Her float-canceling in Melee made her pretty unique, but that doesn't seem to be the case anymore. EDIT- This is all moot if you have to fall as you glide, though.
  9. Ha, nice scouter Fox has on.
  10. New MGS4 trailer: http://www.gamesarefun.com/news.php?newsid=8282 Holy crap, this game looks amazing.
  11. What are you talking about? EVERYTHING should be a musical.
  12. [obligatory Star Fox 64 quote here] Yeah, I hate Petey, and will enjoy kicking his ass.
  13. Cool song. And I know my wife will love to see Yoshi with wings, although I was hoping for a Yoshi stampede Final Smash.
  14. Yes, that would be great. I may hold on to them until I get some good videos though, I don't like to waste good music .
  15. Sorry, see above post.
  16. You're killing your own joke. EDIT- I'm an idiot.
  17. Thanks. Yeah, there were a few times when I got sloppy fingers and messed up, especially in the IC/Link match that I lost (the second one). Like you said, everyone messes up sometimes, but I need to minimize those occurrences.
  18. Okay, finally got those vids up! I was playing my crew mate, Beware, who's leaving for college tomorrow. We played 19 matches, 5 of which were ROFLly bad, so I chose the best 6 out of the remaining 14. As always, comments/criticism are greatly appreciated.
  19. Allright, I played some matches with my crew mate earlier, so I;ll have some new videos to post later tonight. EDIT- Alternatively, set the stock to 50 on super sudden death, and turn on nothing but exploding items. Hilarity and cheapness ensues.
  20. Brilliant.
  21. Yeah, I find it a little bit doubtful that one of the originals will be taken out.
  22. There's a trophy for that?
  23. lol bloomers
  24. This alone justifies the purchase of a Wii and this game.
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