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Everything posted by Escariot

  1. Well, I was originally going to do the website for the project, but that was way back around the time I started phasing out of OCR... Then Epo took over the website from there.
  2. Blargh! Denied... I already have a good handle on what I'm doing, and it doesn't include Big Band in any form.
  3. After listening to the OST, I figured out the thing. Ending Demo is the music that plays after Mario defeats Ultimate Koopa. And flies back to the Castle to see Peach. She's talking about you restoring the power to the Castle and whatnot. Then she kisses you on the nose, which justifies a spinning peace sign, and when she says "Let's go make a cake" or something, that's when the "Staff Roll" theme starts. It's called "Ending Demo" because it's the N64 version of a cutscene.
  4. YAY! I have a headset with a REALLY good mic (considering it's a headset)
  5. The OST labels it as "Staff Roll", and "Ending" is what's it's called on vgmusic
  6. Joyous. I was a little late for the first one, and I don't really have proper recording equipment, but I'll give it a shot. I'll message you if things should happen to change
  7. I have it saved.. I'll look at it when I get home... Give me until late tomorrow until you assume I didn't like it decided not to do anything with it
  8. I just wish I had the extended vocabulary to really say what I wanted to
  9. The factory theme is 13/4, not 13/8... >.>
  10. http://www.thejasoneffect.net/maple-story-ost/ Easier if you give some source
  11. Not bad music at all... Never played this game... I'll see what my limited skills will allow me to do
  12. Bump. Any news on this?
  13. Draw a vertical line down from the right-most part of the "I" in mines, and a horizontal line to the left of "Iron" Where those two lines cross is where I live
  14. Analysis: » 0:00 - 0:18 - Nice ambient intro. Appreciate the effects coming in at 0:10 » 0:18 - 0:27 - The first time through the melody gets a tiny bit lost. » 0:28 - 0:34 - Adding the harmony helps it stick out a bit. » 0:34 - 0:37 - Nice drum lead-in. The sound of the drums work well for the feel you have going on right now » 0:37 - 0:46 - The strings add a really nice touch to it. Building in the layers. But it almost sounds a little bit quiet. I dunno. EDIT 1: (Jan 9th, 2007; 2:28PM) » 0:37 - 0:46 - In addition to the strings you have a synth playing octaves in a 3, 3, 3, 3, 4 pattern. Nice addition, builds the layers, no longer requires the strings to pop out. » 0:46 - 0:55 - New synth and a new take on the melody. The run down starting at 0:51 sounds a little bit rough. Not sure what to, though. » 0:55 - 1:14 - This new arpeggio type synth coming in really contributes to the song in a way that makes me happy in my pants. » 1:05 - 1:14 - Same with the dark organ you have going on. Really gives you that SMW Castle feel. Conclusion Pretty damn good for 0:51 seconds. Will be waiting for an update. EDIT 1: (Jan 9th, 2007; 2:28PM) In less than a day, the awesomeness of this mix has increased tenfold. Keep giving me updates and I'll gladly keep giving feedback.
  15. No internet? How are you posting? Can you post a link where I can get it?
  16. At the moment, I'm in between hosting companies, and in the process of getting ready for College for Spring... So things are VERY hectic... Please bear with me, and I will post important updates on the WIP Board
  17. Hosting information posted on the WIP Board...
  18. Makes me wish I had attended... but I had work, and a lot of College Entrance stuff going on at the moment... Maybe next year
  19. Send me the file. I can probably figure out the time sig...
  20. At the moment, I don't have time to do a full remix, but I can offer my vocals. I sing anywhere from Bass II (Nothing consistently lower than a D-flat), up to mid Tenor range. I also do a lot of website work and can create a website and host all of the files
  21. I can give you hosting with direct links. And no ads.
  22. Well, try getting better synths... I was thoroughly unimpressed with it throughout... What did you use for this? Sounds like Finale or something... I agree with ocrfan... The ending is just horrible... Doesn't go with anything, applause is unnecessary... And again, get some better synths... Sorry it's a little crude, and nothing really helpful or constructive... The arrangement up until 3:35 is great... So don't abandon it... just fix it up a bit.
  23. First of all, let me say that I thoroughly enjoyed this mix, despite the sample quality. The arrangement was great. As was previously stated, the cymbal was a little overpowering, every time there was a 12-16 measure swell... But oh well. I give it a 9/10. I applaud you.
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