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Everything posted by Escariot

  1. First meetup: I drove 3 hours from my house to Philly to meet Kroze (Who I'd just met on IRC the night before), and bustatunez (Who I'd never known of), then we drove to meet Andy and Jill in the hospital, then we all drove down 4+ hours to DC (in shit traffic) to meet with everyone for the VGL concert. So yeah, it's not unheard of. Yes, we'll have a rig. Not saying it will be the greatest, but I think we're going to end up with about the same equipment that we had last year. As was posted earlier, there is a shuttle service, otherwise, I'm sure there will be someone willing to drive up and pick you up. No. Sales require dealer tables.
  2. I'm definitely going to be there, and those that enjoyed the JamSpace room last year can look forward to an even better JamSpace this year. Last year was our first year, and this year, we've already started to do more planning and such. I'll be starting a JamSpace thread relatively soon (Probably after Otakon... We have the same thing called Club Otaku going on there). I didn't expect to see an M7 thread this early, but I thank Wes for being one step ahead. Anyways... Yeah... RAWK! \m/ EDIT (after reading Bahamut's second post): - We're in the same hotel because despite the fact that we caused a lot of issues, we brought a lot of business in for the hotel during an otherwise dead week. - James, Hotel Manager (I think), who was pretty much willing to do anything for us, no longer works there, but is still willing to work with us. - I know that at least Brendan and I are going to stop by the hotel fairly soon to talk to the hotel staff and let them know about what's going to happen. - Hotel rooms at the Hilton Mark Center in Alexandria are available from December 26th through January 11th so that anybody that wants/needs to get there earlier and/or stay later can. The same rate of $99/night applies. - Yes, there are huge perks to keeping the same hotel like we now have the ability to negotiate some more terms now that they know us. - RE: Date. Because of the dates that the Thurs-Sun weekends fall on, the New Years dates made MUCH more sense as it would happen to be MUCH cheaper. More expensive for MAGFest means more expensive badges, vendor tables, etc. Either that, or less stuff/time. - Also, admit it... You don't have anything better to do on New Years Eve than to spend it with the MAGFest crew as a HUGE New Years bash.
  3. A merry +1 to you, as well.
  4. I don't necessarily want them to continue it as it has been left off now, it's just that I absolutely fell in love with the storyline, the animation style, the concept behind the bending arts, the true martial arts upon which the bending styles are based, the creativity of the entire series, and the attitudes of each of the nations... I dunno... I REALLY like it... I'm happy how it ended, I just want more.
  5. You know, you totally ruin the entire series for yourself if you do that. I have mixed feelings about the series ending. On one hand, it was a bitchin' way to end the series, on the other... I want more Avatar, and not the shitty Live Action movie that's supposedly coming out. From where the story ended, I can't imagine that there is any way to pull even one more book out of it...
  6. Congratulations to you both. I was actually wondering when it was going to happen.
  7. If it is a super-portable foldable vibraphone that you are comfortable bringing to Otakon, then yes
  8. Quick update! This link has all of the compiled information. http://otakon.com/events_clubotaku.asp Be sure to check the room out, we hope to see you there!
  9. Just so all of you know... Those that went to MAGFest, or heard about JamSpace, or saw videos on YouTube... Dom and I are going to be running "Club Otaku", which is the Otakon equivalent of JamSpace. (Renamed because of a Japanese music guest JAM Project) Either way, feel free to spread the word. We're going to have the room from 7:00am until 7:00pm on two days, and I believe we're open all day on the last. Come on out and jam away. Feel free to bring instruments, but at your own risk. A good time will be had by all, whether you want to jam out, or just listen to some live VG tunes. This also confirms my and Dom's attendance
  10. Sweet. As soon as I resize the pictures, I'll upload... sometime... just moved to NoVa working on an internship here... so uh... soon-ish..
  11. I'm 100% sure that Mewtation is getting the underworkings of one up. Forums are set up, and preparations are being made.
  12. Wow... My girlfriend doesn't look happy that you're pointing a camera at her.
  13. Or get ahold of someone that offers free hosting to OCR people.
  14. You should drive down to Philly, Baltimore, or DC/MAGFest or something. T'would be great to meet you.
  15. Dominique and I are safe back home. Taucer is at his camp. I hope everyone had as great a time as we did. Hopefully I'll be seeing most of you back at Otakon.
  16. The Kroze Krew is now back in New Jersey. Tauce, Nicky, and myself will be leaving early tomorrow and won't be able to make it to the IHOP breakfast tomorrow. To Hyde, Xenon, and Katsu, it was great to meet you. To Kulaman and Spork, you're right behind me... We'll have the pictures uploaded as soon as we can get a free minute to upload and link them.. - pCe
  17. Thank ye for the update. We will be meeting you all at Manayunk. Andy, Keep in touch with texts for time planning.
  18. Hey. I'm here at Kroze's place. Been here since 12:45am or so. No rape has happened yet. Kroze, his girlfriend, Dominique, and myself will likely be taking one vehicle down tomorrow and actually parking and meeting you all at Manayunk. I need to know if either Sporknight, Xenon, or Kulaman will have a vehicle available to drive here. I think the original plan was to have Dyne also sleep here, and he would have a car, but since I do not see his name on the list, I can only assume that he won't be crashing here. PLEASE get ahold of Jill, Andy, or myself before 11:00am tomorrow. I will be contacting them in the morning to gather information. (A Private message is fine for me).
  19. Update! I'm back in. Trip is now going from Wed-Fri, then we'll head up to the meetup for Saturday. All is well.
  20. Whoop whoop! Got onto a PC here in Indiana. The current situation is as follows: I'm here in Indiana until Sunday I've received a job offer in the NoVA area and may be starting as early as this coming week. Tuesday - Friday is likely to be spent with family in Maryland, if I'm not working.
  21. awexome... Checking it out... Videos look good. Nice music, too.
  22. I'll probably get one when I get paid... Also... posting so he can't say I didn't post. =D
  23. I think Antisheep did that Frog's Theme Amphibious a while ago.. It was pure sex...
  24. Taucer, if you get up there, I can take you to Woodward.
  25. Congrats to both of you foreigners... This is just proof that even OCR is starting to outsource their work.
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