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Everything posted by Imagist
Well, it's about the same in terms of difficult, but it has been revamped so that almost none of the same basic strategies continue to work. If you treat it as the same old FFIV and don't take advantage of the new abilities, as others are saying, you will get raped. By a many-tentacled octopus boss.
WCT - The Writing Competition Thread [Short Story Results]
Imagist replied to Imagist's topic in Competitions
Spaces? We don't need no stinking spaces! (My apologies.) -
WCT - The Writing Competition Thread [Short Story Results]
Imagist replied to Imagist's topic in Competitions
Seriously? You're averaging five characters a word? Well, you can either find alternate hosting (such as fictionpress.com) and link us to your piece or split it across two posts. The first is preferable because I have limited space at the beginning of the thread to compile all the entries and if yours takes up a whole post and more I could be in trouble. But I'd also take one last look and make sure your piece doesn't read like a master's thesis, because five characters a word sounds troublesome to me. -
The only other movie I've seen her in that I can stand is Stranger Than Fiction and I think she's actually good (not just "not bad") in that so... hm.
WCT - The Writing Competition Thread [Short Story Results]
Imagist replied to Imagist's topic in Competitions
Welcome! Thanks for the submission. There is no need for anything we write in this competition to be game related (and, actually, more often than not fan-fiction and fan-poetry are disallowed, this particular competition being the exception). I do hope, however, you understand that the limit for this competition is 3000 words, not characters... a 3000 character limit would be a tad ridiculous. If you're not aware and feel like extending your piece, feel free to edit your post any time before the submission deadline. -
Um... what? Off the top of my head, I could also name Bane, Mr. Freeze, and Poison Ivy as semi-majors. But then there's: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Batman_villains#Rogues.27_gallery Katie Holmes is a horrible, horrible actor, and she didn't deserve a second chance at the role. Although Maggie Gyllenhall almost looked as messed up as the Joker with her make-up on during the formal party scenes in the previews.
Wrong. It's: "These are not the hammer............ .... .. The hammer is my penis."
o hey thar
I liked the part of that one song they played in the iPod adds, but when I went to listen to the whole thing, it was pretty boring. So, it turned out, was the rest of the album. They're probably a group I wouldn't mind hearing at someone else's place or party, or going to see with friends at a relatively cheap show, but I wouldn't listen to them myself.
oh boy is this thread dumb
Wrong forum and there's already a thread. http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=17256
WCT - The Writing Competition Thread [Short Story Results]
Imagist replied to Imagist's topic in Competitions
My thoughts (not any sort of official ruling, as the contest maintains no rule about profanity beyond the rules of the forum): I side with Orson Scott Card on the matter. He's Mormon, so you'd think he'd act against profanity like a five year-old boy treats girl-cooties, but instead he owns up to reality. For one thing, he's not the one speaking or thinking in his writing; his characters are, so he can hardly be held responsible. For another, he's a writer and is therefore duty-bound to be true to life, to these people he's writing through and about, so it would be much worse to pretend the world is something it's not. So basically, I support profanity in the context that it fits the nature of your subject, and is used with artistic purpose and tact. On the other hand, just because you want to write about a disgruntled wino with Tourrette's doesn't mean anyone wants to read about it, so you always have to consider your audience, just as Orson Scott Card writes his religious/historical fiction differently than the Ender's Game series. -
Um... you are completely ignoring the fact that if you happen to like a rental enough that you buy it, you are spending extra money on that game. This is why I don't rent games, because if I'm interested enough in a game that I'm willing to rent it I don't want to be charged out the ass for a week's trial. Of course, I'm not a huge gamer now that I'm a college student with more financial responsibility for keeping myself alive, so to me it's not life or death if I decide I'm not willing to give a game a shot with a full purchase. I'd rather not spend the, what, $7? and miss out on a decent game than wind up paying that fee on top of the cost to purchase a good game. Besides, I usually buy my console games with a double 10% discount at Target, then work the deals to get maximum trade-in credit at a game store and buy a portable game with it, so I wind up with such low overhead in buying games that it doesn't make sense to spend money and rush through a game from a rental place.
that makes no gorram sense you are bass ackwards
who else hates opening weekend crowds seriously there is nothing to be gained seeing it with slobbering tards this week instead of a more civil audience next week
Wily didn't exactly create the Maverick Virus. It only came about when a separate, more specific virus in Zero's programming infected Sigma. Zero, being based on X's design, was of course created with free will, but Wily had to have some form of control over him if he hoped to use Zero as a weapon against Light's forces. This is the "Zero Virus," which basically pulls out all the stops and sets Zero to attack Wily's enemies. The Maverick Virus, which is significantly weaker and makes reploids generally beserk, is the result of that Zero Virus infecting a reploid other than Zero (i.e., Sigma when he fought Zero during the flashback in X4). So, all in all, Wily can hardly be held responsible for "designing" the Maverick Virus, unless he had the foresight to plan what might happen when his programming for Zero left its carrier. Oh God I have to get out of this thread before the Mega Man nerd in me breaks totally free...
WCT - The Writing Competition Thread [Short Story Results]
Imagist replied to Imagist's topic in Competitions
From the official rules: Of course, as GA mentioned, there's no way of knowing whether you are following this rule unless you explicitly tell us you aren't, and the line becomes even fuzzier when you consider things like conceiving of a piece beforehand and only putting it to paper once the competition begins. Basically, use your discretion. Since the prize for the competition is an image file with your name on it I wouldn't get too worked up about it if you decide to finish something old, but as the rule suggests, you'll only be cheating yourself of the chance to create something fresh. Just... don't tell me, or I'd look kind of silly not punishing you for breaking a rule. -
So, basically the touch- and dual-screen functionality amounts to... nothing much, as we suspected all along. The new translation sounds like it might be interesting, but even more surprising is this: Makes me wonder just how much of the game has changed. I mean, we didn't get this option on any of the FF Advance ports. Maybe this "new dungeon" makes more of an impact on the progression of the game than we suspected? Or maybe SE just wound up with extra cart space out the ass and couldn't think of anything better to do with it.
Did you... did you actually read the parts that he quoted, either from your post or the article he linked to? He's saying that FFXIII (NOT VS.) will arrive on 360 at the same time as PS3. It will not be "some time behind," as you suggested.
WCT - The Writing Competition Thread [Short Story Results]
Imagist replied to Imagist's topic in Competitions
Oh come now, I've never forgotten to update... Anyway, I hope everyone is still hard at work, or at least thinking about being hard at work, you know, sometime soon... There's just about two weeks left to submit, so don't forget the deadline's a few days earlier this time around! I've been working on a couple different things and I'm really not sure where either is going or which one I'll go with yet, so hopefully I get that sorted out in time to really refine my choice, considering I haven't done so well on the whole "feeling satisfied to post my submission" front during the past few contests. If not, HO well! -
The conference wasn't necessarily a total failure. I think we'll have to wait to see what "Wii Speak" and the new Animal Crossing look like before we can pass absolute judgment.
This. And/or allow you to design custom set lists from which to play random songs (i.e., "Party Mode," "Solo Drums," "Solo Vocals," etc.). All in all though, I'm thinking that if RB2 continues to fail on the Wii like its predecessor while GH:WT does DLC for Wii and does it right, I would wind up buying GH:WT.
So I'm confused. Is it only songs you've paid to download for RB1 that will be accessible, or will you be able to play all the default RB1 songs as well? Maybe those 20 free songs are just cuts from the original... EDIT: I figured out why I'm still disappointed with both of the new drum sets. Neither includes a properly placed hi-hat and pedal.
The problem with this one is that "FF2" has since been released in the US as Final Fantasy IV (multiple times), while "SMB2" remains SMB2 for us (that other game, the one that is ridiculously annoying because it's not even difficult in terms of skill required to overcome the challenges it presents but rather in time and patience required to memorize the pattern of the levels so as to avoid cheap obstacles, became The Lost Levels 'round here, while the actual FF2 was redeemed as Final Fantasy II).
What a pitiful warranty. I'd come to think at least 90 days was the typical standard for parts, and not to extend the period at least a couple weeks for replacement parts is pretty awful.