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Everything posted by Lemonectric

  1. Speaking of your shit, Rocket, we can actually set biomes and thaw your desert now.
  2. Great job with this! I love the sound of the flute you used.
  3. Don't mind me...just expanding my desert...
  4. Glad to help! 3x Osc is a good plugin that comes along with FL Studio. I've also used these quite a lot:




    http://soundfonts.darkesword.com/ (Setzer's SPC Soundfont)

  5. Finally finished the area under my sphere. It's very very mushroomy. If you go check it out, make sure you're on creative mode or using a mod like OptiFine to get rid of the voidfog. You'll be practically blind down there otherwise.
  6. Gentlemasters are my favorite. (also loving my new shoulder implants)
  7. Did you ever get my wav? I sent it to you a while ago.
  8. I clicked on the thread unconsciously. I didn't realize where I'd gone until I read some posts. Feels like a high school reunion. How are you guys these days?
  9. Check your Essence of Lime of the Season inbox! I finally got around to sending you a full midi. :

  10. Sometimes I have to take an hour just to see what everyone's done in the past week. There's way too much to see on our server.
  11. I should have a little update later today. Whew. I need to get back in the habit of using the weekends for music. What, did I not reply to you? Lost? What are you talking about? Rozo lost the game
  12. Actually, speaking of compass directions... The server map is oriented based on the outdated sun path. The sun used to rise in what the game called north, but we rotated the map to be more accurate to real life (that caused some confusion for people with minimaps). Now that the sun has been fixed to actually rise in the east, the bottom-right edge of the map is north. I guess rotating the map again would mess up the claim markers, wouldn't it?
  13. I placed a few cobblestone blocks and then ran around putting villagers in minecarts.
  14. We've had a recent opening for (listed in spring). It's a short one, so keep in mind you can draw from the list of shared Oracle songs below the tracklist.And now I await the flood of private messages begging for a chance at this song.
  15. I don't know, but I hope he had a bad one.
  16. I turned on my 3DS and entered the community code immediately.
  17. Oh man. Time to open my old MIDI folder.
  18. I don't remember hinting at any one specific area, but I had a quick look around, and nothing seems broken. Did you fix it? And by 3, I meant you could get your total up to 3. Looks like you're there already, then.
  19. You shouldn't have any trouble getting at least 3 now, Aba. The newest ones are pretty obvious. Just remember, none of the secrets require griefing...halcyon.
  20. Making new secret rooms, fixing up some old secret rooms. The one Abadoss found is less awkward to activate now, and it resets itself when you leave the room. I can handle learning these redstone tricks in small chunks. I forgot what you wanted to call the inn, Aba, so you can pop some signs on there when you get the chance. Everything else about it is finished.
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