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Everything posted by Fenrir

  1. Fuck yeah Shieking!
  2. Confound it!
  3. Getting me exposed to, and involved in, a community encompassing nearly the entire spectrum of (pardon me for using a trite and loaded term) diverse opinion. Also given me several days worth (if not a week) of constant music.
  4. So is it worth failing out of college to get involved with this? My last foray into MMORPG territory was Ragnarok Online; is this substantially better?
  5. four on the floor get your glowsticks out its a rave
  6. I would sig this, but that's apparently not allowed anymore
  7. It's a matter of games for me. Most of the games I like to play just don't come out on PC. Maybe I'm just a weeaboo faggot or something, but most of the stuff I see on the PC shelf looks like uninspired shite (before you try dissecting that, notice the MOST part. I'm well aware the Crysis and the Orange Box look gorgeous). Speaking of which, why isn't Mass Effect on the PC yet? The last game that I spent a ton of time on was Total Annihilation. If I ever get a new computer, I might spring for Supreme Commander, but that's about it. I just don't really care.
  8. I got a Wii (still en route), Twilight Princess, Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops, Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth, A Terry Prachett novel, a stocking full of candy, and a nice jacket. I asked for, but was totally not expecting, the Wii. Awesome. Now I get to fail out of college.
  9. Have a winter wallpaper! I wish Peace in all you say and do. Merry Christmas!
  10. It's barely midnight here, no swag yet.
  11. This is all awesome stuff guys. Merry Christmas!
  12. お誕生日おめでとうございます
  13. No you are not, good sir. Every time I hear someone say something Borat, it makes me want to throttle them with a rusty nail to the carotid.
  14. Not really.
  15. I just don't recall the last Duke Nukem game being anything more than an exercise in mediocrity. Hence my wondering why people care about a series whose only remarkable feature being how long it delayed its next installment. I'd honestly thought the gag had run itself into the ground, but I was evidently mistaken. Who are you again?
  16. Jesus, people still actually give a shit about this?
  17. Er, not exactly what we were looking for. Also, I love my DS so piss off.
  18. Bump Also, updated OCR songlist.
  19. How I vote for Oddllama?
  20. A KO via making the opponent pass out through blood loss to brain. Usually via a chokehold of some sort. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
  21. Someone choked out a BJJ blackbelt? Good.
  22. I have to agree with Hagane on the grappling with multiple opponents aspect; the last thing you want to do is end up on the ground. BJJ may have ways to adapt and cope with many assailants, but let's be honest here. The main strength of BJJ is the grappling. If you have to deal with more than one attacker, rather than sticking to the striking elements of a grappling art, you'd be better served switching to a style better equipped to handle feet-on-the-ground fighting. Of course, I think it's important to distinguish learning a martial art to learn a martial art (and any philosophical/spiritual/noncombatative elements that go with that), and learning practical, street self defense. For example, maybe I want to learn Wushu or Aikido. If someone tries to mug me on the street, I'm sure as hell not going to try and use Aikido unless I've had thirty-odd years of constant practice and experience with it. I'm probably not going to use Wushu either, since the risk of pulling off all the acrobatics without proper stretching could be problematic (unless I happen to be in kickass shape). That said, lets endeavor to distinguish when someone's talking about aesthetics and principles of a particular art, practical self-defense, or just making a joke.
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