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Everything posted by Nase

  1. why do you guys care about those tier lists that much? face it, no one of you is anywhere near a competitive level. rampage is still god tier until about 1700 mmr as far as i'm concerned :>
  2. nice price if they still work alright. i've had my r5s for, what, 6 years now. one speaker has a slight hiss going on by now, but it's not proportional to the volume and barely audible. not inclined to buy speakers for another couple of years, but if i could get a pair of r8s for that money i'd definitely think about it. but only if my desk were that much larger. mind you, they're huge ass speakers
  3. bit different deal with the channeled spell tho.. anyway, myrm's definitely a good hero, just saying that his stun combo by itself isn't all that dangerous if you know your timing. different story if he's teamed up with a reliable stunner... pk hammer + myrmidon for example is just brutal.
  4. witch slayer? 2 completely reliable stuns (saying that miniaturize isn't a stun would be pure semantics). what makes myrm so good is his early spam potential, especially in a trilane. the escape spell doesn't hurt either. his CC in full on teamfights isn't that great (unless you have a hero setup that makes it super easy for him to constantly hit his weed field). on the other hand, being underleveled isn't a huge deal on him because his spells are extremely strong early game. hence his popularity in trilanes. playing myrmidon way into late game is a horrible experience though most of the time.
  5. terrible terrible music. can't even remember a single song. i'm all for catchy trash music but this was just trash. naturally, i was rooting for Moldova god Lena is boring.
  6. http://www.genuinesoundware.com/?a=downloads download the legacy donationware plugin zip at the very bottom of the list. check out MrRay73. have fun!
  7. not much not much man

  8. ahh, haven't listened to this one in ages. feels so nice. by now, it's actually a double dish of nostalgia, taking me back to both '93 (my cousin's SMS) and '03ish (omg vg remikses wtf awezom!). it's a classic.
  9. just updated (hate updating). glad to hear i can still use the blocks. i'd feel helpless not having them around. is the drumpad thing awesome or what? lots of tweaking fun.
  10. protip: ignore/avoid youtube 'discussions'
  11. yeah, so i really underestimated the difficulty of making tunes with them music boxes. even with the new redstone repeaters, the amount of space you need to begin with is mindboggling. does anyone have a decent grasp of layouting more complex circuits? the challenge really is to get a more or less organised system going without using more space than really needed. at any rate, if anyone feels like making music or atleast some retarded noise machines, leave me a note. i imagine it's more fun if you have someone to chat with about it.
  12. one hour on the server without minecraft blackscreening, yay! might possibly build stuff now.
  13. many parameters, very few knobs...can't imagine having fun programming this thing. if you want hardware you should really ask yourself why. once the initial enthusiasm about your shiny new object wears off, you might start asking yourself why you really need it. imo, valid reasons for getting hardware synths are: -live use -sound unmatched by software -haptic quality, i.e. getting inspiration from a physical instrument right in front of you. my opinion on the microkorg: it's good for live use, offers a lot of synthesis options in a neat little box. the sound is decent but nothing special. a bunch of freeware synths live up to it. programming the synth isn't fun. too many parameters, very limited amount of knobs. i'm not talking about twiddling the filter cutoff on a preset, i'm talking about making a patch from scratch. not fun. just give it a try if you feel you have to. i really wanted it too and sold it a couple months later.
  14. that's redundant, because your penis also meows quite adequately. cuz its actually more of a PUSSY haha get it? my penis on the other hand barks like a penis should and would be a worthy addition.
  15. http://www.rs-met.com/ 2 EQs in the freebie section. there are loads of decent free EQs in the KVR database too. i'm posting because i just tried the EngineersFilter from that site and it's pretty crazy/versatile. the other one looks more suited for standard EQ tasks. EDIT: ok, only just read that you need more bands. technically the EngineersFilter isn't an EQ but a filter (duh), but the functions are so weird that it also works as kind of an experimental EQ.
  16. i'm sceptical. FL comes with what you could call a starter pack, right? well, guess what defines the 'FL noobsound'. you can make unique sounding music with it no problem, but it's a rare thing to happen, esp. when made by newbies. with people putting in that bit of extra effort to collect their own set of samples, synths and presets, there's simply a higher chance for more sonic variety. that said, i'm sure i would've enjoyed some kind of 'essential pack' as a newb. i think what i'm having trouble with is making it an official oc remix thing, implicitly suggesting 'download and you're good to go'. something like a collective sound library would be a nice project tho.
  17. yeah, so can anyone vouch for me? i'm awesome right? right?
  18. heh...i think there are better sf2 players out there than this prefab synthedit thing. you found it on kvr, so use that nice customisable vst search function on there. guarantee you'll find something less hideous to look at, possibly with interesting additional features.
  19. yeah, what's up with this ibbiaz vs. protodome phenomenon anyway
  20. the tone itself is awesome and very fitting, the hissing/distortion is an annoyance though. could come across a bit more stereo on headphones. yup, could be louder too. lame ending. another minute and some sort of climax in it wouldn't hurt! all aside, great listen.
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