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Jam Stunna

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Everything posted by Jam Stunna

  1. Some moves are called meteor smashes (Samus' down A, GDorf's Down A, etc.). They are known as such because they can be canceled and recovered from. Spikes, on the other hand, cannot be canceled. Examples of this are Marth's down A and Falco's down A.
  2. Nice. Now every character has a meteor smash.
  3. My wife is so psyched about this. Yoshi is her main, and I know she's happy that is recovery is a little less crappy.
  4. Yeah, Tales of Innocence looks cool. But why the hell do all Japanese voice actors sound the same?
  5. This man speaks the truth.
  6. Yeah, I liked Rainbow Cruise and Poke Floats, but also hated Infinite Glacier. I hope this stage is more like Rainbow Cruise.
  7. Damn it, I missed it. Oh well, there's always next time, hopefully.
  8. Exactly! Seriously, when we first started dating, she asked me if I had the game, and I silently thanked God, and made it my goal to make her tournament-caliber. The scary thing is that she came in ninth at a small tourney we held at my school, which was her first one. I'd never placed that high until that same tourney!
  9. Yes, I'm already planning to live vicariously through his success.
  10. I don't get it. My wife is the only person I've met who actually gets better by not playing. She just beat me with Dr. Mario, despite the fact that I haven't seen her use him in months. I fear for my ego in the future.
  11. Ha, Drack is the guy on the neighborhood watch posters.
  12. Hell yes. That game had the best RPG battle system I've ever played.
  13. Isn't the basic concept of every Smash Bros. game the idea of trophies/dolls fighting each other? This just seems like an extension of that common theme, although I have no idea what that blob is.
  14. Even my brother used to edgehog, and he's never been anywhere near a tourney. Ir's just sound strategy if you're trying to win, items or not.
  15. http://www.gamesarefun.com/news.php?newsid=8095 Another Disgaea game... Seriously, I loved the first one, but enough is enough. Nippon Ichi is going to ride this thing until the wheels fall off, apparently.
  16. I need a sig for my wife. She wants this picture, and wants the word "Jabubelly" written across the middle. Thanks.
  17. I think the hype comes from the videogame industry, as a whole, becoming increasingly more hit-driven. Take Two is the perfect example of that. They seem to lose money every year, except for the ones where a GTA game is released. Developers are having a hard time pushing these next-gen systems to the limit, and still turning a profit, so they need that one huge game that everyone's been talking about.
  18. I guess people are becoming disillusioned with the industry. Alot of people on these boards have been playing videogames for around twenty years, so there's really not that much they haven't seen already.
  19. What? How can you limit discussion about videogames (or anything for that matter) to only what you can see here and now? Half of any interesting conversation is discussing what is possible, and determining if it's likely or not. You'd run out of things to talk about pretty fast if you didn't have a healthy amount of speculation thrown in.
  20. Aren't those the only things to talk about?
  21. I just noticed something in today's Best Buy circular. They listed the 60 gig version of the PS3 as $499, without mentioning the 80 gig at $599. If they continue advertising like that, when the 60 gig version runs out, it's going to seem like a price increase to the average consumer. Not a good thing for Sony.
  22. You know, I kept my mouth shut about the PS3's price, thinking that maybe they had some master pricing plan that actually made sense in the long run. Apparently, that is not the case.
  23. Can I join the fad? Also, I hope they reveal a few more female characters for Brawl. --Boo Bradley
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