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Everything posted by Imagist

  1. http://fantasticcontraption.com/ Why aren't you all playing this right now?
  2. ya I no scratch that actually you are dumb you obviously don't understand quality lyrics you just like people sssssshredding on their geetars n bangin on their drums (but really I was just refuting his argument that "pop songs are all trite crap about love" because that's blatantly untrue; of course the music has to have an enjoyable sound as well, I mean even if Will Sheff wrote Okkervil River songs like T. S. freakin' Eliot I wouldn't care unless he had the same group of awesome musicians rockin' out by his side)
  3. Hey, I went to sleep after my post in that one thread about the music dealie thingamajig. No more votes. Voting is done. I'll have your results up shortly.
  4. Intelligent, rational discussion is one thing. Speaking like a psychiatrist is another. (I am mainly referring to the last couple of sample "questions.") Also, be careful what you say. There is a difference between popular music and "pop music." A great deal of the "indie" bands I like, such as Voxtrot, write what are essentially pop songs, but they are far from formulaic. Pop boils down to a focus on harmony and melodic hooks, not any particular subject matter, and a lot of it can be very engaging, lyrically.
  5. Oh, come now, people. There's about an hour left to vote and I've only got seven of them (including mine, this time). This is at least moderately disappointing. But, since I doubt giving extra days would really bring in more votes (), there's not much to do I guess. I'm going to bed now, but if some of you need just a little more extra time to vote, you might take comfort in the fact that I probably won't look too carefully at the timestamps if I have more new PMs before I sign on again tomorrow morning...
  6. If you talk like that in casual conversation your friends have a right to call you a dork, OCR or no.
  7. your taste in music is terrible I am talking to all of you
  8. I think he thinks the title is difficult to remember how cute
  9. 10 character jokes are getting old
  10. what the heck this is a terrible game why am I playing it (it has my soooouuuuulllllll, I am in a contract with the devil)
  11. Just about a week left and I've got two votes (excluding my own), folks. I'm assuming everyone's just taking their time to come to a careful decision? Well, either way, I'll be PMing everyone ever involved in a couple days as a reminder, because with so many entries I'd feel really sorry if we didn't get an appropriate amount of input to help us sort out the best of the best!
  12. My impression that this was a favorites thread about OCR forum threads. And that would have been hilarious. Guys, let's do that thread! My favorite is the Writing Competition Thread.
  13. I am pretty sure those comments are from people who are "in" on the whole thing, trying to perpetuate it even more.
  14. haha it wasn't that bad last night but yeah that seems to be the case right now
  15. I highly recommend hitting the help button in the top-right and taking a look at the hints during evidence presentation. The hints help clarify the questions (although they don't answer them for you, not at all), so much so that it's almost as if they should have been designed as part of the original question.
  16. hey guys this game is a lot of fun even if all I know how to do so far is "charge up medic then get invincible"
  17. Yeah I forgot to warn you that that aspect of it gets a little crazy. I actually failed for the first time on Episode IV (my first time missing esteem). Thankfully Episode V is ridiculously easy, although Episode V in general is a little weird (I don't want to spoil it for anyone).
  18. It's only Phoenix Wright-esque in the gameplay (point-and-click style, questioning/talking to witnesses/suspects, plus some actions like picking locks that require dragging the mouse in certain shapes/patterns), not in the atmosphere or mood. I don't know what you consider "early" for the Runners, but the exact year is 1754, after John Fielding took over for his brother. It's incredibly entertaining, regardless.
  19. I don't know how many of you have seen this already but it's easily the best free flash game I've ever seen. It's got amazing artistic direction, live acting (not just voice), and pretty entertaining Phoenix Wright-esque gameplay (although a whole lot more focused on the evidence collection aspect). Bow Street Runner (link) Oh, and did I mention it's set in Georgian London? Historical accuracy to boot. Boss.
  20. Does this include the PS2? Because I would totally buy the PS2.
  21. I can't even tell what this is supposed to be. All I see is a Bomb-themed Winamp-esque visualization played to remixed music, with some credits thrown on the end.
  22. Yep. The instructions are in the first post, and remember to PM them to me--we tend to discourage public commentary on the entries until after the voting period to make sure each voter makes up his or her own mind.
  23. I'm not the one who suggested this preposterous idea yes yessss my blocky robot man is bigger than your block robot man!!! actually I think I am going to sig this it's pretty funny
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